the new recruit pt.1 (dr x n)

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You are around 16 in this story. Your also Natasha's long lost daughter but you don't know yet...

"everyone, we have a new recruit I'd like you all to meet. Guys this is Y/N Y/L/N. " he quipped and you walked in. You had a stern look on your face a look you shouldn't have given how young you were. But you had been taught that from a young age too much of a young age to show no emotion no matter how you were feeling it makes you look weak and vulnerable. Since you can remember you had been taught that love was for children and you have no place in the world. They had taught you to degrade yourself everyday to fight yourself making you stronger than the rest. They all had a look of uncertainty on their face, "hi" you said bluntly. They all gave awkward waves and you turned to director fury, "can I go to my room now please?" you ask politely, because you know you can somewhat trust him the others, not so much. He nodded and you turned on your heal and walked out. "don't sweat it, she doesn't trust easy." he reassures them. They all nod a little taken back, they had never gotten that reaction before.

It was the next day and you were up early as usual you weren't a good sleeper, since you were little you couldn't sleep due to the fact you were basically brought up in the red room but were then sold to Strucker for his "tests" where you got your powers. You can absorb water and manipulate it. Those were the nightmares that haunted you, those were the nightmares that taken away every inch of your remaining humanity, those were the nightmares that made you feel like you truly didn't belong anywhere. In the red room you were trained to become the next black widow, since you were her daughter. She was distraught when they took her away, that was the last straw, she decided to leave, there was always that one thing she regretted and that was leaving her beloved daughter behind.

You were in the training room, it was 5.00am and you were fazing out all your anger on an innocent punching bag, well that was until you split it "fuck" you pant. You trudged over to a bench and sat down taking a drink. You weren't fully satisfied so you chose to go on the treadmill and run, first it was a low intensity jog, then it soon became a fast fun, you found working out at a high intensity, calms you down. "are you okay?" came a raspy, silky voice from behind you. You instantly spin your head around after stopping the treadmill to find Natasha. You gave her a sharp glare "I'm fine" and start to walk away but she grabbed your arm. You snapped your head to look at her, she looked confused. "do you want to spar, let off some team" you smile wickedly and nod. She looks at you as if you were mental but got into the ring anyways.

"where did you come from?" she asked.

"that's none of your business." you growl. She gave you an odd look but you kept your face straight.

You followed her and got into the ring, both of you were watching each other to try and anticipate ones moves, since none of you were doing anything other than bounce on your feet, she gave you an odd look and you took it as your chance to swipe her legs and bring her down you held her legs in place and placed your forearm over her chest pinning her down. She looked baffled, no one managed to pin her down well, not in the first fight that was at least. She double tapped your arm and you let her go. She took the time to try and pull you down and roll on top of you but you saw it coming so you twisted her arm pulling her up and forcing her on her stomach. "you're pretending to be weak" you muttered in her ear and she froze. "what?" she whispered. "nothing" you huffed getting up off her. "go again?" you ask getting back in stance. She nodded and got up. She got into position, she went for your legs so you went for her top half grabbing her shoulders and flipping her over you then taking out her legs from under her. She groaned as she hit the floor. "not so good after all are we Natalia" you mutter. She looked stunned, scared and nervous. She watched you walk out then she scrambled out of the training room to go find tony.

"STARK" Natasha screamed.

"in here" he shouted back, she sighed in relief and went to go and see him.

She walked in his lab thing and saw him looking at some data. "I need you to do something for me." He spun around and looked at her confused. "I'm all ears." he said. "pull up everything on that new recruit will you" she ordered sounding frustrated leaving no time for questions, so ne quickly got everything up on you. "Thank you now leave." and he scrambled out leaving her to find out who you really were. She pulled up your file and found that you were trained in the red room which she gathered, then sold to hydra for an experiment, the experiment was successful and toy have powers over water. Then she looked at your medical records, she hadn't even thought about the possibilities but she looked at everything to do with you, it said you had no birth certificate so she couldn't see your parents, you were put up for the black widow project from a very young age. So she went to the only person she knew could do this. Dr, Cho -I was going to do banner but I was like Cho needs more recognition she's amazing hehe- she asked her to run your DNA and trace it back to its source and to keep it on the DL in the mean time.


You were sat in you room reading a book when someone knocked at your door, "come in" you said. It was Natasha, you rolled your eyes and put your book down, "hi um, what was that about earlier?" she asked. You looked down at the floor and looked up. "I don't know, I'm sorry it was just seeing your face brought me back there," you say quietly, her gaze softened and she made her way over to you and perched on the end of the bed. "I'm sorry, I know what you've been through" your head shot up. "no you don't." you said slightly raising your voice, "ever since you escaped, they became harder beating you until you couldn't do anything else, always shout at you to be like you, there would be no one like you and they tried their best, their absolute hardest to make another one to break and manipulate us just so we could be you but when they learned there wouldn't be another Black Widow, they sold their best people to hydra to be pocked and prodded with all kinds of things. so No Natasha you don't know what I've been through!" you shouted. She looked a little taken back. "your right I don't know but I can imagine and for you to come out of the situation as well as you have done, makes you the strongest person I know." she said softly. You still had your hard face on but your eyes told her how you was feeling, she hesitantly got closer and pulled you into a hug. "thanks" you whisper. "you're welcome now were having dinner care to join?" she asks with a weak smile. You nodded and followed her into the dinning area. You didn't talk throughout the whole meal time occasionally nodding your head but that was it.

Once you were done you went to get a shower and then went to bed.

You were in a dark room tied to a cold metal surface, all of your muscles feel like their on fire, your brain hurts, everything hurts. Without warning, the lights switched on making you hiss not used to it after being in darkness for goodness knows how long. A few guards came in then another man you presumed was significant due to his clothes, he wore a suit with a long black coat. Whereas the rest was wearing uniforms and lab coats. He had several injections in his hand and he pushed the first needle into you, that was a clear liquid, then a yellow onw , then blue, then red. Gradually, you felt your body ignite, it was burning, more than before, You were flinging yourself around, fighting the restraints aching for the pain to go away. But it only got worse, you eventually, let out a scream

And you shot up in bed panting, all sweaty, you took your time trying to sort yourself out. You look over at your clock and see its 5.05am and you get up, dressed and go to train. This time you didn't encounter Natasha but it was okay. You then went and showered, changed and then went to get some water and headed outside, you climbed a tree and looked at the view, little towns here and there but mainly trees. All you could smell was pine and musk and you loved it. You liked nature. It was a nice place to relax. You put your hand on the tree and pulled up some of its water, you let it dance around the air for a while.

------------ meanwhile.---------------

Natasha didn't train this morning because she got a word from Dr.Cho wishing to speak with her claiming its urgent and has to come at once. "What is it, have you got a lead?" she asked urgently. "yes, and you wont have to look far, I have matched her mother's DNA but I cannot find her father's on any records" she said worriedly. "well who's her mother?" Natasha asked. "you... your her mother" she said shocked. "what...." Natasha whispered.

I literally posted one like 5 mins ago but I only had to add a few sentences into this one, there will be a part two to this soon :)
Request a are always welcome
stay safe everyone and love yourself. 🤍🤍

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