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-Sierra's pov-

I ran off after Camilo interfered with Lucinda's screams. I don't think he saw me because he certainly didn't follow me.

I found that tree, the one Dominic showed me. It calmed me down. I sat leaning against it for a while, taking in the cool breeze.

It was a lovely feeling sure, I could escape the horrible thoughts that were stuck with me my whole life.

I was appreciative of the quiet atmosphere. But... it couldn't compare to the comfort I felt being in Camilo's arms. I wished I was in his arms. But I would have to explain why I'd been avoiding him all day. And that was not a risk I was willing to take.

I whipped out my notepad and a pencil I'd found on the grass outside casita. At first I was unsure what exactly I was going to draw, or write with my notepad.

So I scribbled down my feelings. By that, I meant I scribbled random lines. Just messy squiggles, and geometric shapes.

I think it was Dolores who had told me it was calming, to release all that tension this way. She was right, it made me feel somewhat better. Relieved, even.

I glanced down at my wrist watch, it read '4:03'.

I sighed.

The fun and games were over now, it was time to get to work.

I sat up, brushing off any excess dirt from the back of my skirt. Then made my way over to the colourful house I'd gotten used to calling home. Casita had a mind of its own, which just added to the list of people I was betraying.

I hurried upstairs, just as I was reaching for Abuela's bedroom doorknob, the floor tiles pushed me away from it.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

I ran downstairs, grabbing the first chair I saw. I carried it all the way back to Abuela's door. And I propelled it at her door with as much force I could use. Unfortunately for me, the chair barely left a scratch.


I forgot this stupid thing was MaGiC.

Wait, what am I doing? She has an open window with the candle, just waiting to be snatched.

I mentally facepalmed, before scanning around for a way I could get up there.


The roof was barely that far above the railing. I picked up the chair, and left it against the railing, as a makeshift staircase.

I climbed up on it, carefully balancing on the railing. I wasn't too worried about falling, casita would still catch me. Even if I was attempting to possibly murder it in a way.

I reached up for the edge of the roof, and heaved myself up, using as much of my upper body strength as I could muster. It was definitely a painful process, but I finally found myself lying on the roof. Panting hard, that was exhausting.

Eventually I got up again, waddling over to the window. I wasn't any taller than Mirabel and Camilo, so the candle itself was just out of reach.

But, something happened.

Something, extremely unexpected happen.

I could feel my feet being, raised?

Casita was, assisting... me...?

I was rather surprised at this new help I was receiving. I snatched the candle before casita changed its mind. I was still shaken up by it, yet I muttered a thank you to the house. It transformed the roof's tiles into a slope, which caused me to fall on my back and slide off of it.

I shrieked, thinking this was the end, but then it built another slide out of the floor tiles this time. Just in time for me to land on it. Eventually coming to a stop on the floor.

Candle in hand.

I checked my watch, which now read the time of '4:14'.

That was fast.

I shrugged, standing up, also trying not to to drop the candle on accident.

I snuck out casita's back door. As kids usually enjoyed hanging around the front of casita. It was a colourful, inviting structure.

I made my way up to the forest where I had met my mother last week. She was there as expected, I did send a message bird for her to meet me sometime around 4:30pm. She always, came early.

"See? Now that wasn't so hard was it." She sternly pulled it off my hands. The flame immediately flickered when it felt her touch. I winced, watching such a powerful item within her possession.

I didn't say a word, she turned around and motioned for me to follow after her.

"W-wait! Mama, I left something behind." Her legs came to a halt.

"Well then, make it quick."

The fact that she didn't hit me was basically my reward for completely her task. I secretly hoped she was at least proud of me in the slightest. That was the only reason I'd actually stolen it. For that pinch, of gratitude.

I darted back to casita, I lied. I hadn't actually left anything behind.

There was just something I needed to do.

I ran up to Camilo's room, bolting through his doorway. I snatched out my notepad, tearing a page off. I laid it out on his desk, I was sweating hard.

I scribbled down a message, before dropping the pencil on his desk and leaving.



Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now