Wait, He's Hot WAIT- - Javid

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Davey Jacobs was sitting in his math class, working on a plot picture. He saw it as rather calming, especially since his parents have been riding him about his grades.

It wasn't really fair. His grades were impeccable- he's been told so by all of his teachers. Even PE always has an A-minus on his report card. But ever since his dad lost his job, they could only afford to put his sister through college, so now here he is: friendless.

He wasn't bothered by it though. Right now, Davey was focused on the piece of paper in front of him. He placed the ruler on the plot and dotted it, drawing a line to connect the two plots.

Which was before the most popular boy in school busted through the door and rolled into the room.

"Lads and ladies", Racetrack Higgins announced. "Please give a warm welcome to my leader, my friend, and my brother: Jack Kelly!"

Holy carpets, Davey thought. Dave was relatively new to the World High School, and when he got there, he'd only heard rumors about Jack Kelly. From whispers in the halls to full conversations at the lunch tables he sat at, but never how hot he looked.

The class clapped and yelped when Jack jumped through the door and clicked his heels. The entire class clapped louder and chanted his name. Well, almost.

Davey sat there starstruck. The Jack Kelly was standing in front of his math class. Where had he gone? Why wasn't he here for the first few weeks of school? Why the FRICK hadn't anyone warned me that he was really, really hot?

Davey held his pencil in his hand, still staring very hard at the boy in front of him. He seemed a little shorter than Davey was, but not too short that it was heavily noticeable. The door slammed as the commotion died down.

Davey was so out of it he threw his pencil to the front of the classroom. Not to mention, his pencil case fell to the floor when he went to retrieve the fallen pencil.

No one really cared because they were too worried about the most popular kid in school, except one kid.

Davey looked in her direction and they had a small staring contest. Eventually, Davey had to look away, and the other kid shook her head.

Davey continued what he was doing, not noticing the very attractive boy walking up to him and sitting beside him. David never thought he'd have his breath taken away because someone tapped him on his shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Jack", the shorter boy said, reaching his hand out for it to be shaken. "What's your name, cutie?"

Davey's face was the color of a pink rose, which is what Jack saw on him. He tucked some hair behind his ear and stared Jack in the eyes again. "D-Davey?"

Jack chuckled. "What, ya ain't sure?"

Davey rolled his eyes and his blush died down. "I know my name. You're just really-I mean-I don't- I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize", Jack rushed out and ran a hand through his hair, a sign he was nervous. "I was just teasing."


They turned to look at the front of the room, only to find the teacher on his computer. Davey went back to his assignment- still somehow not finishing it- and Jack flipped off Race and Albert.

When the bell finally rang, Davey grabbed everything on his desk, not even thinking to put anything in his backpack. He ran out the door and into the crowded hallways.

Jack watched as the awkward boy from before ran away. He got up, much more calmly, and walked out the door with Race and Albert, who were arguing on how to pronounce "oyster". It was a stupid argument, but entertaining. Sort of.

The three boys walked to the cafeteria and into the lunch line, with the rest of the crew known as The Newsies. Although, Jack usually had his head centered, he found himself uncharacteristically distracted.

He looked around the cafeteria and saw all the guys, gals, and non-binary pals sitting with their friends. That's when he saw a lonely kid at a table in the corner, reading a book.

Jack smirked and made his way to the lonely kid. As he got closer, he realized it was his new friend Davey. When he got there, he sat down and took a fry off of Davey's now visible tray. Davey sat silently in offense and hit Jack in the shoulder, then went back to reading The Extraordinaries.

Jack scooted closer and started reading the book over Davey's shoulder- you know, the one thing he hated most in the world. But, for some reason, Davey didn't mind at all. On any circumstance, Davey would look at the person like they were crazy or elbow them in the nose (Les broke his nose once), but this time he embraced it, and was glad to have a reading buddy.

The two boys sat and read for the entire 30 minutes lunch lasted, slightly startled when the annoying buzzing sound sounded throughout the lunchroom.

Kids started racing towards the exit while Jack and Davey stared at each other. Jack smirked and grabbed the taller boys hand and laid a gentle kiss on his skin.

"See ya 'round, Dave", Jack winked and walked out of the room without another word. He left Davey stunned in silence and blushing furiously. Davey hid his face behind his book and sighed, trying to get his blush down.

"He's still really hot, though."


That book is literally just something I have in my closet. It was between The Hate U Give and The Extraordinaires but I thought The Extraordinaires was a Wattpad book before it got published so😗 (Update: I changed it)

Also I made this while watching Hamilton in Animatics just because.

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