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-Sierra's pov-

Just as I was finishing up with my last couple of books, I noticed Liv whispering something to Dom. Liv really enjoyed attempting to set us up, always making jokes about how we argued like a married couple. That sort of stuff. After all, she was obsessed with romance novels.

I peered over at their odd interaction. Liv was smirking weirdly at him, while Dom was giving her an annoyed look.

Just as I'd put the trolley away, Dom ran up to me.
"Hey Dom, what is it this time." I questioned, sighing.

"Well, I was thinking we could go grab a coffee."

"I hate coffee."

"I know, I just wanted to annoy you. Well guess what?"


"I also know that you love vanilla milkshakes, I'll pay."
I turned around to him, squinting out of suspicion, it's not every day your frenemie invites you to hang out willingly.

I shrugged, "if it's free then absolutely!" I smiled, continuing to leave the library. I poked my head back in when he didn't follow.

"Well!? What are you waiting for! I'd appreciate some milkshakes right now!" I yelled back at him, Dom quickly caught up to me.

"Heh, sorry."

"I would question this, but I don't want you to change your mind because I'm pretty broke."

He chuckled at my words, to be honest he had a nice laugh. I'd only met him when I started going to the library.

I still couldnt help but notice Camilo in the corner of my eye, he was sitting with a group of girls. They all seemed to be giggling at something he said, ice cream cones in hand.

I glared from afar when he wiped a bit of ice cream of Lucinda's cheek. Her continuing to giggle, resting her head on his shoulder.

(Quick A/N: I realised that Lucinda was getting a bit too likeable so I gotta make yall hate her a little 😃 sorry not sorry)

I swerved my head over to face Dom when I noticed Camilo looking up. I couldn't have him think i was watching him.

"So, Dom, what's your best pick up line? Because asking a girl out for coffee is the most basic thing you can do."

"Ugh, fine. I don't exactly have one? I'm super attractive, so you'd think girls would be head over heels for me without me saying anything."

I raised my eyebrows at his smug face, "Yeah, because girls are swarming you left and right."
I used my sarcastic voice. We both laughed at my reply, before he continued about how he's not one to talk to girls that he isn't already friends with. That he's too scared to walk up to a pretty girl and ask them out.

Eventually we reached the Cafe, he told me to take a seat outside while he ordered us both drinks. I didn't have to wait too long before he sat down with me, at a shaded table.

I enjoyed conversing with Dom, he was a genuine guy, who had the ability to brighten up anyone's day with one joke. It was admirable, really. Camilo could do that as well.

As Camilo was brought up in my head, I glanced over to him, as he was within my eyesight. He was still with those girls.

-Camilo's pov-

I'm not going to lie, Lucinda continuously leaning against me, laughing at the most random things annoyed me a little. But not as much as when I turned my gaze up to see Valerie.

But she wasn't alone, I noticed her walking with a tall, somewhat handsome guy.

Who is that?

I watched them, irritated when they both started laughing with eachother.

Hmph. He's funny too...

Just the sight made me freak out, what if he likes her? What if she likes him?

No no no.


I can't have that.

I still knew there was nothing I could do right then and there. If I suddenly stood up and ran over to them I'd look like a weirdo.

Ugh, I am a weirdo.

I decided to just ignore it. I could just ask her about it later.

I had to literally hold my self back when I saw them sitting undercover together. Bonding over milkshakes. I continued to observe them, fuming when he placed his hand on top of hers.

I saw that authentic smile of hers. I loved seeing it, but right now I kind of wished I didn't. She seemed to really enjoy this random guy's company.

Just the sight undoubtedly aggravated me.

Yet I remained calm, or I attempted to at least. Returning my attention attention the girls who seemed to be too eager to have me sit with them. They would giggle profusely every time I said something remotely funny. They'd ask me to shapeshift, or they'd ship me with Lucinda. Well, that was basically all that they did.

Just go on and on about how adorable we would be together. Every time they said that Lucinda would say something like, "we aren't even a couple!"

Then they'd get to comeback with, "not yet!"

God they were infuriating. Lucinda would constantly deny them. Yet move even closer to me every time. Honestly it got to a point where she was pretty much just squishing me.

Earlier they'd had the aMaZinG idea to get ice cream. Which I most definitely regretted agreeing to. Because Lucinda would repeatedly get ice cream around her mouth, peer pressuring me into wiping the God damn thing off.

I was a decent actor, after all, I enjoyed re-enacting Broadway shows alone in my spare time.

But it wouldn't take much acting talent to fool these girls into thinking I was actually enjoying their company.

Before I met Lin's friends, I actually really liked her. She was sweet, kind, generous. Shy.

But her personality just kind of, switches, when she's with her friends.

But who was I to say anything about the influence her friends had on her?

So I didn't.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now