Calmed down

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- requested theme -

"Y/N." He whispered. You were literally al sat in a meeting and you had the joys of sitting next to Peter. He was annoying, he was nice though. You were always nice to him but today you just weren't in the mood. Maybe it was that time you had no reason to be mad or broody you just were that day. "Y/N" he whispered again. He kept going lily his for a good few minutes and boy was it getting on your nerves. You sighed loudly trying to signal him to stop but that only made matters worse he poked you, yes poked you.
You turn to look at him with a face of  'what' he just looked at you confused and said "what?" You could feel the anger rolling over you trying to stay calm. Natasha was also sat next to you. She could tell you were annoyed and Peter was not helping in the slightest. "Stop it" you whispered to him and turned back to Fury. He poked again. You could feel your powers growing by the second and your breathing became heavy. Natasha turned to you to see if you were okay. She knew you were annoyed but boy you were like madddd. Your eyes were glowing blue and it began to spur out of your hands in little whisps. She quickly took ahold of your hand and you snapped to look at her. The minute you look at her you feel all the anger wash away. You did not know what just happened. You smiled awkwardly and then turned back to the director though you couldn't entirely focus.

A few days later, you were in the kitchen cooking for the team and it was hard. Cooking for 12 people (Nat, Tony, Cap, Thor, Banner, Clint, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, Pietro, Vision and you -sorry if there's more I'm like so tired and my brain isn't functioning well hehe- ) did turn out to be quite the task. It was all going well until Tony and Thor kept coming in and stealing bits of food. Thor because he was hungry like when was he not and Tony because he knew it was making you mad.

Tony walked in one more time as did Natasha but you didn't know that. He went to steal one more piece of food -idk you can pick I'm tired- and you felt your eyes glow once again. You had told him to stop multiple times yet he wouldn't listen and you were getting mad, sooner or later there wouldn't be enough for all of youse. "TONY STOP IT NOW" you shout. His eyes widen and scurried out of the kitchen before you could do anything. You were still mad he had eaten half of what you were making as a side and now you had to make more. Screw him. You were still trying to pull your powers back in when you felt warm hands wrap around your waist making you jump a little. You turn around to see Nat smiling softly at you and once again all the power runs away. It was like it was scared of her hehe. "How did you do that?" You ask curiously. "What?" She asked. "In the meeting room you did something and you just did it again- how?" You ask again. "I don't know what your talking about" she shrugged. Making you giggle a little. You pull away not really wanting to but you had to cook. She offered to help and you accepted. She didn't steal food :)

This was a requested theme by @meems03 I hope this is okay. I'm trying to quick fire write these requests whilst I still have this weird motivation eheheh 🙃
Please do let me know if you want me to write anything ✨✨
Stay safe everyone and love yourself 🤍🤍

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