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"Listen Sierra whatever she told you is NOT TRUE she was th-" before I could could finish, she raced out the room.

-Sierra's pov-

I ran, I ran as far as my legs could carry me.

I could hear his footsteps maybe a couple metres behind me. I wasn't stopping anything soon, I would be in Australia before I let him get near me.




Get away.

Leave me alone.

I felt sweat dripping down my scalp, as well as the tears streaming down from my eye sockets. I was emotionally and physically exhausted, fatigued from the amount of stress I was currently carrying.

"SIA! WILL YOU PLEASE JUST WAIT!" I heard Camilo, he was loud, that's for sure. But his voice lacked the confidence that he usually emanated. And he also seemed worn out.

I didn't know where I was heading, I didn't know what I was thinking.

I just knew one thing.

I have to get away from him.

I felt tears on my lips, I licked it off clean.

Ugh, salty.

I guess that's just what misery tastes like.

I heard a loud yelp from Camilo, from pure instincts I turned my head around for a split second. To see if he was alright.

Isn't that splendid.

-Camilo's pov-

I repeated my apologies to every citizen I dodged, Sierra was sprinting through town, without missing a single turn.

The muscle in my thighs tightened, my legs felt like they were about to fall off. I didn't even think for a second about catching my breath.

I'm not backing out this time.

As we headed through another turn, I crashed head first into someone.

"OOF!" I rubbed my sore forehead, extremely dazed.

I peered up to see who I ran into.


Just my luck.

"Oh, hey Cami. Lovers quarrel much?"

"Ugh, Maria. I don't have time for this." I sighed, beginning to stand up.


"You're the whole reason she's even mad at me! If you didn't kiss me then I'd probably be hanging out with Sierra, like I USUALLY DO!" Believe it or not, I had to hold back from expressing my rage. In my mind, that was barely a whisper.

"I'm sorry Cami! I-... *sigh* I don't know what I was thinking. I was just caught up in the past, and I'd been waiting so long to see you I couldn't hold back."

"Prove it."


"Prove that you're sorry."

"I'll... I'll make it up to you. Not sure how yet, but I will."

"That's not good enough! Apologise to Sierra, and tell her what actually happened." I waited for her response, I was growing more impatient by the second. There was no purpose in staying mad. I assumed she'd gotten the point by now.

She better have.

"We both know she won't speak to me right now. Give it two days or so, she'll come around. Eventually..."

To be honest, I wasn't exactly the smartest person when it came to reading people. I'd only ever had that skill when it came to Sierra. So I was torn between whether Maria was making an excuse, or whether she was being genuine with me.

I thought back to when I dated her...

(Flashback 3 years prior)

"MARIA! CAMILO! Come inside, I'm serving up lunch," Maria's mother called us in for lunch.

We had been attempting to engrave our names into a random stone, failing miserably. Maria rolled her eyes at her Mama, who couldn't see us from indoors.

"Ugh, we're so close," she groaned, continuing to stab the stick on the rock, barely grazing its surface.

"That's debatable..."

"HOLD ON MAMA!" Maria shouted back to her house.
"This. Is. So. ANNOYING!" without a second thought, she lunged the stick at the town. Shattering a window.

"HEY!" We heard a distinct, furious voice coming from the house. The house in which she'd just shattered their window.

The man inside peeked out the frame, scanning the town. When he saw us looking, both of us petrified, he pointed a finger and yelled, "YOU TWO! YOU WERE THE ONES WHO SMASHED MY WINDOW!"

Maria conjured up an excuse within a second, her features relaxing as she did so.
"Of course not sir! We were just looking to see what the commotion was about!"


"Why would a Madrigal do such thing?" She pointed a finger at me. Her tone was undeniably genuine, which I didn't believe. Though it seemed like he did. The man stayed silent for a brief moment, then continued to retreat back into his house.

Maria punched a fist in the air, silently congratulating herself for her efforts.

"Aha! Now we can finish this stupid thing! Come on Cami, get your pretty self down here so we can hurry. I'm getting impatient."


Lies were always her specialty, she could come up with smart excuses on the spot. There were so many different, smarter, complicated examples I could list in my head.

"Well? Are you helping me or what?"

"Heh, right. Sorry Ri."

(Flashaback ends)

"Fine. I'll just... go home." I began to walk off, before Maria grabbed my forearm.

"Wait! In the meantime, we should hang out! You know, build trust or something? Get to catch up! Why don't we grab food? I'll pay."

I didn't really want to, but I was hungry, and I forgot to bring cash with me. Well, how could I have brought any? I was chasing Sierra around town.

"Fine. Sure, whatever."

"Alright then! Let's go," she let go off my arm, turning around to walk to the churro stand. I was following behind her. Townsfolk were staring, probably because my shirt was still stained in thick, red, blood.

-Sierra's pov-

I had a spectacular view of the town, I was sitting up on a mountain. But one of the shorter ones.

I couldn't appreciate the view. How could I? That town was where Camilo was, where Maria was. Where I'd fallen in love with Camilo, and where Maria took him away from me.

"Hello?" An unfamiliar voice came from behind me.

"Uh hi, you look... sad. Can I get you something? A drink maybe?" It was a guy, soft brown hair, his eyes resembled the colour of a night sky. He wore a white shirt, long grey pants. With a green scarf loosely tied around the collar of his shirt. His hair seemed bouncy as well, his curls full of life.

"Who are you?"

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now