Family Reunion- Annie Kelly, JackxDaveyxSpot

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Jack was not having the time of his life.

He was currently at a family reunion with a bunch of Sullivans. You know, the last place he'd rather be.

Since his parents lost a lot of contact with their family hopping between Texas and New York, Jack had no idea who some of these people were. Which also meant they had no idea what happened in the last ten years.

It also meant he had to see his dad's parents.

But alas, he walked up the stairs of a local church in Snyder, Texas, hoping the only thing he had to do was find his cousin, Annie, talk to her for two hours, then catch the first flight tomorrow back to New York.

He stopped in front of a guy dressed as a Mormon cowboy, a huge smile on his face.

"Hi!" Jack tried his hardest to smile at the guys enthusiasm, but it was so difficult. "You here for the reunion?"

Jack could hear the thick accent in his voice, and it was almost comforting hearing it. He decided the man sounded like Mater from the Cars trilogy.

"Uh, yeah", Jack answers, looking around at the church. "Name's Francis Sullivan."

Mr. Mormon Cowboy looked taken aback by his accent. "Well, I'll be! That's quite an accent you got there. And you sure look dressed nice. Where you from, boy?"

Jack internally rolled his eyes. "New York."

"Oh, you a city boy, huh?"

I'm a man. "Yeah, sure."

"Well, it's good to see you again", the guy smiled a toothy grin. "I'm your cousin, Tim. You're dad was my second cousin."

Ain't that fitting. "Where do I go?"

"Through the church and outside to the kids center. Everybody should be done settin' up. Have a nice one!"

Jack mumbled a "You, too", manifesting what small amount of southern hospitality he had left and he'd only been here for five minutes. He followed the directions and entered the building, smelling the filtered air.

To be honest, it did smell good. Jack could smell all of the food that various people made, and the desserts he knows Grandy made.

When he was younger, Grandy was one of the best parts of coming down to Texas, plus his cousin.

Jack smiled a little, memories of his younger past rushing through his head. He stopped smiling when two older women came up to him.

"Well, grab me by the foot and turn me loose, if it ain't Francis Sullivan!" Her accent was thick and annoying, much different from Tim's.

"Uh, hi!" Jack was going to try his hardest to get through this conversation without using names. "It's good to see you again."

"Oh, honey, you ain't got to pretend", the second woman laughed. "We all know you love that city life of yours."

You have no idea. Jack smiled and tried his hardest to chuckle. Why did I let Davey and Spot convince to come here?

"You probably have no idea who we are, don't you? Well, I'm your Aunt Kathy, and-"

"I'm your Aunt Milly", the second woman finished, a smile on her face. Jack could see the lipstick on her teeth, her dyed-black hair was frizzy, almost like she was in a 80s music video.

The other woman had blonde hair and a very bright and noticeable outfit on, but she looked very similar to the other woman. Jack would have to tell the twins he found a pair of twins.

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