Tick Tock

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-Camilo's pov-

Valerie was obviously being sarcastic. I was worried for her, deeply. But however unfortunate it was, I had to treat her as if I'd never seen the events of last night.

"We should probably get up, we missed breakfast," evidently I was hangry, but I'd let her sleep in, I knew what a rough night she'd had.

Although I had requested we get up, I don't think she'd heard me. She looked lost, lost in her thoughts.

Without another word, I placed my hand on hers. Not even glancing at her in the slightest. She flinched a little at my touch, eventually relaxing. I needed to tell her I was there for her, without actually communicating it through speech. Ut seemed like that was what she needed from me the most.

Valerie waited a couple minutes before slipping her hand out from under mine, and hopping off the bed. I held in a laugh while she almost tripped in the process.

She hastily left my room, almost slamming the door from rushing. I grabbed my usual white shirt, brown trousers, and sandals. Topping it off with the iconic yellow ruana. Young Camilo had personally requested a chameleon motif on the ruana, for a little flair to the outfit. As soon as I'd opened the door Valerie practically ran past me with Mirabel's clothes in hand. She ushered me out of the room, banging the door behind me.

I decided not to think much of it, but following the events of last night I would have to keep an especially close eye on her. Well, more than usual I suppose.

(There's really not much for me to put here so time skip to him leaving casita after breakfast)


Heading into town, I was too caught up in my mind to notice a girl in front of me. I yelped as I crashed into her, possibly shapeshifting by accident.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She profusely apologised, when we both knew it was really my fault.

"Um, it's alright," I didn't really feel like arguing with anyone, I just wanted to get my daily chores over with so I could see Valerie.

I walked around her before she grabbed my arm, I halted in my position, turning to face her.

"Yes?" I asked, a little confused to say the least.

"You're Camilo, Camilo Madrigal right? The shapeshifter?"


I didn't have time to go on about my family and the gifts, or whatever else they wanted to know.

"That's right," I said, pursing my lips before doing quick finger guns at her. Hoping she'd leave me alone.

"That's really cool! I'm Lucinda by the way, I'm sure you're busy..."

I sure am Lucinda,

"...so I'll get off your back, but maybe I'll catch you later when you're done your chores! I'm a people person you know, so never be afraid to just ask to hang out!" She nervously giggled while awkwardly smiling, letting go of my arm to run away to who knows where.

I didn't care that she was a people person.

And I certainly wasn't going to hang out with her.

I had better things to do.

-Sierra's pov-

I was worn out from crying myself to sleep, yet I still managed to be as energetic as possible. I didn't really know what I was doing with that energy, from what I could tell, mainly just running around town helping citizens. My mind was somewhere else.

Wherever that may be...

I shrugged it off before continuing to run around town.

But then...

My body froze.

I saw...

My brother...

Standing in the distance, hiding in plain sight. He stood there, leaning against a tree, his eyebrows raised while watching me. He then continued to tap on his non existent wrist watch, mouthing the words...

Tick, tock...

I didn't know what to do. I was, I don't know. Words couldn't describe the rush of shock that raced through my veins.

My eyesight blurred, any form of sound around me slowly fading, time seemed to continue at a rapid speed. Not that I cared. Then my thoughts disappeared, or perhaps they were just... too much?

Maybe I was just thinking so much that it felt like I wasn't thinking at all.

Like when your body gets so cold you can't feel the freezing sensation any more, you feel numb.





-Luisa's pov-

It was a day like any other really, I was whistling to myself, throwing the donkeys back in their pen. They were their own daily task in a way, sometimes escaping twice. One time they got out five times in less then 8 hours.

Señor Carreño really needs to fix that gate, or maybe the fence was too short. Now that I think about it, any donkey could easily jump over that. I shrugged it off, continuing back to town centre, where most of the trouble occurred.


Out of the corner of my eye I watched someone collapse on the ground. My instincts told me to go help whoever was in need, so I did exactly that.

I ran over, as I neared I got a better view of the unconscious body that lay on the ground.


I kneeled down, gently flipping her over so she lay face up.

Her nose bridge was bleeding, as for her nostrils. Her forehead looked like it was about it start bleeding, large grazes covering it. Her chin bled slightly, I was stunned at the sight. I carried her in my arms, dashing up to casita.

I didn't really need to watch out for anyone, as the path sort of just cleared for me. Townsfolk not wanting to get in the way of me, or the fact that i was attempting to rescue a bleeding teenager.

Sometimes it's hard to tell.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now