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- request -

You were sat at the kitchen finishing up some work before going to bed. Although, pieces of hair kept falling in front of your face, you kept shaking your head to get it to shimmy behind your shoulders but it always kept falling in front of your face. You couldn't really put it up because you didn't have a hair tie and you can never find one when you need one so you just have to put up with it. You continued to write and type until you had enough you were just about to rip it out (joking ;) mostly) when you felt soft warm hands scraping your hair up into a ponytail. You smiled warmly and came face tot face with Natasha. "Thank you darling" you coo. "I just saved your ass you were about to lose it" she giggled and you pulled her into a hug.

The next day, you were making a meal for you and the team and your hands were literally covered in food so you couldn't put your hair up. And as usual Natasha came to the rescue pulling your hair into yet another secure ponytail. You turn your head do give her another kiss. "Thank you again love" you whisper kissing her again. "Again it was no problem." She says happily.

You were all sat in the lounge and Natasha was somewhat sat in between your thighs. Well she was she was just sat up yet laid down at the same time. You noticed her hair was down so you look at Wanda trying to get her attention which worked after a few seconds of staring at her. You signalled for her to read your mind and as soon as she did, she pulled her ponytail off her wrist and sent it to you via her powers making you smile. You could do hair you just could never find a bobble to do it so you always had it down and it was a pain. 

You carefully take a small fraction of hair at the top of Natasha's head and begin to split it into three and then braid it. You pulled a pice into each strand and soon enough it formed a french braid which went well with her hair style ( just a question- when you are reading Natasha books or something, you you ever like picture which Natasha it is, lurk civil war Nat, iron man 2 Nat or endgame Nat because i do and I confuse myself lmao). You finished and leaned back so she could lay her head on your stomach still facing the tv. "Thank you love" she said quietly. "Your welcome" you say back to her.

You like to do each other's hair, :) how sweet!

This was a request hehe by @buckybarnesplease I hope this was okay and what you kind of expected? I'm sorry if not.
Please let me know if you want me to write anything ✨✨
Stay safe everyone and love yourself 🤍🤍

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