Ducktales: Journey to Agartha...

By Lizard_Brainz

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Boyd couldn't be happier with his new family. But when a family vacation goes haywire, he comes to the realiz... More

Chapter 1: The Start of A Terrible Rom-Com
Chapter 2: The Rave
Chapter 3: Glomgold The Therapist
Chapter 4: Justice Jammies
Chapter 5: Fenton Gives A Lecture
Chapter 6: The Chaotic Cruise Begins
Chapter 7: Cringe and Murder Plans
Chapter 8: The Murder
Chapter 9: The Strip Club
Chapter 10: Puta
Chapter 11: The Proposal
Chapter 12: Gyro's Past
Chapter 13: Gang Shit and Murder
Chapter 15: The Party
Chapter 16: Edible Goldfish
Chapter 17: Jimmy Buffett
Chapter 18: The Black Market Escape and Rom Com
Chapter 19: Glomgold's Mental Breakdown
Chapter 20: Well... That Was Anticlimactic
Chapter 21: Stranded
Chapter 22: Island "Paradise" (Part 1)
Chapter 23: Island "Paradise" (Part 2)
Chapter 24: Margaritaville Gossip
Chapter 25: The Rave 2.0
Chapter 26: Heidi The Hoe
Chapter 27: One Night Stand
Chapter 28: Working Things Out... Sort Of
Chapter 29: Everyone Gets Kidnapped... Again
Chapter 30: Goodbye Mark Beaks
Chapter 31: The End Of Heidi
Chapter 32: Farewell Tampa
Chapter 33: Floridian Gas Stations
Chapter 34: Gyro The Therapist
Chapter 35: The Most Filler Chapter To EVER Exist (Part 1)
Chapter 36: The Most Filler Chapter To EVER Exist (Part 2)
Chapter 37: Timeskips and T-Bag
Chapter 38: The Endangerment
Chapter 39: Boyd's Character Development
Chapter 40: C-Note Does Something For Once
Chapter 41: One-Legged Space
Chapter 42: The Red Wedding
Chapter 43: The Fuzz
Chapter 44: Takedown
Chapter 45: Home-Depot
Chapter 46: No Title
Chapter 47: Ellie Kinda Sucks
Chapter 48: Las Vegas
Chapter 49: Mark's Robo-Racism
Chapter 50: Some French Place
Chapter 51: KitKats
Chapter 52: Mr. C
Chapter 53: Launchpad Dies Again
Chapter 54: Back To Duckburg

Chapter 14: Sailor Moon

43 3 0
By Lizard_Brainz

"Alright and... there we go." Gyro removed the cord from the slot in Boyd's head that allowed him to access his memories. "That should do it. He'll be shut down for a little bit but I'll give Ellie a call when he wakes." He positioned Boyd to a more comfortable position on the bed before ruffling his hair. "I feel a bit bad. Boyd has been through so much, too much for a kid, and it never crossed my mind once that I could just erase the memories that hurt him. God... I'm a shit dad."

Gloria looked over at him, she was across the room just chilling. "You're not a shit dad compared to Mark." She joked. "Nah, seriously dude. You're a great dad. So much stuff has happened that it's easy to overlook things. Ellie and I did the same so don't blame yourself. Chill."

He sighed before walking over to sit next to her. "Yeah, you're right. Anyway," He started strangely drumming on his knees because he had nothing better to do. "What do you want to do today? I know it's raining so our options are limited. Guess we have to cancel the water slide plans."

Gloria blew off his awkward knee drumming. It wasn't as weird as him swirling his finger in wine. "Aw, shit dude! I fucking wanted to go on the water slide so bad! I was ready to make my way up those stairs, push some children down along the way, and make the slide my bitch!"

"Guess you're gonna have to make the slide your bitch another day."

"Okay. Soooo, I would say let's go to the casinos but I got kicked out of all of them. And most of the bars."

"What about the strip club?"

"After yesterday? Hell to the no!"

Gyro cringed. Man, he forgot about that already. Guess it just proves how much shit they've been through. "Right. Sorry..."

"It's cool. Tell ya what, let's just go to the movie theatre. I dunno what they got playing. Sonic or something?"

Gyro was a fan of video games but he had no idea there was a Sonic movie. "Sonic?"

"Gotta go fast, bitch. It's got great reviews too."

