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You was always a sucker for not saying no. You just couldn't. You never knew why. You were a level 7 agent in SHIELD and you were pretty good at combat and gun practice and you were very punctual, but you were also kind and caring. You weren't one of those people who was bossy you'd rather be bossed around, you were also shy and quite reserved around new people. You weren't much of a people person. You found you'd rather bask in your own company than have it off anyone else. And your personality caught someone's eye. You would be brutal in a fight yet shy and quiet when doing regular work. She thought you were intriguing. Natasha Romanoff. Out of all the people you had caught her eye.
You lived in the avengers tower because you were quite close to Tony, he would teach you hacking systems which were helpful when you were out retrieving intel. You were always friendly around them but you were absent most of the time. Your favourite place to hang was in the kitchen, sat at a stool, doing paperwork from missions and just work in general.
It was a rainy night so most of the avengers were in the tower, that didn't bother you too much because you again were sat at the island in the kitchen doing work, staying out of the way. When they came in they would say hi and you would return it, sometimes getting caught up in a conversation but eventually you would be back absorbed in work. It didn't bother you, you liked staying busy. Many people in SHIELD were lazy, they would always get you to do their paper work because to them you were a "pushover". They would occasionally pay you, you just agreed to avoid any drama between you and them.
You were there drowning in work when Natasha came into the kitchen for something and saw how much paper work you had and how long you had been sat there (you sat down at 1pm and started to work, it was now 8pm and you still weren't done) "I never ever had that much paperwork" she said concerned. You just shrugged "I don't mind I like it, keeps me busy".
Ever night for the last 6 nights Natasha found you at the island doing peoples work you weren't supposed to be doing. She eventually figured it out and wanted to see if you would tell her. You were exhausting yourself. You would go to bed at a ridiculous hour and then found that you couldn't sleep so you would continue. The dark circles around your eyes told everyone you hadn't been sleeping well, they figured it was something to do with work as you were always at the counter writing. "Come on Y/N let's get you to bed." She said soothingly. "I'm fine." You grumbled. "Y/N" she said sternly. You looked at her and knew from her face that she wouldn't give up until you went to bed. You hesitantly nodded and packed up everything. You had a massive stack of paper and you being you tripped over spilling it everywhere. You sighed and went to pick them up, Natasha helped and saw that the paperwork wasn't even yours there was like 40 other agents' names. "Y/N why is (random names) papers here?" She asked. You gulped. You were gonna get shouted at. "I uhh I" you stuttered. She sighed and picked it all up she walked with you to your bed room. You put it down on your desk and she followed and did the same. You went into your closet to get changed whilst she waited in your room. You came out wearing black cotton pjs. "What's going on?" She asked. You sighed and told her everything. By the end she was furious, not at you at them for using you. They would get you to do their work and then treat you horribly, like ignoring you, teasing you, calling you out on little tiny mistakes. Just being horrible. You were tired, of them, of everything. "Let's get you to sleep." She laid you down and stroked your hair lulling you into a peaceful sleep. When you were asleep, she moved to get up, waking you up, you grabbed her wrist. "Stay." You whispered. She smiled and slid back down pulling you close. You cuddled into her chest and traced your arm around her stomach, drawing little patterns. The both of you fell asleep together.
The next day you went to work and gave everyone their work they took it and walked away not saying anything. You were all set an essay on something and everyone told you to do it for them. Natasha told you to say no to them but you couldn't. You physically can't say no. So when work was over you trudged back into the kitchen and began working again. Natasha noticed what happened. She walked over to you "Y/N." You whined and looked at her. "I tried to but I can't" you winced then tried to get back to work. She snatched the pen off you and you whined. "Please." You begged "don't you see what their doing to you." She said softly. You nodded and tried to take the pen. "Natasha please." You picked up the papers and stormed to your room. You sat at your deck and decided to continue working. Around ten minutes went by and she knocked on your door wand walked in. She frowned when she saw you still working. She came and sat next to you. And looked at each name every time you finished one.
You were practically falling asleep whilst writing. You decided to go and make some coffee, you don't usually drink it unless your about to drop dead and you felt like you were about to .... drop dead. You also decided to make Natasha one. When you got back your room you sat back down after giving her her drink which she accepted nicely. You got back to working occasionally chatting to take your mind off the stress. Once you were finished, it was like 2am dnd you needed sleep. You sighed, got up, stretched and jumped in bed. Natasha smiled and went to walk out. "Please can you stay, you help" you smile. She nodded with a grin on her face and got in next to you. You hugged her and cuddled up again. She smelled nice, like a musky coconut. She soothed you. You felt happy with her. You drew patterns on her shoulder making her smile and you both fell asleep in no time.
The next morning you got up to go to work leaving Natasha asleep. When you arrived at work, you handed their work to them and they took it without saying a word. You heart sank, you were drained. You went and sat at your desk, caught up on some office work before heading to a meeting. You sat at the back to avoid anyone. In the middle of the meeting someone barged through the doors, Natasha, Fury and Hill. You felt your breath hitch in your throat. Natasha looked at you sadly then nodded. You looked at all your colleagues by Jen at fury who looked mad. "Agent Y/L/N please come with us." He declared. You felt your heart racing, you stood up on shaky legs and followed them to another room. You sat down the furthest away from any of them. Hill looked sad for you, Natasha looked just looked at you angry but not at you. Fury looked well furious. You gulped. "Agent Romanoff tells me that you have been doing other agents work, is they correct?" He asked. You looked at Natasha then look at Fury "yes director" you mumble. "Why?" Hill asked. "Because they asked me to" You said. "Well why didn't you say no?" Fury asked. "I can't. I really can't say no" you whined. They looked at Natasha and she nodded. "Well since you have been doing more work than you were supposed to, we have decided to move you up a level." You looked shocked, you thought you were going to be fired. You smile sadly and say "thank you sir" he looked confused. "Your not happy?" Hill asked. "I am" you stated. They looked puzzled. "Inside I'm happy inside." You said then smiled. Both Fury and Hill nodded and then they got up. "Good day agent Y/L/N" fury said and they both walked out, leaving you and Natasha. "You shouldn't of done that." You said bluntly. "Now they're going to hate me even more." You elaborated. "Y/N they can't now you'll be working at a whole building." You sigh "why did you do it?" You ask. She got up and came to sit next to you. "Because I could see what it was doing to you and I love you." She said softly cupping your checks. You smile and connect your lips to hers. You lips meddled perfectly together, her lips were soft and gentle. You pulled away when you felt your lungs burning. You smiled at her "well it would be hard to say I don't love you back" and kiss her once more. You both got up and walked out, returning to the tower. Everyone was gathered in the loving room area so Natasha dragged you in and she sat down pulling you onto her lap. They all looked shocked at first then Tony said "it was about time Romanoff" everyone laughed and your face burned red. She rubbed your stomach to ease the embarrassment. You all had a chill night watching a film, eating dinner, then Natasha said it was time to go to bed and basically dragged you to your room. You got changed into some pjs and joined her in bed, cuddling again. You cuddled into her neck and drew patterns on her shoulder where you had your arm underneath her head. She hummed and kissed your forehead. "I love you" you mumble then pecked her neck. "I love you too" she whispered and you both drifted off to sleep.
I tried to do a longer one to try and make up for it but this ones horrible anyways so oh well I
Requests are welcome as always
Stay safe everyone and love yourself 🤍🤍

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