College Life ||josh richards||

By __sunsetcurve__

76.2K 969 137

The sequel to my first book "unexpected decision" new characters added and some more fun twists! Start: June... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
New book is up!!

Chapter 37

924 12 1
By __sunsetcurve__

~Nicole's pov~
The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache in my old room. It took me a couple of seconds to remember and process everything that happened yesterday. Just thinking about it made me cry.

I sat up in my bed petting Baxter, when suddenly the door opened.

"Thank fucking god your here." I heard Bryce say. I looked up and both of my brothers are standing in the doorway. I put my head back down and continued to cry.

They both came next to me on each side and sat down. "Nik what happened.. why?" Tayler asked while giving me a hug. I just shook my head no. If they know what happened they'll never let me go out again.

"Tell us Nik. We won't judge." Bryce said now bringing me in for a hug.

"F-fine. All I remember is being very drunk and going to the bathroom. Then once I finished I tried to leave but someone cane in.. I thought it was josh. The person kissed me so I kissed back, only because I didn't know it wasn't josh. But that ended when the door swung open and josh was standing there. I realized what happened and couldn't handle it when josh broke up with me so I-I ran.. Im an idiot." I said while crying every few seconds.

"Your not an idiot. It wasn't your fault, chase wasn't very drunk so he knew what he was doing. Have you talked to anyone at all?" Tayler said. I couldn't tell how he felt about this. He's probably disappointed in me.

I ruined what me and josh had. I was being ignorant.. he's not going to trust me anymore either. "WHY DO I ALWAYS FUCK THINGS UP!" I yelled while hysterically crying. Tayler and Bryce pulled me into a hug and Bryce said "I know what can maybe help.. get dressed into some athletic clothes."

I know what he's doing.. and I'm ok with it. I nodded at them and they both left so I could change. I put my hair into a messy bun and put on some leggings and a crop top.

When I finished getting changed, I slowly went down the stairs and over heard tayler on the phone with someone.

T- yeah she's here and alive don't worry.
T- yeah, but I don't think she's gonna want to go back anytime soon..
T- Bryce is bringing her to the field to try and help but we don't know how that's gonna end up.
T- alright, I will call back later alright, bye.

"Who the fuck was that." I asked a little bit annoyed. Tayler turned around and said "only Charli.. she was worried. She also said josh is a mess.." my face quickly turned to a frown when joshs name was mentioned. I love that boy to death and it's killing me that I did this.

"Ok let's go Nik!" Bryce said as he cane inside from the garage. In his hand he had a football and two water bottles. I didn't say anything, just walked outside and got in his car.

the car ride was silent.. except for the music playing. "Nik, seriously are you ok? Like I know your not, but overall..?" Bryce asked as we pulled into the parking lot.

"I'm fine." I said quickly. We both got out of the car and walked onto the field. I was holding the ball as Bryce ran down the opposite way to catch it. I threw the ball to him really hard, out of anger i guess.

"Hey chill out Nik!" Bryce said with a small laugh. I just frowned and caught the ball as he threw it.

We did this for a while, making small talk every few seconds. I think he could tell how much pain I'm in right now.. even though I caused this whole mess.

After a while, it was getting late so we left the field. I didn't realize we spent the whole day there.. it's currently around like 6:30ish.

"So, wanna get McDonald's or something?" Bryce asked with a smile. Is hot a small smile back and said "yeah.. yeah sure." He smiled back again, probably because I spoke and smiled at the same time. "Cal Tayler and see if he wants anything." Bryce said while driving off. I nodded and dialed Taylers number.

T- what's up Nik?
N- want anything from McDonald's?
T- just get me a chocolate milkshake.
N- ok fatass
T- hey! Not nice!
N- I'm kidding.. anything else?
T- um.. French fries.
N- ok bye
T- bye

"He wants a chocolate milkshake and French fries.." I told Bryce.

"Ok, what about you?" He asked.

"10 piece nugget and fries.."


-when they get home-

When we got home, we all sat in the dining room eating our food. Bryce and Tayler were talking about some people they met at playlist while I just scrolled through Instagram on my phone. I came across a new post from josh, about 10 minutes ago..


@joshrichards: I fucked up big time 😔

@jadenhossler: it's alright man. Everything will be ok.

@charlidamelio: 😤

@anthonyreeves: ok but like #janthony?
^@joshrichards: too soon 🤧

@nicolehall: 🙁
^@tiktokroom: SENT IN! did these two officially call it quits after over one year of dating?!
^@nicolehall: fuck off @tiktokroom
^@joshrichards: ..
^@charlidamelio: ANSWER YOUR PHONE @nicolehall ‼️

Incoming call: Charli🤍

N- w-what char..
C- are you ok Bebe?
N- I fucked up.. I messed everything up..
C- no you didn't. This wasn't your fault.. it was chases. Don't let anyone tell you different.
N- Everyone is asking now.. tiktok room is spamming my dms.. fans are dming me.. I can't even bring myself to smile or speak to anyone!
C- josh hasn't spoken to anyone since last night. He's a mess. Locked in his room doing who knows what.
N- what about everyone else..?
C- Jaden was going to beat the shit out of josh, but he heard what happened.. Anthony is here keeping Avani away so she doesn't attack chase, and griff is trying to talk to chase about it since Dixie went back home.
N- d-Dixie is here? Is she home..?
C- she should be.. why?
N- I need a hug.. not like a brother hug.. like an actual hug.
C- I can text her to see if she's home.. my parents are away on business trips for a bit so it would be just you two
N- o-ok thanks..
C- no prob, call later ok?
N- ok bye..

I hung the phone up and walked out of my room past my brothers towards the front door. "Where are you going?" Tayler asked concerned.

"To see Dixie.. I will be back."

"Ok, call us if anything happens."

I nodded my head and continued out the door. Charlis house wasn't far from mine at all, so the walk isnt bad. When I got there, Dixie opened the front door and pulled me into a hug.

"Awe Nikki it's ok.." Dixie said as I bursted into tears. She led me inside and we sat on the couch. I sat down next to her just crying into her shoulder.

"Tell me everything.. Charli told me most of it, but just tell me every bit and piece." I nodded and said "chase kissed me and I was drunk so I thought it was josh and continued.. josh came and freaked out, broke up with me, and I ran. I got on a last minute flight here and flew home, drunk."

Dixie hugged me again and said "well Charli told me that josh fought you cheating with chase and then beat the shit out of him while you ran off. Then Jaden found josh, heard what happened, and finished beating up chase while josh went to find you." I looked down and said "I'm a horrible person.."

Dixie lifted my face and said "no, no your not! Look, I say you go back to la.. try to talk to josh, and if it doesn't work just come home. The worst he could do is just keep your relationship as just friends.. which I doubt it because that boy is madly in love with you."

I giggled and said "o-ok.. I'm gonna go back tomorrow then.. hopefully it goes well.." Dixie smiled and said "that's my girl! Now head home and get rest and a flight home. I will let Charli know." I nodded and said "ok, but tell her not to tell anyone.. I don't want it to be a whole big thing.."

Dixie nodded and I left. I got home and told my brothers everything. I think they agreed with my plan.. which is good. I went to my room and bought my plane ticket, then went to bed since I have an early flight.

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