Chapter 9

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'*Classic - MKTO*'

TUESDAY 12.10.2021

The rain was falling, the wind was blowing and the clouds were rumbling on that October morning. Wrapped in my blanket, I didn't have the courage to face the coolness of my studio. I felt so good in my bed, as if I was in a cocoon.

I pulled up the sheets to cover my head and held my phone in my hands. A missed call from Tom and a message on my voicemail at 11:51pm. Kids my age never left voice mail messages which made me smile like a stupid person.

"Hi Ems. I think you must be sleeping. Um, I just wanted to let you know that the restaurant tomorrow night is pretty fancy so you should dress accordingly. Here you go. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again! So good night and see you tomorrow."

I had taken so many clothes with me, but nothing particularly fancy. I definitely had to go buy something today. My style was pretty simple, it included wide jeans and tight sweater or tight jeans and wide sweater.

I quickly got out of my bed, letting the cold enveloped my body as I shivered before stepping into the shower. One of the reasons that made me choose this studio over another was the large Italian shower that decorated the bathroom.

Dressed warmly with my hands in my pockets, I walked through the streets of London. I had passed several clothing stores but nothing had interested me, I had to find the perfect outfit, I had to be perfect.

I had goosebumps all over my frail body. Quickly, I slipped into the first café I saw. I opted for a large cappuccino that I gulped down in just a few sips before heading back out into the cold city. 

I had been going from store to store for several hours without finding anything, at least nothing I could afford. The clothes here were very expensive and since I wanted to wear something elegant and sexy, the price was even higher.

Slightly lost and not knowing where to go, I took my phone in my hands and clicked on Beth's number to call her. She was a very elegant woman with a lot of style, she would probably have a garment to lend me.

"Hi Beth. It's Emily," I announced over the phone.

"Hi Emily, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you and you?"

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you! What can I do for you?"

"Listen, I have a dinner tonight at a pretty fancy restaurant but I can't find a single outfit I like in town. Do you have anything I could borrow?"

"Yes, of course! I'm at home, you can drop by anytime. I'll text you my address."

Beth lived in a small apartment right next to the pub where we had spent our first evening together. It was decorated in a bohemian style, with lots of plants. Just like I would have her style of decorating.

Her smile was as warm and welcoming as Tom's, making me happy. After making us a cup of tea, she motioned for me to sit on her couch and took place right next to me.

"So, tell me, do you have a date with Tom?" she asked with a wink

I looked down at the floor, embarrassed. Was this a date or just dinner? I assumed it was just a dinner of some sort but was actually hoping it was a date. I had to tell him that I wasn't ready to get into a relationship. Did Tom want to be in a relationship with me?

"Yes," I said. "It's not really a date, we're just going to dinner together."

"I see," she said with a laugh. "What happened between you two when we left you at the bar?"

"He walked me home and we talked for a while," I answered with a shy smile

"You really want me to believe that all you did was talk? Already in the bar, you were devouring each other with your eyes," she remarked with a laugh

"I kissed him," I replied with a sigh.

"Nice. And then?"

"And then, two days later, I slept with him", I laughed in turn while looking at the floor of her living room.

"Oh," she said with a laugh. "Was it good? He must have a lot of experience."

"Indeed, he knows what he's doing," I pointed out with a smile. "It was really good, he's great."

"So you guys are like together now?" she frowned in a nice way

"Oh no not at all. I'm not the type of person to get into a relationship. It's just sex".

It was just sex, for now. But I didn't just want that from him, I wanted more. I wanted him to kiss me over and over, to hold me tight in his long arms, to compliment and admire me. Maybe I also didn't wanted him to spend time with another woman.

On Beth's doorstep, I looked again at the clothes I had borrowed from her. It was a black jumpsuit, with a bare back and embroidered sleeves. It was really beautiful and rather simple, absolutely perfect for tonight.

I was greeted again by a gust of wind, letting my hair go in all directions. It was only October and it was horribly cold, I wasn't ready for what November and December would bring. I walked quickly while trying to warm myself with the cigarette I was smoking.

Back in my studio, I took a long, hot shower, cleaning my hair and my whole body with all the attention in the world. I applied a light layer of makeup to my face while dancing to "Classic - MKTO". I stopped moving my hips so I could apply my mascara trying not to put it everywhere..

Satisfied with myself, I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment. I had long wavy blonde hair, big dark blue eyes and rather thick lips. My body was very muscular, I had been swimming since I was little. I hated that my shoulders were too broad and my trapezius too pronounced. My breasts were neither too big nor too small and my buttocks were well defined. I wasn't ugly per se. Maybe Tom was just interested in my body.

Sitting on my bed, I waited for him. I was like a 5 year old waiting impatiently to open her Christmas presents. I was so impatient. It was 7:03 pm. Tom knocked softly on the door and I rushed to open it.

He was dressed in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and simple black pants. His curly hair was tucked behind his ears. He was, as usual, gorgeous. 

I placed my lips on his for a tender but passionate kiss. Never had a man made me feel so stressed and so excited. He stepped back, put his hands on my shoulders and took a long look at me.

"You are breathtaking Emily," he finally exclaimed.

"Thank you, you look very elegant," I replied, blushing.

With all the speed in the world, I put on my shoes and my coat before joining him towards the small kitchen of my studio.

"It's cozy," he remarked with a big smile.

I walked out of the studio and dragged him by the hand up the stairs. My apartment was so small I was ashamed of it. The living room in Tom's house was twice the size of my entire studio, and I really didn't want him to see that I had money problems.

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