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(Since the last chapter was fairly long, this one will be shortened a little bit.)

-Camilo's pov-

"...don't you?..."

I waited patiently for her response. The music in the background was paused by someone.

She trusts me.


The longer the silence carried, the less confident I grew. She doesn't trust me, after everything I've done for her. After everything we've been through. My heart throbbed at the realisation. The rest of my body was immersed in one thing, numbness.

I felt tears begin to brim my eyes while I remained eye contact with her, it felt like my whole world was crashing down on me.

I could feel my legs shaking, my breath hitching, I was about to break.

I darted upstairs and into my room. Just like the day we'd first argued.

But this was different, that time I was the one in the wrong. But this time, I couldn't exactly decide who it was.

It's her, she doesn't have belief in her boyfriend.

No, it's me, I didn't prove she could trust me.

Did I?

My thoughts raced back and forth, I couldn't make up my mind.

Maybe I just don't want to be mad at her...

I love her.

I hated arguing, with anyone for that matter.


I heard knocking against my door. I didn't want to see anyone right now, if I had to then I would want it to be Sierra. I opened up the door, expecting another Madrigal.

"Hey Camilo."


I sighed out loud, rubbing my forehead. I hoped she would get the hint to leave me alone, but she slipped in past me. I turned around to see her take a seat on my bed.

"Maria... I'm really not in the mood," I rubbed my wet eyes, swiping the tears off my cheeks.

"She doesn't trust you Cami!"

"Ugh... what are you talking about?" I spoke in an angry tone, I really didn't want to deal with anyone right now.

She stood up, slowly walking back over to me while speaking, "if she really loved you, then she would tell you things!"

"Maria this really isn't your busi-"

"She would prove to you that she loves you! She would be by your side when you're crying. But where is she? Tell me where she is, right now."


"Not here! But guess who is here. Here for you," she stepped further forward, downsizing the space between us. I backed away slowly, eventually hitting my door.

"When you're in love, you'll be there for each other. You know how hard I fought to stay here, with you? I screamed at my parents!" She wrapped both her hands around my cheeks. Then...

She kissed me.

I hesitated, but I shoved her off.
"What are you doing!?" I shouted at her, flabbergasted by her actions.

"Cami I-"

"Stop it! Just, just get OUT!" I yanked the door open, full force, and gestured for her to exit. If the house wasn't magic, I might've just ripped the door right off its hinges.

"You know what? You'll realise it soon. With or without my help," she departed, not another word left her mouth.

I slammed the door shut, transferring an immense mass of emotion into it, I was furious.

Sia was right.

I betrayed her trust.

I hesitated at Maria's touch.


Why did I hesitate?

My bedroom always turned into what I desired from it.

But I didn't know what I wanted from it.

The room circled around me, furniture went flying while the landscape shifted numerously. It changed at such a rapid speed I couldn't even tell what it was supposed to be anymore.

The last thing I saw was a book flinging straight at me.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt