
6.4K 157 15

You were tired, you were sore, you were fed up. You had been trying to get into this HYDRA base for the past three days and finally you and the team had managed to take it down and get any helpful information. You were all sat on the quintet not speaking, you were all tired but not as tired as you, you hadn't slept for 52 hours, trying to come up with a plan to successfully infiltrate the base, then couldn't sleep due to the nervous antics. Oh how regretted it.

Your whole body was sore. You felt as if you were going to drop dead. You leaned over and gently placed your head on Nat's shoulder. In which she turned and pecked the crown of your head. "Not long now and we can go to bed" she mumbled. You groaned in annoyance. "Stark your like a genius can't you make a plane go faster?" You say groggily getting a few light chuckles at your behaviour. He ignored you knowing you were right.

For what felt like forever you finally arrived at the tower, and you sprinted to yours and Nat's room stripping off your dirty, sweaty suit before hopping in the shower.

The hot water running over your tense, sore muscles feeling like heaven. You were too absorbed in the moment to realise Natasha had done the same and to come to join you. She slowly snaked her arms around your hips pulling you into her. You hummed and leaned your head back into her shoulder, enjoying the rather intimate moment.

She began to place little kisses on the side of your face trailing down your neck and along your collar bone. You sighed and she whispered whispered "let's clean up and we can cuddle in bed". She unravelled her arms letting you go. You wash your hair and body, brushed your hair and teeth and put on comfy clothes and ran and snuggled up in bed.

Your head buried in the crook of her neck, her chin resting on your head pulling you closer. Natasha was touchy but not always like this and when she was, you chose to cherish every moment. You looked up to her seeing her twinkling eyes, making you smile lightly. "Goodnight Tasha, I love you" you whispered to her and reached up to place a delicate kiss on her lips before placing your head back in her neck peppering it with light kisses. She hummed "I love you too darling, goodnight".

Part two of the new recruit will come out later today, I promise but I quickly wrote this because I have a few drafts but they are nowhere near done -they're rather long- so I'll try get them done and posted today.
And thank you for 22k omg like i can't even, at all, like, wow thank you, your all amazing.
Requests are always welcome
Stay safe everyone and love yourself 🤍🤍

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