Nap time

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You were sat in your bedroom scrolling through your phone. You were tired, like really tired but it was only 2pm. And you knew for a fact you weren't going to last for another 7-8 hours so you heaved yourself up to go and find Natasha. You found that you couldn't sleep without Natasha so when she went on missions you were really grumpy due to the lack of sleep.
However, as soon as she came back you instantly fell asleep in her arms. You did struggle often because there'd be times where she'd be gone for ridiculous amounts of time. The longest was a year and you could barley cope 1 month in. But you found peter, you and him became best friends instantly and because you were gay and peter loved movies, you would sit and watch films with him until you fell asleep on the couch, he liked it when you did this because it meant for him that you were getting some sleep, and then he would carry you to your room. That was your favourite thing about him, he was always there. Even when he was asleep, Jarvis would wake him up to tel him that you couldn't sleep and he would come to your rescue. Natasha loved him for it and he would say it's nothing and he would do anything for you. But it was when you had a nightmare and your red-head wasn't there to help you, you struggled. It sucked. But it was all worth it in the end when she would always come back to you like she promised.

So you were walking down the corridor to meet the team in the kitchen/lounge. You groaned as they all looked at you. You didn't speak to them. You only just walked over to Nat and grabbed her hand and pulled her to your room. She knew at this point. And if she was being honest it made her heart soar to see that you couldn't sleep without her. Once you were both laid down she pulled you into her. Your head was rested on her chest and her arm was wrapped securely around your shoulder. While your arms were curled around her torso hugging her. She began to draw on your back and hummed a lullaby that put you to sleep almost immediately. She also found herself tired when you were. So she let herself drift off to sleep.

When you woke up your eyes were met by Natasha's gaze. You smile at her feeling refreshed. "Fell better?" She smirked. You nodded and murmured "thank you" before kissing her. "Anytime" she replied. She wasn't lying she wouldn't complain when you dragged her to your room to sleep no matter what she was doing. Unless she was in a meeting. Then, once it was finished, she would run to your room and lull you to sleep. God you loved this woman. You both slipped out of bed hand in hand and made your way out to the lounge. Tony was making some very inappropriate jokes but you just shrugged them off and cuddled into your love. That was until she shouted at Tony. You just chuckled and pulled her closer into you which calmed her but she still glared at him which made you smile. She was very protective of you and you loved her for it. To be honest, you loved everything about her. I mean EVERYTHING.

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