a marksman's secret

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Sum: you and Natasha were dating and you had a secret you didn't want her to find out out to protect her you were willing to spill it.

You and Natasha were walking home from and well deserved night out. Natasha was tipsy as were you, you two never got drunk out side the compound due to the fact she's assassin and many people have her as a target and she will not by any means put you in harms way. So, you two were walking back and someone bumps into Natasha and before you turn to say something, she's collapsed on the floor, the bastard stabbed her in her side. Without hesitation, you instantly get the knife that is tucked way on your person. You have always kept a knife on you in public occasions. And threw the knife at the attacker. And hit him in the back of the head. You instantly rushed to her side. You heaved her up and ran back to the tower. As soon as you got in to took her to the infirmary. The doctors said she'll be fine she just needs sleep. They gave her some antibiotic and stitched her up. You didn't leave her side the whole time.
-3hours later-
You were just dozing off to sleep when you felt her hand squeeze yours. Your eyes instantly shot open and you saw her smiling at you. You smiled sadly back and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Are you okay?" You mutter. "I'm okay. Wouldn't have been if you weren't there" she teased truthfully. You chuckled lightly. "Did you know who that was?" You ask. She shook her head "no but there are many people after me." You winced at the statement. "What happened to that guy." She asked. "Oh I dealt with him alright." You said smugly. She tilted her head in confusion. Your eyes widened when you heard what you just said. "What do you mean Y/N?" She asked suspiciously. You were a "elementary school teacher" who was always soft and kind. But you did that to cover your dark past and to protect the little innocent people. "Y/N?" Natasha asked again. You just sighed "I may have killed him" you whisper. "But you weren't even near him, you were next to me.." she remarked. "But it didn't stop me" you said. "How?" She was growing concerned, her once loving girlfriend just killed a man and she's totally unfazed by it, you were normal to her and that sort of thing should've sent you in a state. But her assumptions are far off. "I threw one of my knives at him and it hit him in the back of the head." She just scoffed in disbelief "well for one, good shot. And secondly how?" She asked again. You sighed "I'm like an amazing marksman." You mumbled. "From a young age I was thought how to use weapons and I never miss a shot." She was taken back by this statement. You sat there not knowing what to do. "Well now I know, do you wanna join the avengers?" She asked in a happier expression. Your breath hitched in your throat. "I can't I've killed people Natasha, not like you did but I did it because I wanted to" you said shakily. She looked at you with a sad smile. "Why did you kill them people Y/N?" She asked. It sounded like she was trying to prove a point. "Because they were hurting children, they were making them into bad people." You replied. "So you area hero, those guys were bad Y/N you can't see that?" She asked. "But they didn't deserve to die, prison maybe but death no, that's why I became a teacher at elementary school, I want to protect the children there so little and helpless." You sobbed. She knew how you felt. She pulled you into a hug and you were careful of her wound. "Y/N listen to me you are a good person, you devoted your career into helping people how can you not see that?" She said comfortingly. "I guess." You mumbled. "Think aout it please." She begged. "Okay." You mumbled again.
Two weeks later.

Natasha had been let out of hospital. You had time to think and you said yes to becoming an avenger, you aren't enhanced but you were good with any weapon. Even an arrow and that pissed Hawkeye off. Everyone fount it funny except him. But you promised you wouldn't use a bow and that seemed to lighten his mood. Natasha was proud of you. You were training in a room and you thought you were alone but the team had hired someone to jump you in a way to see how your reactions were. They were watching through the widow (like ones in an interrogation room in a police station). The guy sneaked up on you and covered your mouth with his hand. You put your arm around his back and threw him vet your shoulder winding him. You straddled His waist pinning his arms down and putting your left into his legs so he can't flip you over. "Damn my girls good" Natasha says. They all come rushing out cheering. You all give them a glare. And they shut up. Natasha sauntered over to you and you got up. She kissed you passionately and you kissed back. You reached into your pocket to get another knife and threw it near the door not looking yet you trapped the guys shirt on the doorframe with you knife. You pulled away from the kiss and walked over to the guy. You punched him in the stomach and walked out. Everyone was in awe at your accuracy. Like you wasn't even looking. Clint went red and Tony teased him.

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