He chuckled to himself. "If that's what you want to do."

"Aight. Well, I'm gonna take a nap so wake me up after Ellie picks up Boyd, kay? Peace." She pumped her chest before leaning back in the chair and closing her eyes.

Gyro bit his lip for a second before speaking up. "Wait. Hold on a moment."

"Bish. What you want?"

"About yesterday..."

Gloria tensed up. She was very happy Gyro murdered two guys to save her but she didn't really want to talk about what went down. She sighed and caved in, for his sake. "What about it?"

"Axel...he mentioned Mia."

Gloria didn't respond to that. But she did, however, sit up and put a hand on her forehead, running it down her face.

"Who was she?" He scooted forward to lay a hand on her knee. "If it's too personal, I'll back off."

When Gloria didn't respond again, he figured that was an "I don't want to talk about it", so he hummed to himself in agreement with her before laying down on the bed to look up at the ceiling and just sorta think.

"She was this girl I knew back in New York."

Gyro looked over at her. He couldn't see her very well since he just took off his glasses to lay down, but he studied her as best as he could, not saying anything.

"A real close friend of mine. She wasn't involved in the gang and she was the only 'normal' person I knew outside of my extended family. I met her one day when she was working her shift at Starducks. It was that cliche thing you see in movies where she was serving me a drink and then spilled it on me." Gloria smiled to herself. "She started crying immediately. It was ridiculous, but I gave her a pretty big tip for the trouble."

Gyro noticed Gloria had looked at him, despite her being blurry, and he nodded for her to continue.

"I thought her demeanor was nice and just sorta cute so I started showing up to that Starducks more often just to see her. Eventually, after probably weeks of small talk, she finally gave me her number and we met outside of her job. Ironically at another Starducks. Axel and the gang had no idea I was meeting up with someone outside of the circle, that wasn't really 'chill' with them, but I did it anyway. I don't know why. I guess I just felt nice being around her and I wanted a taste of what a normal life would be like. She was just your average community college student, still living with her parents and working full time at a coffee shop. Completely opposite of my situation, some orphan living with extended family that joined a gang to make quick money. It was refreshing being around her."

"That sounds... really nice actually."

"It was... When Axel found out I was hanging with some girl not involved with the gang, he got pretty pissed. I got... hurt a little bit but he finally came around for once. I was allowed to see her once every two weeks. Obviously I saw her more than that but whatever. Axel can go fuck himself in hell."

Gyro laughed a little. "No kidding. I'm glad he's dead."

"Tell me about it." Gloria wiped her eyes. Gyro hadn't even noticed she was crying. He decided to put back on his glasses and sit up to pay closer attention to her. He didn't bring her into a hug just yet, allowing her to continue. "The more I hung out with her, the more I realized what a shit life I had. How shit the people were that I was with. Specifically Axel. I met some of her friends and they were so normal and so happy. God, I envied her life."

Gloria paused to get her bearings again.

"Anyway. One day she asked me out and man oh man was I caught off guard. I had no fucking idea she liked me, but looking back on it it was pretty obvious. Mia had no idea I had a boyfriend, I never told her about the gang. And, you know what I did, Gyro?"

Gyro didn't need to respond because she continued on.

"I said 'hell yeah'. I started realizing how toxic Axel was, but I just couldn't work up the guts to get away from him. Mia was like some safe haven, ya know? We never officially became a thing but we may as well have been. We spent so much time together, so much so that Axel picked it up eventually and beat the living hell out of me. That's when I decided I needed to run. I got my things and left the city. I wanted to take Mia with me... but I just didn't. I mean, she wouldn't have wanted to run away with me if she knew I was in some crazy gang. She was too much of a goody two shoes, but that's what I liked about her..." Gloria sniffled. "Doesn't matter. Axel ended up getting to her because of me. It's my fault she's gone. I should've never gotten involved with someone outside of the gang."

"Oh my god... Gloria I-"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you the other day when I was spilling all the beans about my past. I dunno, that part of my life just seemed a bit too personal. And I guess... I'm just really self conscious about being bisexual but I guess there's no reason to be around you." She managed a weak laugh. "We have another thing in common."

The recliner Gloria was sitting on was fairly large so Gyro got up and nudged her over a bit so he could squeeze in himself. She took the oppurtunity to rest her head on his shoulder and took his hand into her own.

