tis the season

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In a Christmassy mood so here we go;
Not proof read

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the tower, no creature was staring especially at this time of hour. The stockings were hung on the chimney with care, kids hoping that St.Nicholas would soon be there. Presents were led under the tree, awaiting to see the faces of glee.

- lol I'm stopping now -

"Is this everything" you said smile wrapping an arm around Natasha's waist, watching Bucky and Sam fight over where to put presents. "I think so, the kids are gonna love it" she chuckled kissing your head. "Bucky and Sam are going to love it" she says correcting herself.

"There we go kids." Tony squealed clapping his hands, "it's officially Christmas in the avengers household, now let's get to bed" he smiled, putting the last present down. Taking Morgan to bed along with Pepper.

"Billy and Tommy are gonna love their gifts" Wanda beamed into Vision. "Indeed they are my love" he replied holding her hand to his lips. "Now let's head off, goodness knows what time they will be up tomorrow" he sighed rolling his eyes playfully. "Night all" Wanda said walking out after Vision.

"We should head to bed too you know" Natasha mumbled kissing your head. "I know but I don't want this moment to end" you pouted, looking at the light snowflakes falling and the twinkling of lights around the city. "Come on" she chuckled getting up holding her hand out for you to take. "Goodnight guys, Thor don't stay up too late and don't open the kids presents" you giggle at his fake offended attitude.

"I hope tomorrow is as god as I hope it is" you smile running your hands through Natasha's hair washing the soap from it. "What makes you say that?" She whispers, eyes fluttering shut slightly. "I don't know, I just want it to be a good day" you say wrapping your arms around her waist, laying your head on her shoulder letting the warm droplets of water rub over your sleepy forms. "I will do anything in my power to make it an amazing day for you detka." Natasha says holding two fingers under your chin to look up at her. "I love you" she whispers before slowly pressing her lips to yours.

"You got matching pyjamas?" She asks.
"Of course I did" you giggle. "And look they have penguins wearing Santa hats" you awe at them. Natasha couldn't help but smile at you, "thank you my love" she says pulling the shirt and shorts on. You were already dressed and sat on the bed waiting for Natasha. "Come here." Yuk motion for her to sit between your legs. "What?" She asks running the towel through her hair. "I said... come here" you giggle taking her hand.

You picked up the hair brush from the bedside and begin to brush through her hair. "You know, the only one I let do this" she says softly turning her head so you can get the hair behind her ears. "And do you know how special that makes me feel" you grin, parting her hair.

Around 10 minutes later and Natasha has two sets of Dutch braids in her hair and she's stood at the mirror of the bedroom admiring your work. "Thank you detka" she beams at you in the mirror.

Natasha climbs into bed pulling the snug duvet over the pair of you before pulling you close to her. "Merry Christmas my precious little one" she whispers in your ear. She feels the smile erupt on your face from the pad of her neck and chuckles. "Merry Christmas my love" you say back. You feel Natasha press a kiss to your forehead before you lull off to sleep.


Morning had come and if you hadn't seen it, you had heard it. Billy and Nathaniel had ran into yours and Natasha's room jumping on the two of you announcing at the top of their lungs that Christmas had arrived. "You know it's a good thing we weren't naked Natasha mumbled climbing out of bed and wandering into the bathroom. You went after Natasha and proceeded to the common room to gather with the rest of your family.

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