She's back

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-Sierra's pov-

"Didn't you feel, well, at home?"


"Yes. More than ever before, my parents house is just, well it was always just the place I've lived. It's not, home."

The fact that the stubborn, headstrong, persistent Isabela Madrigal had forgiven me within minutes was, flabbergasting, to say the least.

"Alright, soooo... what are we going to do with you?" She asked.

"I, um. I'm not sure?"

"Well, for now you can stay in my room. In the morning, either I tell the family on my own and you stay in my room. It's surprisingly spacious, so there's like, plenty of hiding spots. Or you could come down in the morning with me. Personally, I recommend the former option," she shrugged.

I'm not going to lie, I was terrified. The probably deserved to have me there to apologise. But it can't hurt to be selfish sometimes... right?

"Uh, sure. Whatever you think."

"GOOD because Camilo would totally lash out on you, not trying to scare you or anything. But seriously, it's probably better if you just sat in my bathroom the whole time."

"Heh, alright."


Totally not paranoid.


"Okay, let's just get some rest."

"FINALLY, I've barely been able to get an hour of sleep each night! I was so worried about you, and the miracle. Phew, maybe I'll finally be able to get sleep! Kay cmon," she whined, snatching my hand to take me up to her room.

We fell back on her bed, both sighing, way too loud. Then laughing from our over-exaggerated sighs. When the sudden rush of laughter calmed down, we turned towards eachother.

"I'm so glad I decided to come back," I wasn't lying. I was more than happy to be with my best friend right now.

"Me too," she said back, smiling.

"Okay now let's actually go to sleep."

"Oh wait, you can't sleep in that! Let me go grab you some pajamas."

(The next morning)

"Wake up!"

"EEP!" I yelped, immediately jolting upwards, in a sitting position.

"Goodmorning~. Okay, so I wasn't sure whether to wake you. But I decided it was probably a good idea in case someone got mad, aka Camilo, and came like, bursting into the room. To, you know, strangle you or something like that. I just don't want you to wake up to that. Because I'm just that good of a friend."

"Uh huh... because that makes me feel better." I groaned sarcastically at her.

"Alright, we should get changed." We both climbed off her bed, my clumsy butt once again tripping over. I landed on the floor with a loud, "OOF."

I heard Isa silently snicker to herself, hiding her face while she dug through her closet for something.

"Here," she tossed a periwinkle blue dress in my direction, "it's in your colour too!"

(Not that it matters but incase you need help envisioning it)

(Not that it matters but incase you need help envisioning it)

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"Ooo, pretty!" I lay the dress on the bed, admiring it

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"Ooo, pretty!" I lay the dress on the bed, admiring it.

"Mhm, now go change in the bathroom, this is my bedroom so I get changed in the bedroom part."

I nodded, entering the bathroom to get dressed. The moment I walked out, Isa put a hand on my right shoulder.

"Okay, so the plan is, you hang out in here while I go cause my family to divide with separate opinions. Trust me, it's going to happen. Honestly, majority of votes will be to have you stay. Trust me. The only people who will be a little indifferent are Abuela, possibly Dolores, and Camilo."

I nervously laughed, sweat dripping down my head.

"I can tell you're nervous, but if they try anything I promise I'm not going to let any form of harm come to you. I promise."

"Thank you, Isa. That made me feel, a little bit better."

"Okay, well I'll be off! For downstairs that is. I'll come right back up when breakfast is done." She patted my shoulder being pulling her hand away. Then saluting me as she closed the bedroom door behind her.

It's gonna be fineee.

Please be fine.

Oh god.

This isn't going to go fine.

I paced around her room in a circle, stressing from the pressure.

What if she says the wrong thing?

What if none of them forgive me?

What if they kick me out to go back back my parents?

What am I going to do then?

(Ten minutes laterrrr)

"WHERE IS SHE!?" I heard a loud yelling from downstairs. Followed by multiple slams. Possibly the sound of doors.

"UGH CAMILO! STOP!" Another voice joined in on the yelling, which I suspected was Isa.

So that means the aggressive one is... Camilo.

I sat down on her bed, crossed legged. Waiting for my impending doom. There was no point in hiding, Camilo was the literal master of hide and seek.

Just as I'd suspected, a scrawny, curly haired teenage boy busted through the door. He had scars all over his body, and dark circles under his eyes. He was panting, heavily. Which signified the fact that he was, well, furious.

"Uh... hey?" I nervously waved, pulling my hand down when I remembered this wasn't a good time. I winced a little, expecting him to pounce at me. Probably in an attempt to kill me.

But he didn't move.

He stood in the doorway, just, staring at me.

I saw anger, fury, misery in his eyes. Then pain, so, so much pain behind those deep pupils of his.

Isa eventually caught up to him, accidentally stumbling into him for behind.

"Oops-" I heard her mutter.

I got off of the bed, and slowly walked over to him. I stopped about a metre away, not wanting to get too close. For his sake, not mine.

My heart broke when I saw how much emotion was circulating through him. The boy I loved so much.

I couldn't blame him if, if...

If he never wanted to see me again.


"You don't get to throw little nicknames at me anymore." He'd cut my words off with a threatening voice.

"Camilo, stop being-" Isabela jumped in, quickly being interrupted.

"Isa, can you just... leave? Quickly?" He asked her.

She mouthed something that looked like 'I'll be back' before leaving the room, closing the door on her way out. 

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now