For a while nothing was said, Gyro just rubbed his thumb along her knuckles.

"I have a dark past, Gyro..." She whispered.

He squeezed her hand tighter in turn. "We both do."


"Don't apologize, Gloria. There's nothing to apologize for. I just... don't know what to say. There's nothing I can do to fix that. Killing Axel wasn't enough to fix anything. I want to murder him over and over again. I saw the sick smile he had when you killed him. The dude was insane. I can't wrap my head around it." He wrapped an arm around her and Gloria nuzzled her head into his chest. She was crying, but it was a soft cry. He took his other hand, the one that was running along her knuckles, and retracted it to wrap his arm around her body, almost like he was cradling her. "I'm so sorry. There's nothing else for me to say and I know that's pathetic but god... I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize either, Gyro." She took her hand and placed it on his shoulder. "Think of it this way, all those things needed to happen so I could meet you."

"Maybe so but..." He sighed. "Mia sounded like she was a great person that deserved the world."

"She did..." Gloria looked at Gyro. "This may sound weird but... would you mind holding some type of... funeral with me in the future? I know that's kind of... out there. I just feel like I need to do something in remembrance of her."

"Of course we can." He held her tighter. "I love you, Gloria. I love you so much."

She smiled and her body relaxed. "I love you too."


Ellie stared straight ahead at the rain pouring down. It was dark and there was lightning in the distance that would sometimes block out the voices of the people involved in some sort of formal event that was taking place in an opened party room nearby.

She sat underneath a large awning that protected her from the storm. Her legs were crossed politely while she sat on an outdoor cushioned sofa.

She wasn't having very good thoughts again and debated giving Ms. Kris a call but she decided not to. For some reason, Ellie wanted to hold onto some sort of pride she had built up from not speaking with her. Kind of like she wanted to prove to Ms. Kris that she didn't have issues. That she wasn't crazy.

But Drew called her crazy so it was true. So many people called her crazy and he was just another one to add to the list. Ellie tried so hard to fit in with organics but she never could. She was just some sort of freak in their eyes and her own. For the first time ever, Ellie actually wished she was an organic being. That way she wouldn't freak people out. She'd be able to eat and go to cocktail parties, go swimming, get sunburnt, jump in the rain and splash in puddles. She'd be able to make more friends and maybe... even be more empathetic and normal. She wouldn't be crazy. She would just be normal.

Maybe she would even be a better mother. The average organic mom didn't get in situations that ended up getting their child in a life or death situation all the time. Normal moms didn't kill people in front of their children or have to save them from traumatic events every other week.

Boyd's bad memories were being erased but hers weren't. She would always remember how shit of a mom she was.

Gyro did say he believed she was a good mother and Ellie tried to believe it herself. But she just couldn't believe that. A robot couldn't be a good mom. She just wasn't built that way. Organics were made to be good parents because they could actually reproduce. Organics were made to be good parents because they weren't so unstable. So... crazy.

Ellie had had enough and stood up. She walked toward the end of the awning and stopped just before entering the pouring rain completely. The ends of her shoes were poking out just enough to get soaked and she could feel the water seeping into her shoes.

Organics could feel so why the hell did she too? She never figured out why she suddenly was able to feel pain or more negative emotions, or feel water and textures. It shouldn't be possible if she was never programmed to. She couldn't feel temperature so why did she start feeling everything else out of nowhere? It was just some sick reminder that she was close to being real but not close enough. It was a tease.

It was funny. A robot going on a cruise, surrounded by waters that could kill her in an instant if she so much as fell in the pool or accidentally took a fall over the railings. Or even stepped out into pouring rain.

Ellie frowned and took out her cellphone, clicking on Gyro's contact. The last message she had gotten from him was about how he had finished working on Boyd and would give her a ring when he woke up from his shut down state.

It was very funny how she hated the man for so long and now started to view him as a friend, even if he didn't feel the same way.

"Gyro Gearloose," She typed "I apologize for the sudden message but I wanted you to be aware that I believe you are a wonderful parent." Ellie paused. She had no idea how to word this without sounding completely out of her mind. "I trust you and Gloria will protect Boyd no matter what if I for some reason am no longer able. If something happens and he is emotionally damaged I trust you will fix it. Even if it means ridding memories of me. Your friend, Ellie."

