Pamper her

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Sum: Natasha had just come back from a brutal mission and you take it upon yourself to take good care of her.


Y/N's POV:
I was in the shower when I heard the bedroom door slam open, making me jump. I knew it was Natasha, she had been gone for 2 weeks on a field mission. So I quickly finish off and rush out to her. She's laying on the bed all battered up, cuts and bruises scattering her beautiful face, some wounds from other weapons. I feel my eyes widen at the sight, never had she looked so helpless.

Quickly, I rush to her side "baby are you okay?" I question a little panicky, I heard it meaning she definitely would. "Yeah just a little sore" she joked before hissing and grabbing her side. "Stay right there I'll be back" I squeak then, as fast as I can and I scurry off to the closet to get some pyjamas on then jump to the bathroom to fetch the medical equipment.

I rush back to her side and slowly peel off her suit. I try to be as careful as possible. Once it's off I tend to the wounds wiping them with a disinfectant then wrap them up, often end up stitching the odd one or two. I make sure she's comfortable before returning to the bathroom to dispose of the bloody wipes, cloths, etc. I grab a small bucket and a little towel before returning to her. I dip the towel in the luke warm water before gently dragging it across her dirty skin. She hissed a few times and I would apologise profusely.

Once her body is ridden of the dirt, grime, sweat and blood. I go and wash out the bucket before gathering her skincare products. Natasha loves it when I do her skincare for her. So I can't resist, she's just been on a very tough mission and is in need of love and cleanliness. I brought them back into the room and see her face light up making me smile lovingly.

I carefully place her head on my lap and begin to cleanse her skin, taking my time making sure to clean her face properly, due to the fact her pores are screaming. I next move on to serums and then moisturiser with a jade roller. I was slowly gliding the roller across her skin when her eyes flutter open, making me smile widely before leaning down and pecking her lips making her hum softly. Getting a detangle brush, I slowly but tightly plait her hair into one single french braid to keep it out of her face.
"I'm going to move now okay?" I whispered gently pulling my legs from around her. "Sit up on the bed I'll be back soon." I say and peck her lips. She tries to deepen it but I pull away and wink before walking out.

I run to Pietro's room and beg him to run and fetch me and Natasha takeout promising him a facial in return. He eventually gives in because he loved a good papering much like Natasha though she hated to admit it. She loved it when I treat her like she's the only girl in the world.

I got back to mine and Natasha's room and put on her favourite movie before cuddling her into me. Gently scratching her arm making her hum, when a frantically loud knock appears on my door making us both jump. I slowly got up, not wanting to hurt Natasha. And then bolted to the door. To see the take out on the floor. I smiled and shouted 'thank you speedy' before picking it up and heading back to Natasha.

I place it down on her lap and she smiled gratefully. "Thank you baby, you always know how to cheer me up" she cooed before starting to eat. Me following soon after.

Food is done, I'm tired, Nat's tired, we turn everything off but before that l force her to take some painkillers so she's not getting any discomfort. Then allowed her to snuggle into me. Soon falling asleep with my hand gently stroking up and down her soft scarred back.

No matter what I'll always be there for her.

Whoop whoop I've posted quite a few today, lil bit proud but I thought the idea was cute.
Please let me know if you have any requests.
Stay safe everyone and love yourself 🤍🤍

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