Kid x (male) reader | Lazy

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As the day slowly dragged on and the sun was projecting a kind and welcoming light over the seas, you sat upon a crate; back against the wall.

Your hands were comfortable settled behind your head, the breeze ruffling your hair gently. The deck was quiet, for the majority of your crew had already gotten off of the ship and stepped onto the island that you had docked at. Content smile settled on your features, you hummed away with the taste of sweet rum on your lips from the drink you had drunk not even ten minutes before. As if nothing could make your day go south, you relaxed without unease as the waves gently lapped at the ship's hull.

"Get off your ass, (y/n)!"

Opening one eye, you adjusted your vision as the bright sunlight was suddenly obscured by a looming figure. Said figure had his arms crossed over authoritatively; the usual scowl on his face. He glowered further as your jaw cracked mid-yawn, growling lightly as you closed your eyes once more.

"Not in the mood, I'll look after the ship."

"Like hell, now move it."

Eustass Kid, the one who you followed, and the one who was your captain, stood over you with a snarl. You were trying to ignore him, attempting to block out his salient presence and go back into a half-sleep.

"Look captain, i'm not really up for going to a whorehouse right now. Doesn't scream 'lazy day' to me."

Kid gave you a baffled look, scoffing lightly as he tapped his foot against the wooden deck. Something was off about the way you were so unbothered, usually willing to go to whatever place your crew decided to kick back in. One eyebrow raised as the redhead smirked tauntingly.

"Seriously? Have you not seen the chicks in this place? You're missing the fuck out, I tell you."

You hummed, not listening.

"Good for you."

The front of your open shirt was suddenly taken up in the metallic grip of your captain, his fist hauling you up from the wall slightly. His nose almost touched yours as he looked at you with anger, spit flying across your face to which you winced in distaste.

"I don't know who shoved that stick up your ass, but I'm the captain and you listen to what I say."

You were indifferent, raising an eyebrow.

"Why are you so bothered about me going with you? Trying to get the chance to see my dick?"

Your captain practically burst with anger at your impulsive remark, not even hesitating to then drag you across the ship. A few crew members who were awaiting both you and the captain on the docks could see the tired form of your body being pulled harshly towards Kid's workshop at the other end of the deck. Killer sighed loudly, noticing how the door opened behind the fuming redhead and then slammed shut. The sudden noise caused Wire to cringe, muttering something pitiful about you.

There was no saving you from an angered Kid.


"What the fuck has gotten your balls twisted, dickwad?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?"

Kid chucked you across the room with force, as if you weren't as muscular and tall as you were. Your back collided with the wall as he shook with rage. Most people knew that messing with Eustass Kid would be one of the last things they did, but you weren't at all minding any outcome.

Rubbing the back of your head, your gaze traced the cherry lipstick that was painted across the man's downturned lips. The red shade was reflecting the emotions he was displaying to you as you only yawned; lifting your hand to drag it down your face.

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