Are you okay?

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Warning: little angsty

You were sat at the table in the middle of a team meeting. You were not in the mood today, you had been feeling really low lately and not to mention that today was the 1st year since your sisters death, meaning your powers will be acting up. Your powers magnifies your emotions at least 10x more than usual. So that feeling of sadness, nervousness, anger, stress and loneliness is all multiplied by ten, making you feel even more overwhelmed than usual. You were out in a daze when you heard someone call your name bringing you back into reality. You lift your head and hum acknowledgement, all heads turn to you and you look down embarrassment "I said are you up for this mission?" Fury asked. "hmmm I don't know let me get back to you... sorry" you mumble looking up. At first he looks confused but soon shakes it off and you return back into your daze once again. This time re-living the memory of your sisters death.

------------ start of flashback -------------

"Quick ava we need to go". (ava is your sister's name). You grabbed her hand and basically dragged her through the wet, dark, mouldy corridor. You took you and her to an abandoned orphanage from the 1800s. You figured it would be a good place to lie low for a month or so but you seemed to have underestimated their skills. So here you were dragging your little sister through the dirt with you. Scurrying through the corridors trying to find a place for her to hide you didn't care about yourself so much, as long as she was safe. You must've read the blue prints wrong as well, you turned a corner to find a dead end. IT was that moment you knew you were done for. You looked behind you and saw a bunch of guards funning towards you. You knew your time was up. You quickly crouched down

"Ava, I love you so much I am so sorry honey, just know I will be for as long as I'll live, which doesn't look like long. But I want you to know that I love you more than you will ever know, everything will be okay, mom and dad are so proud of you you've been such a big girl please keep it up for me, I love you ava" you say quickly, tears now streaming down both of your faces, no time for sobbing, your time was up, your sister would be turned into HYDRA's secret weapon and that traumatized you, you promised yourself you weren't going to let anything happen to her. You were sorry, sorry you couldn't do better, sorry she would end up at the hands of them because of your stupid fault the guilt you felt right now would follow you to the grave. All the soldiers swarmed around to you and Ava. Two soldiers around you grabbing your arm holstering you up. Two more took Ava. "please, let her go" you whimper looking one of the guards directly in their eyes. They maintained eye contact for 2 seconds then soon broke away. They were shouting in a language you didn't know and you spoke quite a few languages They all stopped what they were doing and looked confused, this caused you to mirror their faces. Then, they all began to swarm around you so that you could only see them. A minute or so goes by and you hear a single gunshot and saw little hands drop to the floor. Your little sisters hands. It was like they ripped your heart out and shot it again and again right in front of you. If you had just studied those blue prints properly. This wouldn't have happened and your sister would still be alive.

They were dragging you back the way they came and you saw her body, her little, helpless, limp body lying there like it was nothing. They just took her from you. You didn't retaliate, you were too broken, too empty, it felt like the inside of you was burning. Physically on fire.You have no energy you just fall to your knees and finally let the tears fall. You never cried -not from what you remember anyways- not even when your parents died. Well because they used to beat you all the time when you "wasn't doing enough, didn't do something right," or just for fun. But Ava. Ava was the one your parents cherished but you still loved her with your whole heart it want her fault and when they died, you took it upon yourself to look after and protect her forever. Forever. Ava was your world,the only thing you had left, she was the one thing that you were proud of. You let them drag you the rest of the way, presumably to their facility for goodness knows what.

-------------- time skip -------------------

that was how you got your powers, you had powers like Wanda and Carol put together but the color was purple. Then the avengers saved you form Sokovia -where they look you send where they experimented on you- you hadn't known Wanda or Pietro was there at the time. You were instantly taken to the tower and were put on bed rest.

------------- end of flashback ------------

You were completely out of it by this point, you hadn't notice the singe tear fall from your face. You were in too deep.Your breathing became heavy when someone gripped you and ripped you from your thoughts. You got into stance ready to attack. "woah woah woah Y/N its just me hi hello just me" Tony said worriedly. You relax and breathe out. "sorry" you mutter and look down adverting everyones gaze on you. "Are you okay Agent Y/L/N you seem a little... distant today." he quipped. "I'm fine... I'm okay" you said and smile reassuringly. He gave you an uncertain look but continued. You let out another shaky breath and tried to pay attention but I was fidgeting with my hands -nervous habit-.

"Hey.." nat whispered. You looked at her trying my absolute hardest to hide any emotion from your eyes, "hmm?" you replied. "you okay?" she asked with sincerity. "I'm fine" you mumble nonchalantly looking away. "Y/N." she said. You looked at her and you felt the tears rimming in your eyes threatening to fall at any second. Nat instantly grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the room and speed walked down the corridor until you were out of earshot. "What is it darling?" she asked delicately. You couldn't find any words. Your breathing became erratic with tears falling. Natasha had never seen you like this. She didn't know what to do, she knew your powers were connected to your emotions and didn't want to say anything to set you off. So she did the only thing she could think off. She wrapped her arms around you and hugged you tightly. You stood there sobbed into her shoulder. She rubbed your back trying to pacify you. Slowly, you came to your senses and gradually calmed down. You pulled away and gave her a shy smile. "thank you." you mumble. "Its okay, I'm always here for you, do you want to talk about it?" she asked carefully. "today is one year since my sister was, killed." you say bluntly trying not to recall anymore memories. "Y/N I'm sorry" she mumbled stroking your arm. "please Don say that, I'm the one who would be sorry, I didn't read them right, it was my fault they killed her. She was so little, so innocent." you whimper tears beginning to fall again, "Why Nat why did they kill her?" you looked at her hopelessly. "I.. I don't know..." she mumbles looking down "come here" she said flinging her arms around you pulling you into her. You stay there in her arms almost limp, tears dropping occasionally.

You were now in Natasha's room perked up in her bed, drinking a hot cup of tea trying to stay calm. She went to get some food, she said that you were in a "vulnerable place right now and shouldn't be by yourself" and you were thankful for that. Goodness knows what you would've done if she wasn't there to calm you. She walked in breaking you away from your thoughts. She smiled sweetly, she went to get takeout, awe. You smiled back, "you didn't have to-" you were cut off by her "I wanted to" and you smiled. She gave you your food and you sat and watched some crappy show, but you didn't mind, you had company and that's all you wanted. All you've been longing for since she gained her wings.

oof a little angsty there, wow sorry about that. And thank you for 17k like what- I'm sorry - what!!
Requests are welcome,
Stay safe and love yourself. 🤍🤍

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