Your here now

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Beautiful and very sentimental suggest from the lovely @maximoff_Anna
"Have a nice day" you say with a smile then turn your attention to the next customer in line. "Hi what can I get for you?" You ask nicely putting away the cash from the previous customer. Looking up you are met with the most beautiful woman.

Her red velvet hair sits perfectly on her shoulders, her piercing green eyes staring right back at you, her adorable button-like nose twitches slightly when her pink plump lips curled into a jaw-dropping smile.

"Hi can I get a all white americano please" she says softly. "Of course is that all?" you ask gently and she nodded. "And can I ask the name please?" You ask grabbing a pen ready to scribble onto the cup. "Natasha" she said softly.

You smile as you neatly wrote her name down and passed the cup to your co-worker to be filled.
A few weeks have passed and Natasha comes in nearly every ordering the same thing, getting a dessert here and there. And you and Natasha have become friends.

You would often get caught up in a lovely conversation totally forgetting you had to serve others as well though she never seemed to mind.

"Hey, fancy seeing you here" you smirk. "You usual?" You ask and she nodded excitedly. You had noticed, that over the time of you and Natasha becoming friends, she had been a lot more... happy.

Not that she wasn't, she was just more more happy. "So what have you been up to?" you ask making her drink. "Oh just trying to stop the whole world from falling into a catastrophe" she says sarcastically making you giggle.

"Mhmm sound fun" you mumble. "How about you?" She asks. "Hmm not much, just making coffee all day everyday" you said....
"Here you go" you smile handing her her coffee. "Why thank you." She giggled.
3 weeks later:
Your father had been diagnosed with some long term illness and it had been slowly breaking your family apart. Your bother had gone off to fight in the army. Your mother had blown through all her money from her father will to spend on the hospital bill and was taking money from you claiming you to be 'selfish' because you didn't want her to have it all.

Something along the lines of 'you are so cruel you know that right, your father is sitting in a hospital bed rotting away and your going to sit by and do nothing' she would degrade you quite often. The doctors even told you that the illness was incurable and that there was nothing they could do.

But your mother continued to pay to try and find a way around it.  She was wasting her time. Rather than cherishing the time she had, she would get mixed up in shady business trying to help your dad.

Over time you began to lose the light in your eyes you became mess motivated. You felt like nothing and the worst part was that Natasha wasn't even there to help you. She had told you she had to go away for a while on some secret business.

Not having her around made things so much harder, she couldn't distract you with her smile, she couldn't be there for you to tell her your problems, she couldn't tell you everything will be okay. You missed her, even though you had only ever seen her from behind a counter you still missed her.

It was always the same thing over and over, get up, shower, dressed, go to work, serve people with a 'smile', come home, eat, go to bed. Always the same thing.

It hurt. Mentally hurt. So much so you decided to find a distraction to take your mind off it. The only thing you found that works was to feel pain. Physical pain. You didn't like it. It made you feel awful, but it made things lighter in a way. When you did inflict pain on yourself you felt a weight lift of your shoulder.

It had been going on a while now and you found it hard to stop. You arrived back at work, opting to do the same things over and over again. You began to wear a long sleeve shirt over the time to try and keep it quiet.

It was around half way through your shift when you heard a familiar voice "hi can I get an all white americano please?".

Your head shot up to find a huge grin on her face. "Your back" you gasp and throw your arms over the counter and around her. That was the first time you've ever actually made contact with her and it took her back a little but she was happy to see you again.

"I am and I've missed you" she smiled making you blush a little. You get to making her drink chatting like you always do, you needed this. Her. She made everything better somehow. "So... when will I see you next?" You ask putting the lid on her cup. "Well hopefully I'm not going away that long again." She smirked. "Well.. that's great news." You cheer.

You hesitate before giving it her. You didn't want her to go so soon, you just got her back. You smile sadly and hand her the cup. Not realising your sleeve pulled up a slight fraction exposing all your attacks on yourself. "Have a lovely day and I hope to see you soon" you hair happily. She didn't really know what to do, she wanted you to tell her but she didn't want to wait too long, she didn't want this for you. "You too" she smiled before walking out.

When she was out of sight you let out a loud sigh before getting back to work.
"Have a nice evening," you call to your co-workers before walking out. You turn to walk but you bump into someone. "I'm so sorry" you scramble out "Y/N" Natasha says sincerely. You looked up shocked. Why was she here? "Hi back for another round?" You ask. "Are you okay?" She said her face riddled with concern. "I'm fine why'd you ask?" You say a little to fast for her liking. "What's going on?" She continued. "I'm here for you, you can talk to me" she whispered pulling you into a hug. "Where were you? You were too long," you whimper into her neck.

"I'm so sorry love I'm here now, should we take this elsewhere?" She asked softly. You sniffled, pulling yourself from her embrace before nodding.
She took you to the Stark Tower which you knew about her being an avenger and all but the team didn't know you. You told her on the way that you wasn't ready to meet them all yet, knowing fully you would be attacked with a dozen questions. Which she understood.

You were sat on her bed fiddling with your hands waiting for her to talk. "Nat.." you whisper. She immediately looked at you. "Say something." You whisper again. "I'm sorry I'm just trying to calm myself down." She mumbled. "What?" You asked confused. "Your mom, she- she" Natasha stuttered trying to form words. "I know, I know" you say taking her hand grazing your thumb over her knuckles trying to sooth her. "It's okay" you whisper. "I've got you now, everything will be fine" you say encouragingly.

Wow I mean eesh that was, deep? I loved the idea though it was so cute thank you. Thank you all for everything. You are all the best.
Please stay safe and love yourself 🤍🤍

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