Bad news

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I'm so sorry Miss Y/N but I'm afraid there's no cure for it, lung cancer is the most dangerous and usually the most difficult to treat I'm afraid you have around 2 years left" the doctor says sadly. "th- thank you doctor." You mumble and rush out of the door.

You try to remain your composure until you get back to your car but your knees fell weak and you collapse on the floor just next to your car. Your crying, no sobbing, holding your sides. "Lady Y/N are you okay!?" Thor asked running up to you panicking, Loki soon following after. You didn't know how to respond, the words won't come out. There's a piece of paper on the floor that the doctor handed you for your diagnosis. Loki saw it and picked it up, his gaze softened and he handed it to Thor that read it. "They said I have 2 years left." You say still crying. Loki came and helped you up whilst Thor was still stood in shock, Thor had became like your best friend when you joined, you two would always watch films, eat, play games. Now he's going to lose you. "Let's get you back home" he says sadly. He lifts you up and carries you back to the tower. He takes you to your room and lays you on your bed. "How are you gong to tell everyone, most importantly Lady Natasha she loves you very dearly." He says. "I don't know Thor, I just need time to think" you whisper. You gave him a hug and walked out.
After around 30 minutes of contemplating, you finally call Natasha to come to your room. When she arrives, she sees you sat up in your bed your knees brought to your chest, your eyes were red and puffy she could tell you were crying. "What's the matter love?" She asked softly. Your heart broke, "I can't do this anymore Natasha, you need to be with someone worthy of you." You whisper looking in her eyes. You instantly saw the heartbreak at your selfish words. The truth was, you needed to let her go because you don't have a long life next and she needs to spend it witch someone that can show her love, love that will last until she's old. And you, you can't do that. "I'm sorry Natasha, I love you and I always will but you need to find someone better." You say still lost in her hurt broken eyes. Your trying your absolute hardest not to cry right there on the spot and tell her everything but to have her the heartbreak, you need to let her go. "Please don't.... don't do this." She whispers trying to hold you but you move away. "Please I love you, don't leave me Y/N please" she whimpered. You've never seen Natasha like this. "I'm sorry Natasha" you press your lips to her one last time and she melts into you for once, and try's to deepen the kiss by grabbing your cheeks but you pull away. "Please go" you whisper not looking at her.

Two weeks have passed and you haven't left your bed. You needed Natasha but she didn't need you, you didn't want her to need you, you would only be leaving her in a matter of time. She needed to find someone that will give her that happiness and will keep giving it to her and you, you can't do that. You hear someone knock at the door and you don't even bother to answer it. A few seconds later, Thor comes in. "Lady Y/N are you okay?" He whispered. "I'm fine Thor" you mumble. "Have you told anyone yet?" You ask. "No I haven't and please don't tell anyone" you mumble sadly. Just as you said that unbeknownst to both of you, Tony walks past and hears.
Thor soon joins everyone in the lounge. To meet everyones eyes on him. "What are you mortals looking at?" He asked slightly intimidated "what did Y/N mean by please don't tell anyone?" Tony asked seriously. "Nothing" he mumbled. "Thor..." Natasha said sadly. She hadn't been coping well without you that was no lie. She couldn't focus in training. There was that one burning question in the back of her mind that always got the better of her. Why? "Nothing" he repeats but no ones believed it. "If you don't tell us we'll let Loki run free besides who knows what mischief he will cause now.." Clint says. "Not the time Clint." Natasha says. "Thor what did Y/N mean?" She asked softly. He looked guilty, he was, he was betraying you but it was fort the best. "Y/N has lung cancer." He says softly. Natasha immediately heeds to your room. "What?" Tony asked. "The doctor says she has around 2 years left" he said sadly. Bruce immediately goes to the lab to try and find anything that will help you.
"Y/N" Natasha whispered softly. "You broke him then" you mumble not looking at her. "Yeah he told us... is this why ... is this why you called things off?" She asked. "Yes..." you whisper. "Aw darling, I still love you, I'll always love you even if we don't have long left. You need to understand that." She says as she sat on your bed and cuddled you up to her. "I'm sorry" you mumble into her chest. "It's okay, I love you please don't do that to me again" she says. "I won't"

I'm going to start writing all the ideas so please try and bare with me I'm trying to balance this and school work. Once again thank you for all of your support!
Let me know if you want me to write anything else
Stay safe everyone and love yourself 🤍🤍

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