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-Camilo's pov-

When the day was coming to an end, I excused myself for dinner. Despite their protests that I 'stay just a little longer', or, 'I'm sure your family will understand, we're teenagers after all'.

When I got up to casita, Valerie was at the front door with the other guy. He was probably just escorting her home.

I watched them hug and he walked away, going past me when he did so.

"Hey Val, who's that?" I couldn't help myself, I originally planned on talking to her after dinner but it just fell out my mouth.

"Oh, that's Dominic. Well, Dom for short. He's also a volunteer at the library, we just grabbed some milkshakes today, nothing special."

"Sure, nothing special." I mumbled under my breath.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" She questioned, clearly annoyed from my sarcastic tone.

I knew it was extremely rude of me. But I was stubborn, to the point where I would refuse to apologise for weeks. I hated that about me, maybe that's the reason I'm a dissapointment.

I sighed, before continuing with, "nothing, doesn't matter."
It was more of a grumble than an actual response.

I didn't make any eye contact when I brushed past her entering casita. I didn't even have to look at her to know she was displaying a look of hurt, and anger.

"Seriously? You're mad over a guy that I happen to be friends with?"

"I- no!" I yelled, turning around to face her.

"Then why are you in such a mood!? Clearly you were having a great time with Lucinda earlier!"

"You know I don't like her like that!"

"Then why can't you believe that I'm not romantically involved with Dom!"

"Well you seemed to be having such an amazing time with him today! Why are you even arguing with me!?" Just as I said that, majority of the family started to pour out their rooms, interested in the commotion downstairs.

"Because you are clearly so pissed off that I hung out with a guy other than you today!"

I heard Dolores and Mama gasp, they'd never actually seen Valerie and me yell at eachother.

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are! Of COURSE you are! You've had me all to yourself for the past couple of weeks that you can't handle when I make other friends!"


I didn't say anything after that.

Because I knew she was right.

I was being, so, so selfish.

I'd been hoarding her since the moment I found her at our front door.

I could feel my insides churning, my eyes stared to swell up. I knew I was about to burst into a wet pile of tears, so I raced upstairs without a word. Slamming my door behind me, locking it.

The moment it closed I slid down, tears pouring out my eyes. I wanted to scream, but I didn't want anyone to hear me. So I sat there, alone, drowning in my own puddle of agony.

-Dolores' pov-

I could hear my brother breaking down in his room, all alone. My first sisterly instinct was to go comfort him, but I knew he just needed to be alone. Let all his emotions out.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now