You need to eat...

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Warnings: mentions eating disorder!
You were smart that was no lie, that's how you've been keeping your secret a secret away from the team. Well until someone noticed. That someone being Peter Parker.
You wouldn't notice Peter had been watching you over the past few weeks in order to confirm his suspicions.
• you had been saying you were going out to get dinner and he would follow you and watch your from the rooftops.
• you would eat then soon enough excuse yourself from the table to go to the bathroom every time.
• you wouldn't eat unless it was meal times.
• you would spend a lot of your time in the training room.
• often avoid conversation involving food.
• and most importantly you have lost a lot of weight, it was unnoticed because you had always worn baggy clothes due to the fact you had always been self conscious.
You were dating Natasha and she would ask you if you were okay and you would always say yes, but soon after you became distant from her, you wouldn't let her touch you on the count of you being to scared of her finding out. Natasha was a very alert person and figured something was going on but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.


Now you were all sat down at the table, all of you, and you had just excused yourself to go to the bathroom bearing in mind you had only eaten half of your plate. To which Peter had frowned, you hadn't noticed he noticed or you wouldn't have done it. But when you went, Peter waited until he was out of ear shot and decided it had been going on long enough and you weren't getting better any time soon so he decided to tell the team. "Miss. Romanoff I'm concerned about Y/N, she hasn't been eating properly for the past 4 weeks." He said quietly but it seemed to have got the whole teams attention. "What?.." she said to him. He gulped. "It Y/N she's not eating properly, she's always in the gym or out on runs. I'm worried for her" he whimpered. "Please just when she comes in, try and hug her and see what she does." He says softly. Natasha's face remained unreadable though her insides were clawing at her to let it all out. To ask why? Was she not good enough? Did she do this to her? Why did she feel this way? Why hadn't she realised sooner? She felt like she let you down. She saw the whole teams share sad glances to each other. "Okay." She says quietly.
Around 5 minutes later, you walk in and the whole team was quiet eating. Natasha stood up and walked over to you. "Are you okay darling, you were in there for a while?" She asked as she went to hug you. You jumped and moved away a little. The whole team looked up at you. But you didn't focus on them you focused on the hurt look in Natasha's face, making your tear up. You look down ashamed. You feel her pull you into her embrace, you don't react, you don't do anything. "I'm sorry" you mumble into her. Salty tears are rolling down your cheeks. "It's okay," she whispered in your hear. The rest of the team take it as their queue to leave, leaving you and Natasha alone. You and her stay in a hug for a while until you pull away. "Why did you do this..?" She asks softly. You finally look up to meet her eyes, yours red and puffy, hers laced with concern and fear. "I don't know... I just don't like the way I look" you whisper looking back down. Natasha cupped your face gently as if you were going tot break in her hands. "When are you doing to see yourself the way I see you, your perfect, your perfect to me.. I just wish you can see that Y/N" she whispered looking deep into your eyes. Tears rimming your eyes threatening to fall again at any minute. "I love you Y/N you don't need to change, I fell in love with the Y/N you are I don't need you to change. And if anyone thinks you should I'll gladly hunt them down and we'll kill them for you" she says making you giggle a little. "Can you please eat.. just a little bit.. for me and keep it down or not burn it out. You'll do serious damage to yourself if you don't balance food and other things. Please?" She begged. Just a little bit right? You nod lightly making her smile widely. "Okay what would you like??" She asked softly. You take a minute to think "yoghurt?" You ask shyly. "Anything for you my love." She says and slowly guides you to the kitchen and lifts you up onto the counter. She takes two yoghurts out and passes you one. You know she's eating one with you so you don't feel pressured into eating making your heart warm. You slowly open the lid and place it next to you. You hesitate by looking at Natasha who gives you a reassuring smile and nods for you to eat. You take a spoon and a little bit onto the spoon and drag it to your mouth. You can feel your mouth quivering but you eat the little bit anyways. You feel a single tear roll down your cheek and Natasha taking you into a hug. "Well done love can you eat a few more?" She asks reassuringly. You look at her and take a deep breath before taking another spoonful -though it's not full- into your mouth. Your trying your absolute hardest not to bring it back up so you fling yourself into Natasha's chest hugging her closely.

A few weeks later you later you found yourself eating much more and with Natasha by your side made it a lot easier to try, gave you a reason to try. You also thanked Peter for telling everyone because if he hadn't have told anyone you were sure you wouldn't be here right now.

A month later you are back to yourself mostly. Bringing you and Natasha closer than ever.

Thank you all for your ideas on the previous chapter thing update?? Idk what to call it and just another thank you all so much for 43k reads and all your support it truly means the world
Stay safe everyone and love yourself 🤍🤍

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