She stared at the message, thumb hovering over the send button. Ellie shut her eyes and clicked it. The message was delivered immediately with the cruise line having killer wifi and all.

Ellie turned her attention to the rain, and then to the railing ahead that was the barrier between the ship and a steep drop into the water. If she shut down on deck she would surely be found and repaired. It had to be the ocean.

She dropped her phone and stared blankly ahead before finally walking into the rain. It took a few seconds before her circuits realized what was going on and began causing her body to twitch oddly. She made it to the edge and placed her hands on the railing to look down at the stormy waters below. It was even rougher than she had expected.

Another intense twitch pushed her body forward so her upper half of her body was over the railing and facing downward.

Fear started to blossom within her.

"God..." She closed her eyes and pushed herself up to take a step back from the railing. "What am I doing?"

Her body continued to twitch around until she stumbled back under the awning, a soaking mess. Any longer and she probably would have shut down.

She knelt down to pick up her phone and check for a response. Nothing. Good. It would give her a bit of time to just...think things over.

She flopped back down onto the sofa and watched as another bolt of lighting struck the ocean. It was so loud she could feel the vibration of the roar go through her body. In an odd way, it was calming. So she closed her eyes and leaned back, focusing on the sound of the rain hitting the deck.

Minutes went by and the storm hadn't let up. Everything sounded the same with the exception of footsteps coming closer. Ellie opened her eyes to see who was walking around in the rain. Of course it was Mark.

He wore a white button down shirt and black work pants that were completely soaked. Mark stayed outside in the rain because he wanted to be dramatic. The two stared at each other for a moment while Mark pulled out poster papers from behind his back. This is just like that classic scene from Love Actually. The first card only read "Hey". He gave a weak smile to see if she would react at all. She didn't.

He continued to watch her as he flipped to the next card. "I know you're still mad at me... :( "

In case you were wondering, the paper was like cardstock and he wrote with Sharpie so nothing was being destroyed from the rain. Plot.

He dropped the first two cards on the ground and kept going. "And I know that my other past attempts have failed"

"And I know you want me to stop" He held that card long enough for her to read it so he could flip to the next one to finish his sentence. "Bothering you all the time"

"But I need you to know..." Mark stepped closer but he was still standing in the rain.

"That I love you! :)"

"The dictionary describes 'love' as..."

At this point Ellie saw where he was going with this. She also saw that Mark had an entire stack of signs which would take him forever to finish through! M'ma and Mark brainstormed in making two love poems and a haiku for the posters just to put in perspective how long he was planning on standing in the rain for her.

She eventually cut him off. "Mark, get out of the rain. You are making a fool of yourself."

"Oh... okay." He bent down to pick up the other posters he dropped on the ground and shuffled out of the rain to sit next to Ellie on the couch.

Ellie didn't say anything to him.

"So... did you like my card thing I had going on there?" He awkwardly twiddled his thumbs.

"No. It was making me rather uncomfortable."

Mark was caught between a rock and a hard place and the only thing he knew to say next were movie quotes from all the movies M'ma forced him to sit through. "They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true."

That actually made her look over at him, but she looked very... disturbed.

Okay that didn't work. He coughed into his hand and continued "We'll always have Paris."

"What are you talking about?"

"Here's looking at you, kid."

"...Mark..." It was a warning.

"In vain I have struggled my feelings will not do. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."

Ellie put up her hand to signal him to stop. "Shut up. Just shut up." She looked back at the storm. "Can you please just let me listen to the rain for a little while."

Mark didn't say anything back, actually listening to her this time.

Seconds past, that turned into minutes, that turned into an hour. Mark awkwardly looked over at her every now and then but the entire time she didn't even blink. Not that she needed to.

Eventually, Ellie moved and it caused Mark to flinch, but she paid no mind to him. She scooted over to him before leaning her head on his shoulder. That surprised the hell out of him and he had no idea what to say, or if he should even say anything.

Ellie was still very much pissed at him and he was probably getting the wrong idea, but she didn't care. She just needed some sort of physical comfort at the moment.

"Just talk to me... and stop with the stupid quotes. Just be genuine. Please."

