The Day After

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-Sierra's pov-

I stayed with Isa that night, it was a sleepless night as one would expect. I just shuffled around under the covers.

In the morning it looked like Camilo had gone sleepless as well. I didn't look at him for too long, but I could still notice the dark circles under his eyes. His eyelids were barely open.

Breakfast was extremely awkward, last night I'd skipped dinner.
The dining room had an extremely tense atmosphere, it was expected though. Considering the events of last night.

I'm just glad he sits at the opposite end of the table.

I barely touched my food, just poking it. If I wasn't hungry, I would usually just give my food to Camilo. But I was mad at him, so I'm not going to present my untouched meal to him.

"Val," Isa turned to me, aiming to grab my attention.

My eyes remained on my plate, "yes?"

"Are you, okay?"



I tried to say yes, but the word no just shot out. I could feel myself heating up. I was about to cry. I couldn't have anyone see me vulnerable again, I ducked my head even lower, trying to hide my face.

My breaths started to shorten, I could basically feel the tears coming.

"Excuse me." I shoved my chair away and hurried out casita. Sprinting over to the library, it was the first and only place I could think of.

Tears streaming down my face as I bursted through the front doors.

"Valerie the library isn't ope- OH MY GOD VALERIE!" Olivia saw me and basically climbed over the counter, running over to me.

"Oh Valerie, what happened?" She had her hands on my shoulders, she was crouched a little so she could look up at my face.

I didn't know what to tell her, there was a lot going on. I was bawling my eyes out, I was so upset.

I heard someone yelling my name, their voice was muffled by the library doors.

"I- *hic* th-think that's- *hic* Isabela..." after all, who else would it be?

The library doors were made from glass so if I was desperate to know I could just turn around and look.

I heard small thuds on the door, someone was knocking behind me.

Liv took her hands off my shoulders to open it for them.

"Sorry, I wasn't sure if I could just come in, the library opens in half an hour."

I swivelled around when I recognised the new voice as Dominic. I shoved myself into his arms, causing him to stumble back a little.

"Isabela is looking for you," he told me. Just as I'd suspected, it was Isa.

"I know..."

(Slight time skip)

Dom walked me outside to sit down with him under a shady tree. Near town. Once I'd finally calmed down, I told him what happened. He burst out laughing when I mentioned how Camilo was jealous of him.

"BAHAH! I'm sorry it's just, HAH!" he continued giggling at the thought, "this?" He moved his index finger back and forth between us.
"This, is friends. I can NOT even COMPREHEND that concept!"

I started to laugh about it with him, the more I thought about it, the more ridiculous it was.

"You, my friend, are in love with another." He shoved his finger against my forehead while saying that.

"No? I'm not in love with any- OH."
The second I started denying it, was the second I realised it.


In love.

With Camilo Madrigal.

It hit me like a bus, it was so obvious!?

"Heh, you're clueless." He chuckled at me. "Now that you have grasped the concept, you can blurt it out to him once you're done being mad."

"I, I can't..." I still had a duty to follow, I couldn't dissapoint my parents. No matter how much I wanted to.

"Sure you can. It's not SO complicated. I haven't even met the guy yet I can tell he's TOTALLY in love."

"Yeah, right..." I sort of believed him, yet I could still manage to sound sceptical.

For the rest of the day, I hung around with Dominic. He was a gentleman, usually trying to open doors for me, pulling out my chair. You know, the stereotypical things.

It was a refreshing change, getting to talk about my current drama with someone who wasn't involved in any way. If he wasn't my friend, I wouldn't really be able to talk to anyone. Isa and I were close, sure, but she was in a way involved. She was Camilo's prima, and she lived in the chaos. Literally.

When it reached 4pm, we decided to part early. I head back up to casita.

I sighed.

I knew there was something I has to do.

I didn't exactly want to do this next thing, but it had to be done by the end of Friday.


Life is difficult.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now