chapter 49: do I know my mate? (edit)

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Todoroki pov:


I seriously fucked up right now! Why am I such an idiot!? Of course anisa would comfort izuku, why am I to stupid to realize that!? she'll definitely not forgive me now. And I was finally making progress.

Just seeing izuku cry like that made me angry that nobody was comforting him. He was crying alone for hours! As a kid I was always crying alone for hours, nobody comforting me. And I promised myself that my mates never go through that!

But anisa was still on a mission. And what katsuki said is True. We are training to be hero's, so we're not always gonna be their for each other.  How can I make it up to her?

Serenade to her? No I can't sing.

Have a cuddle night? She definitely doesn't want to hug me after today's fight.

Cook dinner for her? No I only know how to make cold soba.

Fuck what can I do?

I KNOW, I'll ask yuri. Now where could she be.?

Walking to the cafeteria I see yuri sitting with the dekusquad. Walking up to her, I tapped her shoulder only to get a glare in response. Yup she definitely heard the fight.

"What do you want todobitch?!" she sneered at me

"Your help" she just chuckled at this.

"Why would I help you? After you said all that shit to my best friend."

"Because I want to make it right okay, I hurt her once... I don't want that again" she sighed, but reluctantly helped me.

"So what was your plan?" She asked, leaning back in her chair.

"I was thinking, maybe take her on a boat ride?"  Yuri just started laughing, what's so funny.

"You do know that anisa is afraid of large bodies of water right? If she can't see the bottom, she's not going in it" she stated. Wauw I never knew that. So that's why she didn't want to go to the beach. 

"But she would be on a boat, she doesn't have to go into the water" Uraraka asked confused.

"She's seen the titanic." Yuri stated, making everybody But me nod their head. Titanic? What is that? Is that a sea monster?

"Uhm maybe... take her to the movies?" I said, changing the titanic subject.

"She's seen like every movie they play. She goes like 3-4 times a month" oh come on!

"Take her on a walk?" Yuri started glaring at me again. Yeah I definitely said something wrong. But like what's wrong with a walk? it's nice and relaxing, and we have a nice scenery

"Do you even know your mate? Cause by the sound of it, you don't" this really came as a shock to me. I don't know anisa? Wait do I even know her?


"I-I do know my mate!" I said in defense. Why would I not know my mate? I know a lot about izuku and katsuki, so why would I not know anything about anisa?

"Then what's her favorite food?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches" I said with confidence.

"Sho that's my favorite food" Izu said, making me look at him wide eyed. "Her favorite food is spaghetti" izuku said

"What's her favorite song of all time?" Yuri asked again.

"On the floor"

"Damn icy hot, it's habibi " bakugou said, rubbing his face.

"But she plays on the floor all the time" I asked confused. isn't your favorite song a song you play all day? 

"That doesn't mean it's her favorite song" bakugou sighed, looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.

"Last question, what's one of her phobias" What the hell, why ask me that!? How am I suppose to know that!? I don't even know my own phobia's

"I-uhm, large bodies of water?" I really didn't know.

"Izu, bakugou?" Yuri sighed annoyed.

"She has submegaphobia" Izu said.

"She also has a phobia of lice" katsuki said. Lice? She has a phobia of lice? who even has a phobia of that!?

"Oh and she also has a phobia for parasols" Izu finished. Parasols!? Really!?

"So I don't know my own mate?" I said more to myself. I'm the worst mate ever! Why do izuku and katsuki know so much about her. It almost looks like I just met her. 

"Yeah you don't know her. But I love that girl, so I'm gonna help." Yuri said sitting up. "Take her out to a restaurant. She LOVES food, she's an absolute foodie"

Omg why didn't I think of that!? She always talks about food! She has a whole stash of food in our dorm. All she ever thinks about is sex and food!

"Just take her out to her favorite one" she said. I just started fumbling with my fingers, looking down.

"Let me guess, you don't know her favorite restaurant?" Nodding, she groaned. Slamming her head on the table.

"Just take her out,I'll text the details. Just a date between you two, That way you guys can get to know each other." Nodding, I already had my dads credit card ready. This made the table laugh.

I don't even know why they laugh, I always use his credit card. That doesn't matter right, what matters is building my relationship with my mate!


Okay, I have to ask now. I already made reservation at her favorite restaurant, I only have to ask her out now.

"Hey, anisa" I called out for her. she turned around, slightly glaring at me.

"What? Gonna yell at me again?" She sneered. Gulping, I shook my head no. "Then what do you want?!"

"I was Uhm wondering if... if you would like to go on a date with me. Like right now" she just looked at me, not saying a word.

"Why?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"I want to make it up to you. You know, the 'you don't care about your mate' argument" I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Fine" And with that she left. S-She said yes. SHE SAID YES!!

Okay... OKAY! Let's do this!

Walking to the dorms I started thinking about everything. What should I wear? Something fancy, or something casual? The restaurant isn't that fancy, so I guess casual. Maybe I should've made a reservation at a more fancy place. This place just feels so cheap, is that enough for anisa?

NO, anisa doesn't care about those things! If the food is good, she's happy. And that's all I want

Should I buy something extra? Like maybe flowers? No, anisa ones told me she hates flowers. They'll die anyway, so she finds them a useless present. but I feel like I should buy her something.  Maybe I should buy that you one plushie she really wants? That could be a good present. Let's buy it.


Okay present, check. 

Clothing, check.

Hair, check.

Anisa, not yet

Pacing back and forth in the common room, I start to think about all the worst possible scenarios. What if she hates the date? What if she finds me a useless mate? 

I mean heck I barely know anything about her!

Still pacing, I start to smell the sweet scent of apples and freshly mowed grass. Looking back I saw anisa enter the common room. She was wearing this black tight dress, that showed all her curves.

Holy shi-

"Y-you look good" I said blushing.

"Same to you sho" she said, giving a small smile. Taking her hand, we made our way to the restaurant.

Please let this work

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