Middle of the night

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Nat's cute ;)

Natasha couldn't sleep. She had tried every, tea, reading, lit a lavender candle but nothing worked. She just simply couldn't sleep. *deja vu here man* So she decided to wake you. By jumping on you.

"Wake up" she chanted giggling at your confused state. "What time is it?" You grumbled rubbing your eyes. "2am" she said shyly fiddling with the hem of her shirt. "Why would you wake me at two in the morning!" You groan rolling over, pulling her into you. "Because I can't sleep so we're going out." She smiled.

"No. Nope absolutely not Tasha I'll freeze me tits off out there no way" you shuddered just at the thought of it. It was that time of year where it was warm during the day but at this time of night you were freezing. "Pleasee, we can light a fire" she said suggestively.

You had always wanted to-

No. Stop anyways here you were with the fluffiest hoodie you own and some oversized joggers hiking  up a mountain. "Natasha i don't see the point of this, is this supposed to tire you out?" You huffed following the red head. "Shush, no it isn't you'll see" she smiled looking back at you.

It got to the point where Natasha would simply ignore your protest and continue walking. You had given up and sat on a rock. "Y/N!" She shouted, "that's not hiking love" she teased as she walked back down. "You think?" You rolled your eyes. "Natasha Romanoff put me down!!!" You shouted as she lifted you over her shoulder and continued to hike. "Nope"

You had given up after like five minutes knowing she won't put you down unless you tell her you'll wake but your just too lazy too. "Hey!" You scolded as she dropped you on the floor. "Well you should've walked." She shrugged picking up sticks off the floor. "Yet there was no need to manhandle me like that was there" you smirk. "No but you'd like that" she giggled. You got up helping her pick more sticks up. "Hmm yes I would" you hum wrapping your arms around her waist. "At at at" she winked smacking your arm away. "You horn dog" she laughed as she tried to light it.

"Yay" she squealed as she managed to set it alight. "Now all we need is.....* she walked over to her humongous bag* this" she beamed taking out multiple blankets and pillows. "Your cute sometimes Romanoff, but not when you pull me out of bed to sleep in the cold" you scolded her laying down. "Be quiet you love it really" she smiled laying down on top of you. "Hmm I do" you mumble as your hands work their way into her hair fiddling with loose strands.

There you spent the night stargazing and cuddling till Natasha had drifted to sleep :)

short but cute ig? Hehe ty for reading
Stay safe everyone and love yourself 🤍🤍

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