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It was a calm and peaceful day in the compound. There was nothing wrong so you all had a "lazy day". You and the team (including your girlfriend Natasha) were gathered in the lounge area just chatting your lives away. Until, tony made a sarcastically funny comment making you die of laughter, no one else found it funny but you thought it was the funniest thing you've ever heard. Natasha found it adorable to see you laugh. She loved the way your nose crinkle up and you would throw your head back while clutching your waist trying to bring in air. due to the fact that you was sat there dying of laughter the team just couldn't help but laugh at you. You had something in you that when you laughed others couldn't help but laugh too. When you had finally calmed down it was up to tony to make another comment causing you to erupt from laughter again. The team laughed harder this time because you fell off your seat and curled up into a ball still laughing. Natasha couldn't help but laugh at your adorableness. She picked you up and placed you on her lap where you was trying to get your breath back.

You were literally like a child. so when the laughing escapade abruptly stopped, Natasha whispered something in your ear and because you was like thee most ticklish person in the world you squirmed under her tough giggling. She knew you were ticklish but didn't know how much, this caused her to grip your sides and tickle you. You tried to work your way out of her arms squealing at her to stop. After what seemed like hours of ticking, you went and hid behind tony. But that didn't work out because he soon caught on and started to tickle you too. You felt like you needed a pair of lungs. All the rest of the team chimed in on your laughter. Including Natasha, she apologised and you went back to cuddling. It was all going well until you heard a very unmanly scream coming from the kitchen and you jumped up and ran to the noise only to find Clint screaming due to a tiny spider. You couldn't help it, his face was leathered into fear and it made you weak you collapsed on the floor from laughing too much, and when Tony and Natasha came to see what the problem was tony started to laugh along with you, but Natasha however screamed too, making you laugh even harder. It felt like your lungs were going to collapse. You and Tony were both piled on-top of each other doubled over from your giggling. Steve came over and saw that there was a little spider and him being the captain he was took it outside. This team was going to be the death of you

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