soulmates (scarlett x reader)

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hiii so this was a request from @brenna0241 thank you for the idea :)

To find your soulmate, you have a pain correlation, where they feel any pain you do...

Your POV

So,here's the thing about soulmates, I don't believe in them, all my friends have found theirs and are happy. I mean its not that I'm not happy, I'm just lonely and starting to lose hope. I mean I do try to look at it in a good way but it soon just goes and I'm just left feeling almost forgotten.

But that's besides the point, my friend and her soulmate was coming over for some time together as I had just recently come back from Europe on a business meeting, so we were planning on getting takeout and watching some tv. It was around 1pm and they said they would arrive around 5pm which gave me the time to clean my apartment, it had been very messy and I had LOTS of laundry to catch up on. And once I finished that I decided to get a shower and get into come comfy clean clothes. I mean it was just my friend and her partner so I wasn't fazed on what I wore.

I decided to look through my phone, answer any emails I had you know the basics. It wasn't long until I heard the door open and close, they didn't have to knock, they were always welcome. I jumped out of my seat and hugged my friend and her partner who had become like a sibling to me. -I'm trying not to put genders on them because I don't really like to assume though your friend is a girl if you want you can change it that fits :)- We all said our hellos and I got my teapot out and put it on the table so we can help ourselves if we wanted. They were talking about adopting a child and I lost it, I was so happy I knew they would be good parents omg. Then the topic of not finding my someone came around and I tried to shrug it off but you know how it works. 

Now we were all sat around the tv them two snuggling bless. We had ordered food and I insisted to pay because I had just come back. Now I don't se that as a reason but they knew how stubborn I was so they let me pay and soon gave in. We decided on watching a Jimmy Fallon because they love the show and I gave in because Scarlett Johansson was on the line up for tonight's show, I mean she's crazy talented, has a good soul and fights for what's right and weirdly, it makes me proud? I don't know why but it does. The show was just start and dinner had arrived I bolted for the door and handed the delivery person the money and thanked them. I got back to my friend's and put the food down so I could go and get dishes and cutlery. Together, we put our food out and snuggled back up on the couch. It was Paul Bettany now but Jimmy announced that Scarlett was next and I got a little too excited, making my friends giggle at my little antics. Paul was teasing WandaVision -omg episode 7 wtaf I'm shook- then they went on a break letting the advertisements come on. I didn't want to miss Scarlett on the tv so I quickly wet to the bathroom and dashed back before the show had even started again.

The show came back on and I squealed in my seat and my friends smiled at each other. She walked out and waved at everyone, if she wasn't the most beautiful woman... I was constantly fidgeting so my friend pinched the back of the neck and whispered for me to stop it. I smiled subconsciously and tried to stay still. But my neck began to feel weird I shot her a nasty look and began to scratch the irritated area but it wouldn't go away so I continued to scratch it, eventually it felt like it was burning but I was still scratching. It got to the point where it hurt I pulled my hand away and hissed. My friends shot up and looked at me excitement. "what?" I renounced. "do something to hurt yourself but not too extreme and look at the tv when you do." they say excitedly. I looked at them baffled but didn't argue and I pinched my arm and Scarlett jumped In her seat and rubbed her arm where I pinched myself. I looked a the tv in complete awe. I didn't know what to say. Both of my friends were squealing but I was somehow calm, sort of. "go and get your girl" one of them said.

I jump up and ran upstairs to get dressed, I wore black ripped jeans, a white tea and a black leather jacket and plain black vans. "don't be too loud" I shout back at them before getting my bag with my phone in and keys and eventually running out. Lucky for me, I live in new York and not that far from where they film the show. I jumped in the car and sped off to the studio. I froze when I got there though I didn't know what to do, its not like they'll believe me if I said told them and I don't have any way of access. I figured there was nothing I could do so I rang my friends asking what to do. They weren't answering bloody animals I swear so I just decided to wait, goodness knows how long I was there but I sat on my phone and played some music for like an hour waiting. I thought to park around a more reserved area of the building.

I was just on my phone messaging another friend I didn't want to tell anyone mostly because I didn't want drama, when I saw a few flashing lights and saw Scarlett walking out, there weren't many people there as it was a quieter exit but I got out of my car locked it, and walked over to the car that was there. I really didn't know what to do so I just tapped her on her shoulder making her turn around to face me. "hi um I was just watching you on my tv at home and well I oh its better if I just show you" I say sheepishly, she looked confused but then I pinched my arm again a little harder than last time. She gasped and rubbed her arm, she looked around and dragged me into the car with her. I sat in the back awkwardly, I didn't know what to say. "I'm Y/N by the way, you said as she got in the car. She smiled sweetly at you making you blush. "hi Y/N well, it looks like were soulmates" she said happily. I looked down and laughed a little "yeah I guess we are" I said looking back up at her.

We got to chatting and weirdly, there was no tension between us, I thought it would be so awkward given the fact it was well her.

A couple of weeks have gone by, me and Scarlett pretty much knew everything about each other, we had gone on multiple dates and connected almost instantly.

2 years have passed me and Scarlett are newly wed and are just enjoying life travelling the world together. 

Thank you for this request it was a cute little scenario, I hope I did well, and we hit 20k... we literally just had 19k wthhh thank you all I've got a series thingy coming up but there will only be like 2 or 3 to it (its daughter-reader x momma nat). I am, working on some drafts as well so there will be a few posted today .. hopefully. :)
Requests are always welcome
Stay safe and love yourself. 🤍🤍

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