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You and Natasha had been dating for a while now and you had a secret. You were Russian too, she had absolutely no idea. Your family was Russian so you were fluent in speaking it. You didn't speak Russian often (especially around Natasha, you didn't know why you just didn't) that was until, well you lost your cool at Steve.
You were out on a mission with Steve and he fucked it up. You managed to sneak into the base and you had to gather shields intel but he had to trigger a few guards. When you got home you went to get a shower then met everyone in the kitchen. Natasha was training with Clint at the time. You still wouldn't talk to Steve, he tried to talk to you so many times but you ignored him because you knew that if you opened your mouth you wouldn't be able to stop. You were sat at the island whilst everyone was talking out the mission, to get it over and done with, you had decided to write up the mission report. You had been there for 40 minutes filling it out, ignoring anyone who tried to talk to you, you reply was always the same "shush I'm busy". Everyone could hear the anger and tiredness in your voice that they left you alone. That's where things went wrong. Steve tried came up to you once more to try apologise and you snapped "Стив, отвали, я не хочу с тобой разговаривать, разве ты не видишь, оставь меня в покое!! (Steve, just fuck alone I don't want to talk to you can't you see that leave me alone)".
You turn to talk out the door to see Natasha staring at you. She had an unreadable expression on her face and that made you mad too. Everything about that day made you mad. You just scoff and walk away. As you walk into your room, you throw the papers onto the floor scattering them everywhere. When you look at the mess you made you just screamed at the top of your lungs (it was an angry scream like you could just tell you were mad). It felt like your blood was on fire and you needed to get it out before it consumed you. Then you collapsed on your knees picking them back up sobbing uncontrollably. You didn't know why you were sobbing, you weren't even sad you were angry if anything. When you finished picking up all the papers, you went to put them on the desk when Natasha burst through the door. She had a look of shock and anger on her face. You sighed and trudged over to your bed. You sat there with your head in your hands trying to maintain a steady breath. "Please leave me alone." You mumble trying to hold back tears. You were never like this. Ever. You were always calm and chill. No one had ever seen you like this hell you haven't ever really seen yourself like this before. "What's wrong love?" She asked seeing your state. She had never seen you mad and she didn't like it, not that it scared her she just hated seeing you like this she felt helpless. You always knew how to calm down Natasha when she was mad, now it was the other way round, she had no idea of what to do. "Everything." You whimper. She couldn't think of anything so she just pulled you into a hug. Feeling her presence next to you calmed you down almost instantly, but when the anger went, it dragged the sadness with it. You sat here on Nat's lap and you just cried into her. She didn't know what was wrong with you and if you were being honest, neither did you. All you knew was that you needed her to hug you and not let go till you were ready. "What do you want me to do?" She asked cradling you. You hummed and said "hold me" she nodded before picking you up and laying you down with her in bed. She laid on her side and you cuddled into her chest, burying your face into her neck. This was your safe place. You kiss her neck and say "thank you". She looks down at you and lifts your face up with her fingers and pulls you into a kiss, it was full of love and emotion. "I love you Y/N" she says. You tighten your arms around her hugging her closer making her smile. "I love you too". She knew she wouldn't be able to talk to you about what happened tonight so she left it and started to run her fingers through your hair. Making you sigh and within a few minutes you had fallen asleep. "Sleep well love" she whispered kissing your forehead before falling into a slumber of her own.

Morning came, you were the first one awake, Natasha was still in your arms, you didn't want to wake her so you said laid there still. It was around five minutes later she began to stir. "Good morning" she mumbled to you "have you calmed down" she asked sarcastically. You rolled your eyes and cuddled her more. "Yes I have and I'm sorry" you said kissing her forehead. "Good so what happened yesterday?" she asked. You sighed and begin to explain the Steve situation "then he wouldn't leave me alone and i snapped." You remarked. She just laid there looking at you. She was just trying to make sense of this. You knew because she had that face on. "But how can you speak Russian. You didn't even tell me." She said sadly. I smiled and said "my family is Russian and they taught me it from a young age i only speak it when I'm mad or something" you explained. She just nodded her head and came close to you "now we can tease the boys by talking to each other" she whispered, you giggled and got up.

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