Forces outmatch

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You were in the training room unleashing all your built up anger. When a soft cold hand was placed on your shoulder making you jump. You quickly turned around ready to attack the person but relax when SHE came into view. She gives you a soft smile and pulls you into a hug. You couldn't help but hug her back. Tears began to stream down your face leaving wet patches on her shoulder. She keeps you in her arms until your breathing calms down and you stop shaking. Gently she pulls away and gazes into your eyes. She slowly leans in and places her lips onto yours you don't hesitate to kiss back. It was a very emotional kiss. She was full of empathy and love. You on the other hand sadness, anger , guilt but mostly love. "I love you Natasha Romanoff" you whimper kissing her again. "I love you too Y/N Y/L/N"
—end of flashback—
That was the first time you had pledged your love to the red head. It was going amazingly until Steve found out you two and become a thing. Tony knew of course and he was actually happy for the both of you. But Steve wouldn't allow it. He said something along the lines of "it provides enemies with leverage and leaves you vulnerable." He also said something like "it will also distracts you in the field and the two of you are being selfish". He said he would not allow you and Natasha to continue this charade. It broke you and Natasha, so much you two isolated yourself from each other and the rest of the team. What can you say? Caps orders.
One month had been by and the team hadn't seen either of you. Tony even felt bad. So he decided to have a chat with cap. "Come on cap you can see what your doing to them and you know how much it takes for Romanoff to open up and now she's found happiness your denying her it, no denying both of them it. You know what your being? Your being selfish. We don't like selfish."
"You know why we can't let make weak. If in the field they will do anything to protect each other. It makes them weak it also provides their enemies with leverage you know that stark" he snarled.
"That's what you don't see cap what you just said there about them doing anything to protect each other in the field just goes to show how much they love each other and what they are willing to do for each other. Their in love and it's beautiful that's what you aren't seeing"
"Fine let them do what they want, if it all goes south don't come crying to me telling me I was right"
Your sat on your bed, legs curled up to your chest your head on your knees looking out your window at the sky view of New York your heart hurts. You can't cry. There's no more tears to cry, you've used them all. You've finally found your person, the one that can make you happy, complete and now she's been taken away. Your heart hurts. You can't get her out of your mind, her smile, her scent, her hair, her beautiful green eyes. You just want her to hug you and tell you that everything will be okay and she's there but she can't.
She's sat on her bed, legs curled up to her chest her head on her knees looking out of her window at the sky view of New York her heart hurts. She can't cry. There's no more tears to cry, she's used them all. She's finally found her person, the one that can make her happy, complete and how you've been taken away. Her heart hurts. She can't get you out of her mind, your smile, your scent, your hair, your beautiful E/C eyes. She just wants you to hug her and tell her that everything will be okay and your there but you can't.
Morning quickly turns to evening and she can't take it anymore. She jumps out of her bed and texts Tony to help her set the rooftop up for a date knowing he won't say no. He didn't. She got a shower and got dressed up. Light makeup, loose curls and a smile. Not a real one, your not there to put it on. She calls you,
"Nat" you croak.
"Meet me on the roof at 7 dress up I can't take this anymore I love you" she said and end the call without giving you chance to protest. You don't hesitate you jump in the shower, dress up, light makeup loose curls and a smile. Not a real one she's not there to put it on. And you walk out of your room to the elevator onto the roof. When you step out you gasp at the beautiful sight, the red head. You haven't seen her in over a month and she still managed to take your breath away. You couldn't help yourself but run to her and wrap your arms around her. She pulled you close. You start to tear up, to be reunited with your love, although the pain will come back twice as sore. You reluctantly pull away and meet her gaze. She leans in and smashes her lips to yours in an endearing kiss. It was full of emotion. Both of you love, pain, loss, sadness but mostly love.
"I love you too Natasha I always will" you whisper while your foreheads on hers. She smiles and guides you to the table sitting you down. You look around you, candles, roses, champagne, fairy lights.
"Y/N this time apart has been torturous and it has reminded me how much I can't live without you and if Steve can't accept that claiming were being selfish well then.... I'm willing..... willing to be selfish with you." She said softly. You hold her hand and rub her knuckles with your thumb and smile you can feel your heart swell at the love you are feeling. "Me too i hate being away from you it's like I lost half of myself. I can't do that anymore. I need you in my life Natasha I love you, so much." And the two of you talk all night loving basking in each others company. And being genuinely complete. When you have finished dinner and talking things over, you go back down to the lounge area hand in hand and real smiled on your face, the rest of the team smile and they cheer to see you both again, together and happy. All except Steve who just scoffed and walked away. You just look at each other roll your eyes and smile. You two decided that you weren't going to let Steve get to you no matter now horrible he is "he just needs to get laid" you said to Natasha. You were happy, back with her. Your love.
It fell late and you began to get tired, Natasha took you to bed despite your protests. She carried you to your room and you put some pajamas on and wipe your makeup off before getting into bed. Time rolled by and you found yourself unable to sleep. You were too happy, too in love. You sighed and got up ignoring your drowsiness even if you were tired you were still caught up thinking about her. You tiptoed to her room, opened the door slid in, closing it gently behind you. You jump when you hear her call your name.
"What are you doing here?" She smirked
"You're just too irresistible and I can't sleep" you said. She chuckles then rolled over to make room for you and you quickly run over and plop down next to her and cuddle up to her. She wraps her arm around you and peppers your forehead in light kisses. You hum and pull her closer. "I missed this, I missed you." You mumble into her. "Me too, me too" she whispered and the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms. Finally at peace.

Awh I actually tolerate this one i hope you like it :)
Requests are welcome as always
Stay safe everyone and love yourself 🤍🤍

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