Mark sighed. "Alright..." He had no idea where to start but he was given another chance so he knew that he couldn't fuck up again. "So I've been getting some help with my acts on wooing you back. Fenton's mom is on the cruise and she has been the one to tell me what to say and do. I've been staying with her for the past few days, doing nothing but watching soap operas and rom coms, hoping that there would be a solution to our fight through movies. But... I guess she and I were both wrong about that. My super rad rom com gestures didn't work but please keep in mind that it's the thought that counts."

He sighed again. He was shivering at this point because he was still pretty wet from the rain. "Ellie... I've screwed up time and time again. I didn't realize it until M'ma, that's what Fenton's mom wanted me to call her, told me upfront how awful of a boyfriend and dad I've been..."

Ellie stayed silent waiting to see if he had anything more to say.

He raked through his hair. "My parents didn't get along with each other. I hated growing up and watching them fight all the time. I remember telling myself that I never wanted that to be me when I grew up and found someone..." He huffed out a weak laugh. "I screwed that up for myself too I guess. Not only did I hurt you but I hurt Boyd as well. God- I don't want him to grow up feeling the same way that I felt about my parents. He doesn't deserve that."

Mark stayed silent for a moment. "So to just wrap everything up. And I know I've said this time and time again but... I'm sorry. I really am."

Ellie sighed and closed her eyes again. "Thank you for the apology..." She stopped, not wanting to hurt him anymore than she already had but there was still more that had to be said. "I love you, Mark. I do. Truly. But... I just do not think you will change. After everything we've been through together you just... keep doing something over and over again. And it hurts. A simple apology doesn't change that." She let out a chuckle herself. "But it is so hard for me to leave you anyway."

When Mark didn't respond, she decided to continue.

"I was about to jump, you know."

Mark turned his head to look at her, giving her a confused look. "What do you mean? Like, jump in the water?"

It was hard to see her considering she still had her head on his shoulder but he felt her nod.

It took a moment for him to respond, he was trying to process that. "Why?"

"I am not sure myself." She said. "I guess I was just tired of everything. Of not being able to protect Boyd. Of being a robot. I do not know..."

"But Boyd's safe right? Like, he's okay right now?"

"Gyro's erasing his memories after yesterday. There was a gang that kidnapped him and Gloria and then Gyro and I had to murder them. We threw the bodies overboard. Uncle Glomgold wanted to feed them to the sharks. I ended up pushing him in too but it was all in front of Boyd so..." Ellie decided to add to that. "You do not have to worry about the man I was with either. Drew. I sort of scared him off with the whole murder thing and then threatening to kill him. He was pretty boring anyway so it is not a huge loss... but he called me crazy and I guess that's just what got to me. Gyro says that all the time too and I know it's true. Drew confirming that just pushed me to my limit for once. I feel so out of place in the world. I can't be like normal people."

Mark forced out a small laugh "I guess I missed a lot then..." He continued after a moment "It seems to me that you've done more than any "normal" person has ever done to protect their kid. Don't sell yourself short on Boyd, Ellie. He loves you and you've done more for him in the past day than any mother would ever go through in her life. Straight facts."

"I love him so much. Erasing his negative memories just feels like an easy way out rather than being a good mother and helping him cope with it. But so much has happened that I could not even think of where to begin with helping him. I failed in that sense." She awkwardly cleared her throat. "I also asked Gyro to erase the memories of the strip club so..."

Mark nodded "Well, Boyd's whole thing has always been that he is a real boy. He's gone through a lot and I think you made the right call by having Gyro erase his memories of everything. Sure you could consider it the easy way out but wouldn't it be better for everyone involved?"

"...can I ask you a question?"


"You said you loved me but you never told me why. Why do you and why are you trying so hard to get me back? You can just build another version of me or something."

Once again, it took Mark a minute to respond. "Ellie... I can't build "another version" of you because I don't want to. We've gone through so much together. Granted that some of it were horrible near death experiences but we always did it together. I know I keep bringing my mom up but she would never spend time with me. I've been on my own for a really long time and the only sort of comfort I got from others was through my phone." Mark held his phone up to emphasize his point before tucking it away again. "When you came into my life... I dunno, that sort of comfort I got from social media came from you as well. If that makes sense. You were the first person to actually enjoy my company IRL. I'll always appreciate you for that. No one truly knows me like you do, Ellie. Not my mom. Not my stupid coach dad. Not my fans..." He continued "I just- after watching all of those movies with M'ma and seeing everyone get these nice happy endings. I want that, ya know? But I only want those kinds of happy movie endings with you. And Boyd of course." Mark cleared his throat and started to twiddle with his thumbs again as he waited on Ellie's response.

