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Liliah, Steve and Sam sat in the front row at a church in England. Liliah keep her eyes on her lap and tried to blink away her tears. Her hands immediately went to her necklace. She just held it. It was Peggy who had gave her this necklace on her fifth birthday. She told Liliah with this necklace she could be brave just like her dad.

A woman started talking and Liliah looked up. It was Sharon.
" ....but to me she was just aunt Peggy.-"
Sharon said.
Liliah's mouth dropped a bit and she looked over at her dad. He looked just as shocked as Liliah.

After the service Liliah waited outside with Sam while her dad took a moment.
" So why did Peggy give you the necklace?" Sam asked remembering she had told him that a while ago when he asked where she got it.
" Well, Peggy was babysitting me. We went to the park in Brooklyn. I was five. And some boy keep pushing me off the swings, the slide, the monkey bars, you name it he pushed me off it. Anyways I ran to Peggy crying saying I wanted my dad so he could protect me cause he was brave. Dad was on a mission at the time. And Aunt Peggy being the baddest bitch in the world made me look at her straight in the eyes. She told me young lady, you are just as brave and as strong as your father and I need to learn how to stand up for myself." Liliah started.

" I told her I can't be brave like dad. Because dad has a shield. So the next week she came for my birthday and she gave me this necklace. And she told me now I have a shield like my dad and I have no excuse not to be brave. Peggy never wanted me to rely on a man. Don't get me wrong she wasn't discouraging me from relying on my dad, but I think since I didn't have a mom Peggy took it upon herself to teach me lessons my dad couldn't being a male. She knew that my dad wouldn't live forever even though his a super soldier and she didn't want me to be lost or confused without him." Liliah explained.

" Sounds like she was a big role model for you." Sam smiled.
" She was. I love my dad and I want to be exactly like him. But Peggy lived just like him, through the war. And I know dad had his own challenges with being a small weak kid, but it's not the same as Peggy being a woman, a woman in charge back in the forties. She's inspiring and I'm going to miss her so much." Liliah's eyes filled with tears.
Sam pulled her into his side and hugged her. Liliah put her head on his shoulder and cried.

Thank god she still had Natasha. Liliah wouldn't know what to do without Nat.


Steve, Liliah and Sharon walked to the hotel from the church. Well more like Steve and Sharon walked side by side flirting the whole time while Liliah trailed behind them. Liliah wore a confused look on her face as she watched the two go back in forth in flirty banter. She wanted her dad to be happy don't get her wrong. Its just odd for her dad to be flirty with his first loves niece ten minutes after her funeral.

The walked into the hotel lobby and to the elevators.
" Well thank you for walking me back. Both of you." Sharon smiled.

" Our pleasure."
" Like I had a choice."

The two Roger's answered at the same time.
Steve looked at Liliah and silently scolded her. Liliah just shrugged and looked back down. A trait she had gotten from James, downplay your feelings and soon they will go away. Both James and Liliah were very overdramatic unless it was about something real, then barely any words are spoken by them.

" I've been meaning to ask you. When you were spying us from down the hall-" Steve started.
" You mean when I was doing my job." Sharon corrected.
" Right, well did she know?" Steve asked.
" Peggy had so many secrets. I didn't want her to have one from you. And Liliah. I mean Peggy loved Liliah like she was her own." Sharon told them.
Steve nodded and Liliah kept her gaze down.

She knew Sharon was trying to make her better, which was kind of her. However Liliah didn't want to feel fine. She wanted to be sad for her Aunt. Not a lot of things get to Liliah, this was one of the exceptions.

" Steve. There something you need to see." Sam walked over to them.


Liliah, Steve and Sam watched the TV in the hotel room intensely while Sharon talked on the phone. The UN had been bombed and the man suspected to be behind it was....Bucky Barnes. Liliah looked up at her dad. Steve's eyebrows pinched together as he studied the TV. He couldn't possibly think he could still save his best friend from back in the day, could he?

" I have to go to work." Sharon told them.
" We're going with you." Steve said.
" To check on Nat." Liliah asked but it sounded more like a statement.
" Um yes. For Nat." Steve lied.
" Don't lie. Your not the the liar in the family. That spot has been filled by me for many moons." Liliah crossed her arms over her chest.

" We have to find Bucky." Steve admitted.
" And lock him up." Liliah finished.
" No. Not lock him up. Save him." Steve told her.
" Save him? Haven't you tried that before? And it never works." Liliah said.
" Liliah there's very few things I don't let have a say in and this is one of them." Steve said.
" But dad-" Liliah started.
" No Liliah. I've known Bucky my entire life he wouldn't do something like this. At least not in the right state of mind and he escaped from HYDRA so I know he's really him." Steve put down his foot.

" Fine. But if this blows up in our faces. I get to say I told you so." Liliah pointed at him.
" Deal." Steve nodded.

The father and daughter stared at each other for a moment. Then they both opened their arms and hugged.
" I'm sorry I'm just really upset about Peggy. I didn't mean to take it out on you." Liliah told him.
" Me too Li. With Peggy gone, Bucky is the only thing I have left from that life. I'm sorry I yelled." Steve rubbed her back.
" If you want to protect Bucky I'm fully behind you. From now on." Liliah smiled up at him.
" That's my girl." Steve kissed the top her head.

" Really, that was a big father daughter fight? Are you serious. " Sam asked.
" No I'm not serious, my uncle is Sirius." Liliah joked.
" I wish Sirius and James never taught you that joke." Steve shook his head.
" Oh come on guys you can't be Siriusly saying this." Liliah laughed.

Steve pulled away and started walking out the hotel. Sam followed with Sharon.

" Boo y'all are no fun." Liliah rushed after them.

Authors Note: I don't know if any you guys follow Sebastian Stan on Instagram but he just posted a video of himself reading lines for What If...and if you need a serotonin boost go watch it. 💛😂

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