Selfie!- Sprace

229 7 18

I've never done this challenge before, but to celebrate the over 4,000 people who have read this (which is forgot to check bc that is a BIG milestone) I'm doing one.


"Spot! Spot! Spot!"

Race waved a Polaroid camera around, running up to his boyfriend. "We have to take a selfie right here."

"A what?" Spot wasn't very up to date with the constantly changing language. He had no interests to learn it either. "What is that?"

Race rolled his eyes. "I forgot you were old."

"I'm only 21-"

"ANYWAY! It's a photo of yourself."

"So a picture?"

"Yes, but of your face."

Spot was becoming increasingly more confused. "So why not just call it a picture."

"Because that's not fun", Race whined. "Can we please just take one?"

"No", Spot answers, walking away. Race crossed his arms and followed.

"You made me go through all of that just to say no?"

"I like making you sweat."

Race rolled his eyes and pouted, following Spot. They were on vacation, they should be taking pictures for memories and what not, and Spot just wanted to see everything and keep it in his head.

Race tried relentlessly to get him to take a picture, but Spot was too good at spotting the camera. There was no hope.

Race lay on his towel at the beach, thinking. Their vacation is almost over, and he still hasn't gotten a selfie with Spot Conlon.

A snore pushes him out of his mind. He looks over to find Spot sleeping, his mouth open slightly.

"This is it", he whispers out loud. "My chance."

He grabs his phone quickly, careful enough to not wake Spot. He leans over a bit to get them both in the frame, smiling happily.

He takes the picture and posts it on Instagram, happy as a clam. He did it, he finally did it.

It took hard work and a week, but it's done. There's no undoing it.



Uh, oh. "What did I do now?"

"You took a picture of us at the beach and posted it?!"

Race sighed, excepting his fate.

He was a dead, dead man.


It just hit me that I have to do these daily, which is disappointing bc I want to do more now.

I guess I could. No one would really know.

Let me know.

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