Her response took a while to come. "God... I do not know what to say to that, honestly..." Ellie lifted her head to look at him. She was crying, with no tears, as you may expect. "Thank you. I really needed to hear that from someone. Or... from you, rather. You are the only person who knows me too. No one knows my real feelings except you... even if you do not listen most of the time. But it's nice to know someone doesn't think I'm crazy. I suppose it is because you are crazy too." She gave a pretty sorry excuse of a laugh, but at least there was some effort put into it. "I am extremely ignorant for saying this, but I really want you back despite you being a complete asshole. And we'll probably keep getting in fights over and over again..." She started crying harder. "And it'll keep repeating itself like some fucking never ending carousel. But I want you back anyway. I just cannot keep myself away from you. Maybe it's my programming or I just love you that much even though I have no reason to anymore. I have some sick obsession with you that I cannot wrap my head around."

Mark quickly got up from his seat and knelt down in front of her, holding both of her hands in his. He wanted her to look at him when he said this. "Hey no no that's not going to happen anymore. Okay? I mean it this time, Ellie. I hate fighting with you too and I swear that things will be different from now on. We are not going to be like my parents! I know I'm not perfect here but I am going to do everything I can to have us be the literal definition of relationship goals!" He sighed "Having you and Boyd leave was painful for me... But I'm going to use that as a warning in the back of my head from now on. To never let that happen to us again. Alright?"

"...okay." She sniffled and squeezed his hands in turn, smiling weakly. But her face fell flat again pretty quick. "...but you should probably know something before you take me back..."

His stomach sank. "What is it?"

She bit her lip and darted her eyes away before speaking up. "I... may have...perhaps...rebounded with Drew. A 'one night stand' sort of thing. I am not sure if that is what you call it or not but... I just could not get you off my mind so I turned to him. I am so sorry. That may count as cheating... I am not sure about that either." She looked back at Mark. "I ended up trying to kill him the next day... but that does not change anything."

When Mark didn't respond she added one last thing.

"You have every right to be mad at me. Even if it was not technically cheating."

"No no I'm not mad at you... I'm just- shocked I guess. I dunno... but ummm thank you for telling me at least." Mark stood up, still holding onto Ellie's hands. "So... are we good now?" He gave a weak smile.

She nodded and stood up with him. "Yes. I'd say we are good."

Mark sighed in relief and gave Ellie a big hug. "Oh thank god."

She hugged him back, tightly. Her chest began to tighten as well. "About the other night, when you proposed, were you, uh, serious about that? Or was that in the heat of the moment?"

He pulled out of the hug to look at Ellie and laughed nervously. He scratched behind his head. "You remember that, huh?... Well- I mean- of course I meant it but I don't have any of it planned. I don't have a ring or anything but... yes of course I've been thinking about proposing. For a while actually. But I can't do it now. I want it to be perfect! So just... wait. Wait and act surprised!"


He winked and did a finger gun gesture "Yeah exactly! Just pretend that you don't know!"

"Do not know what?"

"Wh- I'm talking about proposing."

She looked at him, bewildered. "I thought you said I was supposed to not know what you were talking about."

"Oh... haha right. Okay yeah just keep doing that!" God Mark was stupid.

She just stood there and stared at him with no expression like she usually did. She was about to respond with a simple "okay" when a flash of what seemed like light shot by. A light that was a round figure with long blonde hair. She looked away from Mark. "Um..."

Mark looked confused. He turned around to see what Ellie was looking at but he didn't see anything. "What?"

Ellie shook her head and turned her attention back to him. "Nevermind. I thought I saw something but it is not important."

Mark shrugged before picking up his cards again. "Alright well, I'm pretty tired. And cold. And hungry. Do you want to get out of the rain and go back to our room now?"

Ellie laughed awkwardly before rubbing her arm. "Not unless you have an umbrella."

Mark handed Ellie the cards. "Could these work? You can put them over your head or something?"

She shrugged and took the large cards from him.


As Gyro and Gloria waited for Boyd to wake up, Gyro finally checked his messages.

He paused and made a face at Gloria.

