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Your family has always been highly religious. You also had a secret that you knew you had to keep to yourself. You had found that you preferred to date girls than boys in fact, you were sure you liked girls and only girls.

Only one person knew your secret and that was your best friend Tony Stark, it had taken him time to get it out of you as you feared you were going to be rejected due to your very judgemental family and their background.

Though when you did tell him, he was very appreciative. Ultimately feeling a weight being lifted from your shoulders. You were thankful for him as you knew he didn't judge you. The second you told him, he hugged you and then said "hey I can even talk to you about girls now" with a wink and in that moment you knew you had him by your side.

You loved Tony because he was always there for you when things got tough at home, he would let you stay at his house and he would do things like face masks with you and watch films, you would talk about guys asking you out and how frustrating it is.

He would also do little gestures to show you that he's there for you like introducing you to his lady friends at his famous parties but you couldn't take any of the home or let anything happen due to the worry of your family being there.

Bless, he even agreed to pretend dating so your parents don't cast you out like you knew they would. You would never kiss but you would always be cuddling when you were near your parents and holding hands just to remove any suspicion.

Weirdly, it wasn't weird for you, it was probably due to the fact that you two were so close and you were so comfortable around him as he saw you for who you really are. You thought you sounded ridiculous but you were so paranoid that you decided to go to any extreme lengths to keep your secret from them and he was very understanding.

It was all going well until your father overheard you talking to tony;
"it hurts Tone (that was your nickname for him) it hurts that I have to hide away from my own family but I know if I told them they would never speak to me again."

neither you or Tony knew your dad was listening. "listen Y/N it is not your fault you like girls and if they can't accept you for who you really are then they are assholes!"

Within second your dad was barging into your room, you jump up and he's glaring at you "your not my daughter, get out." For some reason it hurt you more than you thought.

Before you could even say anything he stormed out and slammed the door behind him. Tony instantly pulled you into a hug letting you cry into him.

Tony packed all your things up and got Happy to come and get all your things. Before you went, you went to say goodbye to your little brother who was like 6 and loved you dearly.

He was confused but he let you go. Once you left you and Tony made your way back to his tower, he let you chose your room and decorate it how you wanted it, so you did.

You chose Y/F/C walls and chose somethings to have for decoration. He said he would provide for anything you need but you felt bad so you decided to get a job. You have always wanted to work for a magazine company so Tony said he would talk to some of his "friends" who owe him favours. You said no but he insisted so you caved in.

Since the whole family finding out incident, you had honesty never been happier: you had your own job; you lived with your best friend -who also happened to  be the richest man in the word-  but you didn't love him for that. You loved him because he helped you through the toughest time in your life and he supported you for who you really are and was always there for you.
And you loved him even though he could be an ass, you was grateful.

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