Love Him Anyways

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"EEP!" I jumped when Dolores appeared out of nowhere, giving me the fright of my life.

"HM! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Just thought I should tell you that Luisa is running out of chores, she might be home early." Dolores had a habit of whispering when she spoke, her own voice was probably too loud and overwhelming.

"Oh, well... Can you release the donkeys again maybe? We just need to make sure she is busy until tonight. Maybe have Antonio's animals go on a rampage of some sort? Thanks for letting me know Dolores."

"No worries, I'm on it. HM!" Within seconds she was out of casita, to fulfil her duties. Or, whatever I'd asked of her.

Jeez, party planning is tough.

To be honest, this was the first time I've ever done anything, like this. Any sort of social life was non-existent for me before I met the Madrigals. They were a big family, with a big town to take care of.

No wonder they're basically the biggest extroverts ever, I can only dream.

I hoped that I would get used to this new lifestyle, I was already beginning to warm up to it.

I sighed, brushing my hair out of my face with my forearm. As my hands were covered with flour.

"I get it, cooking gets really tiring. Would you like a break?" Julieta kindly offered me.

"Heh, no thanks. I can manage," I answered, turning my head back to focus on the dough.


"Okay, I think that's it! Thanks so much for your help Sierra," Julieta washed her hands, before drying them on a towel.

"No worries, this whole thing was ny idea, so I have to help as much as I can! Heh," I wiped the dripping sweat of my forehead, leaving the kitchen.

"Oh wow."

A breath left my body, as I gazed around the casita. This was my first time seeing it since this morning, when I came back from handing out invitations.

I figured they were close to finishing, as I watched Mirabel fold up an empty box.

"Oo! Sia! Are you and Mama done already?" Isa shouted out from the upper floor, flowers filling her backdrop.

"Yep!" I made my way over to the staircase, but I didn't have to when casita built me a personal one up to Isa.

"You did a fantastic job with the decor, I didn't expect any less from my best friend! I love the colour variety," I admired the setup, looking around in awe.

"Oh hi Sierra! I would brag but to be honest it was mainly Camilo and Isa," Mirabel walked up to us, joining in the conversation.

"Stop being so humble Mira, we were a team, and you took part. That's what counts," Isa jokingly elbowed her sister.

"This place looks awesome anyways."

"I know, not to boast but, it was all me." Camilo swaggered over, confidence emanating off of him.

"Hah, you wish." Isa rolled her eyes, placing a hand on her hip.

"You're just mad that I, Camilo Madrigal, have the most helpful, awesome gift ever."

"Nope, mine is obviously better, right Mirabel?"
Before Mirabel could respond, Camilo morphed into Isabela.

"MiNe iS oBvIouSlY bEtTer!" He began mocking her, one hand on his hip, reflecting Isabela's. His other hand waving around.

"Pfft," Isabela scoffed before snatching Mira by her wrist, "I'm not wasting my time with a teen boy whose just mad because he hit puberty late."

"H-hey! That's not true!" He shapeshifted back into his usual self, yelling after her.

I couldn't hold back a laugh at what Isa said, they never failed to keep me entertained.

Milo turned back to me, "what are you laughing at!?"

"Oh, heh. Nothing~" I slowly rotated my body, holding a leg forward to walk away. But before I could even take a step I felt arms wrap around my waist, lifting me up.

"Oh you aren't going anywhere."
Before I could retort, he lay me on the ground and started tickling me.

I laughed uncontrollably, a playfully sinister smile on Camilo's face.
"S-stop! BAHAHA!" I could barely get out any words, laughs escaping my mouth continuously.

"Having fun?" Camilo teased me. Everytime I thought I was making some progress while wiggling out, he would pull me back, locking me in place.

When he seemed satisfied, he finally let go off me, I immediately scrambled away.

"Hehe, you should've seen yourself!" He amusingly cackled and pointed a finger at me. While I remained unimpressed.

"You are pure evil, Camilo Madrigal."

"But you love~ me anyways." He smirked smugly at me, I rolled my eyes before getting up off the floor.

You aren't wrong amor.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now