Chapter 13

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My family and I were eating dinner when someone knocked at the door. I got up from the table and walked over to the door.

''I wonder who that could be?" Sabrina asked as I opened it.

''Ian,'' I said, being taken back by his presence. ''What are you doing here?''

''I need to talk to you outside.''

''But I'm in the middle of eating dinner, you can come in''

''Just come outside for a second.''

''I'll be right back, okay?" I said, going out the door and closing it behind me. ''What happened? You being over here and everything?"

''Didn't you say that you were going to text me when you got inside this morning?''

''Yeah, but my grandmother was over here. I'm sorry, we were just talking and I forgot.''

''You forgot about me! See what I mean, you're so selfish and don't even care about me!"

''Ian, I just told my grandmother who you were and everything! I do care about you, I do! If I didn't I wouldn't tell everyone how good you are and stuff.''

''Then why can't you pick up a phone for once and let me know where you are!?"

''Are you serious? We just had this conversation last night, this is ridiculous, Ian.''

''See what I mean? You don't give a rat's ass about this relationship!"

''Do you hear how you're talking? You sound like an idiot!"

I screamed out in pain when Ian's hand slapped me across the face. I put my hand to my cheek and felt the stinging sensation surge through my face.

''Oh my god! Cassidee, I'm sorry.'' Ian said, stepping towards me.

I took two steps back from him and held up my hand. ''Stay away from me! Just go!"

I turned on my heel and went back inside, slamming the door. I walked past the dining room and hurried up to my room, slamming that door as well.

''Cassidee?" Sabrina asked, knocking at my door.

''Go away please.''

I walked over to my mirror and noticed a bright red handprint starting to form. I grabbed my foundation and dabbed a few dots on my cheek, rubbing it in.

''Cass, what are you doing?" Sabrina asked, peeking in.

''Just fixing my make-up.'' I smiled, turning around. ''Come on let's finish dinner.''

We walked back downstairs, rejoining my dad and brother at the table. I continued eating like nothing happened while everyone stared at me.

''What?" I asked, looking up.

''What was that all about?" Mason asked.

''Oh, it was nothing.''

''But Ian was just outside and then you run in here, go up to your room and slam the door? Did something happen?" My dad looked at me suspiciously.

''No! Nothing happened, everything is fine.''

''If you say so.''


I was now lying in bed, staring at the wall when my phone vibrated. If this is Ian I don't care how mad he gets at me for not answering this time, he had no right to slap me like that.

Braxton: Hey...

C: Hi

B: I'm sorry about the other day

C: I know Milo told me yesterday, it's fine

B: Are you ok?

C: Yeah why?

B: You seem distant, like you're out of it or something?

C: I'm fine

B: You sure?

C: Yeah :) look I'm tired and I want to sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow goodnight!

"I'm turning this off and I don't care who gets mad at me,'' I said, shutting off my phone.

I rolled over on my side and pulled the covers over myself, closing my eyes. I can't believe Ian hit me like that and the fact that I lied to my dad about it.

That's it! I'm telling him first thing in the morning.


I woke up, getting myself dressed, and walked over to my mirror, studying my cheek. It wasn't nearly as red as it was last night, but it still hurt when I touched it.

I looked at myself in the mirror, sighing. ''All you have to do is tell him and Dad will be breaking every bone in Ian's body.''

I walked downstairs and looked for my dad all over downstairs. He wasn't in the kitchen or the living room, so any other place was to check his office. The door was slightly opened and I pushed it open to see him going over some things.

''Dad?" I asked, standing in the doorway.


''Can we talk about something?''

''What about?''

''Well, yesterday-'' I was cut off by his phone ringing.

''One-second sweetie. Hello?" He answered. ''Yeah, that sounds good to me. Friday won't do, my son has a hockey game, maybe Saturday? Okay, yeah, okay bye.'' He disconnected from his phone and smiled at me. ''Now what did we need to talk about?"

''Nothing, just forget it.''

I turned around, walking out of the doorway, and headed into the living room. Mason was playing one of his video games, so I just sat on the couch and watched him.

''Cassidee, want to play against me?" He offered.

''No thanks.''

''Okay more for me.''

''Mason, you're not going to be on that X-box all day, your room won't magically clean itself. Cassidee, I would've thought you'd already been out with Ian today?" Sabrina questioned, walking in.


''Did you two get in a fight yesterday?"

''No, just another pointless argument. I never knew how much of a baby my boyfriend could be.''

''What do you mean?"

''Okay, well yesterday he was bitching and moaning about how I didn't-''

This time I was cut off by the dryer buzzing. First, it was whoever called my dad and now it was the stupid dryer!

''Hold that sentence! I'm going to get the clothes and I'll be right back in.'' Sabrina said, walking out of the room.

''Are you kidding me?"

''What is so important that needs to be said?" Mason asked.

''Nothing, you wouldn't understand it. When Mom comes back in, tell her to forget it and that I went out to take a walk.''


I got off the couch and walked over to the door, putting on my sandals. I opened the door and walked off the porch, heading down the sidewalk, where to I had no clue or didn't care.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora