The Comfort of a Bed You Don't Own- Crutchie, Elmer

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Elmer and Crutchie went furniture shopping.

Mistake number one.

They saw a mattress just sitting there, without pillows and sheets on it.

Mistake number two.

So, they flagged down an employee, asking if they could check it out.

That was their final mistake.

Now, here they are, laying on a bare mattress at a furniture store, staring at the ceiling. Elmer sighed, letting his mind roam.

"I should call my mom", he says breathily, moving his eyes around the ceiling. "But I don't want to move."

"Yeah", Crutchie whispers, glancing at Elmer. "I was supposed to call Davey an hour ago."


"We have a book club meeting tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah", Elmer remembers, crossing his arms. "How's that going?"

"Very nice", Crutchie says, sighing. "We're reading 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' this week."

"Oh", Elmer says, closing his eyes and enjoying the comfort of the mattress. "That's cool."

"Sirs", an employee comes up to them, worry on her face, "we're going to have to ask you to leave. It's time for closing."

"Already?" Crutchie sat up, looking out the window. "Holy cake, it's dark out."

Elmer sat up and looked out the window and at their car. "Huh."

"Um, yeah, so", the employee smiled sheepishly, gesturing toward the exit. "We really need to close."

"Yeah, okay, um", Crutchie sniffs, pushing his hair back. "We'll go."

"I'm sorry", the girl says, looking away. "It's just, I have to get home, and-"

"No, no it's okay", Elmer assures, getting off of the bed and handing Crutchie his crutch. "We get it. We just have to get our stuff."

The girl sighed, nodding and walking away. Crutchie and Elmer walked out of the store quickly, finding their car in the dark. They open the doors and drive away, leaving to find their own mattresses at their house.


I will admit I have absolutely no idea what this is at all, but I felt like Crutch and Elmer would do this.

🦎My boy, Checker

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