Gloria made a face back "What's up?"

"Ellie...just called me her...friend...?" He gave her the phone.

She gasped and reread the text over and over again. "You finally have a friend, Gyro!" She laughed at her dumb joke. She took stupid selfies of herself with his phone before handing it back to him.

He scrolled through them. "Wowwww... har har. You're so funny for taking 50 photos that I'm going to have to scroll through and delete." He looked back up at her. "Anyway, I still don't view Ellie as a friend so sucks for her I guess." He stuffed his phone in his back pocket.

"Yeah why did she say that? Maybe she's grateful that you erased Boyd's memories?"

He shrugged and sat back down. "Beats me. I don't know about you but I'm going to take a nap."

Gloria thought about Ellie's text in her head again. "Hey let me see that text again."

"Why?" He didn't bother for an answer, he just handed it over to her before turning back to his sleeping position. "Just plug it in when you're done."

She didn't respond to that and honestly, she probably won't. She looked over the text again. "I dunno, Gyro... Ellie talks weird but, this is a little too... weird. And the whole "even if it means ridding memories of me." that's a little sketchy."

Gyro sighed and sat up again. "So? You know she's pretty weird. I know you guys are best friends and all but come on."

She scoffed "Read over the text again. It sounds like she's leaving or something." She grabbed her own phone. "I'm going to text her and see if she's okay."

He obliged and took his phone back to reread it. "I see what you mean, but she can't go anywhere because we're on a cruise so... we are stopping at that island soon though."

Gloria sent her a quick "Hey bitch, you okay?" text and watched her phone for any new notifications. "...Gyro it's raining right now. You don't think she meant leaving leaving do you? Oh god..." She covered her mouth with her hand.

"Leaving leaving?" He gave her a look before looking back down at his message. ""

Gloria shot up and grabbed her raincoat. "I'm going to try and find her."

Before she reached the door handle, there was frantic knocking causing the two to jump.

Gyro shot up. "Goddamnit! I think you're right!" They both thought the knocking was terrible news of some sort.

Her heart dropped as she opened the door for whoever was there. They were assuming a police officer. No. They were greeted with Flintehart Glomgold wearing a Sailor Moon cosplay. He was soaking wet and had seaweed on his blonde wig. He waddled in position, fuming like an animal crossing character.


She was very shocked to see Glomgold alive and in one piece but her thoughts were only on checking on Ellie. "Move, bitch. I gotta see if Ellie's alright!" She tried squirming past him but his body took up the entire door frame.

"WOT?! I AM MORE IMPORTANT HERE!" He pushed her back. "I THINK SHE'S FIGHTING WITH MARK AGAIN SO LEAVE HER ALONE, BITTTTCCCCCHHHHHH!" He emphasized "bitch" because he was Scottish. Fake Scottish but whatever.

Also the "fighting" he was referring to was them hugging when he scuttled by like a flash of light.

"Wait so you just saw Ellie?! Is she okay?"


Gloria sighed in relief and took off her raincoat to put it back on its hook. "Duck Jesus...." She muttered to herself before flopping on the bed. "So what the hell are you doing here, Glomgold?"

He cockroach crawled in on all fours, slamming the door shut with his back leg. "MIND YOUR BUSINESS!" He jumped onto the bed and spun in circles like a dog before laying down next to Boyd.

Gyro walked over to him. "How did you survive?!"


"The ocean and the sharks!"


Gloria got up long enough to shove Glomgold off the bed "Get off! You're wet and you smell!"


Gyro pinched his temples. "Why are you in anime cosplay?"


"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO ASKED!" Gloria added. She's not gonna lie, Glomgold looked great in the Sailor Moon cosplay! Very few people were able to rock that cosplay and he was one of them.


"NO!" Gyro screamed.


"Yeah it's pretty cool."

Glomgold scottishly hummed to himself. "Thank yooh, Gladis." Without another word, he scuttled under the bed and claimed it as his hovel for the next 24 hours.

Gyro sighed. "I can't take this anymore. The dude is unkillable!" Suddenly his phone dinged and he took it out. It was another message from Ellie. He rolled his eyes and handed it to Gloria so she could look. "Yeah. She's fine."

The text message read "NVM FUK U ;)" Gloria laughed and handed it back to Gyro. "I guess Mark and Ellie are on good terms again."



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