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-Camilo's pov-

I woke up, in the middle of the night. My body sweating profusely under Sierra's body warmth, not to mention the covers encasing us. Although I was extremely uncomfortable, I still managed a soft grin. I always smiled when I saw mi amor. She meant everything to me.

I lay there for a while, before seizing the new opportunity.

I nudged Sia slightly, her body then gladly rolling off for me.


I climbed out from under the covers, leaving the pitch black room. I found myself at the door of Tio Bruno's tower. I hesitated to reach for the doorknob, maybe it should wait.

Do I want to know this?

Majority of people who asked for Tio's prophecies left dissapointed. Always complaining about how they wished they just let the future do its thing.

I stood there for what felt like hours, wondering how the night would play out.

Eventually I made up my mind. I pulled my hand away, which had been hovering over the knob. Then I walked away.

(Next day)

"Morning, mariposa, sleep well?" I greeted the sleepy Sierra. Her tangled hair was sticking out everywhere, I could barely spot her eyes under it.

"Good *yawn*... morning..." It looked like she had to put effort into pulling her hand up to sadly rub her eyes.

I softly grinned at my morning love.

"Tired huh? Well, you've got to get up. After all, we're going to be busy with Luisa's party today?" I ended my sentence adding a little excitement to my statement. Hoping she would give in.

-Sierra's pov-

Milo's morning voice was charming. It was noticeably deeper, rich, fulfilling. The sound pleasantly rung through my ears. If he woke me up everyday for the rest of my life, I certainly wouldn't complain.

I unconsciously grew a wide smile as I thought about him. The guy who was also standing barely a metre away from me.

"I wish I could just tell what you were thinking about, you zone out a lot." He took a seat on the edge of the bed, right next to me.

"Oh you don't want to know, it's a dark place."

"Really? Well I'm sure whenever you think of me, it brightens up." He suggestively winked at me while smirking. Milo placed a gentle kiss on my cheek then left the room.

I momentarily stayed in my spot, trying to delay having to get up.

I yawned once more, dragging my sleepy body out of bed. I slumped over to his dresser, taking a spare ruana out and throwing it over the top of my nightgown.

I wasn't going to walk all the way to Mirabel's room with that much showing.

My nightgown had spaghetti straps, and lace around the brim of the neckline. The neckline was uncomfortably low, explaining why I had covered it up.

I patted my hair down when I left Camilo's room. Moping over to Mira's room.

-Camilo's pov-

I was just at the bottom of the staircase when I heard a the sound of a door from upstairs. I was going to go check on Sia, in case she hadn't left bed yet.

But I was flustered at the sight of Sierra walking around in my ruana. I froze in motion, my eyes broadened.

Oh, my, God.

Come to think of it, I had never actually seen her in my clothes before. But she looked stunning. She was basically glowing, any flaws she had went unnoticed. Not that I even realised she had flaws in the first place, she was perfection personified.

I am so making her wear my clothes more often.

I raced upstairs when she left Mirabel's room, the ruana in her hands instead.

"Huh?" She was shocked when I darted over to her. I snatched the golden cloth out of hands, and stuffed it over her head.

-Sierra's pov-

I was astounded when I left Mirabel's room, I didn't even have enough time to process what happened next.

Before I knew it, I was once again standing in Camilo's ruana. Then he smothered my face in kisses.

I laughed out of mere surprise, what is he doing?

"You're so perfect, mi vida." He repeated honest terms of endearment to me, his forehead sitting against mine. I decided to just embrace the moment, not wanting to waste it. His company was always welcome with me.

"What are you two doing?" Isabela interrupted from behind Camilo, causing me and him to rip apart.

"Nothing, just, couple stuff. Not that you would know," Camilo smirked, purposely walking into her shoulder when he made his way past her.

"Seriously!? I basically got you guys together again and this is how you repay me? Rude much," I giggled at their family antics. It was hilarious to watch the cousins bicker so often.

They continued arguing as the three of us made our way to the dining table. Milo pulled out my chair for me, in a chivalrous manner.
As he took a seat next to me he said, "you better not get food on my ruana, it's not often I hand them out."

"That's rich coming from you, it's not like there isn't already stains all over this," he opened his mouth to retort, but then looked at the item of clothing I was wearing. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, then turned to his plate.

I snickered when he didn't have any sort of comeback for me.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now