Harrison osterfield imagines

By realbadass

160K 465 253

As the name says these will be some of Harrison osterfield imagines. Mediocre and weird but ome shots. More

Joining air force part 2
Joining the air force part 3
Party but i am an introvert
Death is inevitable especially when you are a soldier
This is me
Just a party meeting
Dancing waltz in middle of club dance floor
Just a week before i say temporary good bye to my school
Editsssssssssss of hazzzzzzzooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
Love with him but he dont know
Football playerrrrr!!!!!!!!!
Christmas shoppingggg!!!!
Christmas ball
Back to life
Bike rider
Death finally meets spider girl- sequel to hurt
Dark angel
French loveπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
Wisdom tooth removal
I am little blank
Walking with monty
sorry guys
London Marathon
dillema in real life
A Whole New Start
Thinking about you!
Zombie apocalypse
Zombie Apocalypse- II
Let me go #Jaanedemujhe
Umbrella πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
Things didnt mean to happen but they did
Dusk Till Dawn
Perfect for me
Dad Duties
Movie Marathon
Christmas break
Everything isn't how it seems to be
Post Quarantine
Life of a doctor
loosing a loved one (Eddie Redmayne)
Covers for my book. please comment on which one i should use
Little Happiness
wicked people
Our small world
Spicy trip
College AU

Quarantine Birthday

835 12 0
By realbadass

A/n: Happy birthday to the blue eyed div with whom I fall in love with. May you have the greatest birthday ever.

Third Person's PoV:~

Tom and Isabella exchange a look as they watched Harrison mop around. "What is wrong with him today?" Tom asked in a whisper to which Isabella just rolled her eyes.

"I swear to christ Thomas! It's his birthday tomorrow. How can you forget that!" Isabella whisper yelled at Tom, whose eyes widen drastically.

"Oh fuck. Now what do I do?" Tom asked frantically, and Harrison turned to them, eyeing them suspiciously.

"What are you two whisper shouting about? Was that even whisper shouting?" Harrison asked, he raised one of his brow.

"Umm we were talking about Graham Norton show and how her brother is going to be on the show but just on the screen not with Graham Norton." Tom quickly covered his mistake prompting Harrison to roll his eyes.

"Really? You have thought me a fool or what? You both can't lie to save your life. Especially you Izzy." Harrison rolled his eyes again before taking out his take out from the fridge and kept in the microwave to heat it.

"That's like 22nd time you are eating a takeout Harrison. You will have an upset stomach if you continue eating takeout." Isabella said standing up from the chair and walked to him.

"Well I really don't like beans. They are yuck." Harrison said as he leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Beans are not yuck Harrison. They are tasty." Isabella said as the microwave binged. "No they are not. And now if you will excuse me my dear izzy, I have a movie to catch in my room." Harrison said before kissing her on the cheek and took his take out from the microwave and headed to his room.

"Alright, he is gone. Whatcha planning to do?" Tom asked as he looked behind to check that Harrison is not coming out again.

"I am going to call my brother to ask him for some ring advice." Isabella said, and smiled. Tom's eyes went wide and mouth wide open.

"You are going to ask him to marry you?" Tom asked, his voice low so that Harrison doesn't hear them.

"Yep. I would have asked you but you have zero idea in how a proposal works and my brother is already married so maybe he will help me." Isabella said as she whipped out phone from her pajama pockets.

Harry came out of his room, yawning. "Oh good morning sleeping beauty. How nice it is to see you awake." Tom greeted his brother, sarcastically.

"Oh fuck off Thomas. I don't anything better to do anyways, so I will catch up on my sleep." Harry said as he sleepily set the water kettle on the stove.

"Its 1 in afternoon Harry. We are going to have lunch in few minutes." Isabella said as she looked at Harry from her phone.

"Don't care. Tea comes first." Harry said as he kept a tea bag in the cup.

Isabella shook her head and called her brother. He picked up almost immediately.

"Hey cookie." Eddie greeted his sister. "Hey big guy. I need help from regarding something." Isabella said, Tom listening closely.

"Why did she call Eddie?" Harry asked, confusion on his face. Tom sushed him as he continued to listen to Isabella.

"Yeah? Go ahead, I am listening." Eddie said from the opposite line. "Its rhetorical question. What does a man look for in a ring for him?" Isabella asked, biting her lip.

"Are you asking Harrison to marry you?"  Eddie asked at once. "Maybe. Just answer the question." Isabella said, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"If I am being honest, man looks for something they love to be in the ring. But also most men goes for simple ring. What does Harrison love?"  Eddie asked.

"He is a batman boy, but he loves nature more than anything. Are you suggesting that I do something batman themed?" Isabella asked, tom almost immediately opened her phone.

"Oh no, I am not going to lie, superhero themed or any themed rings don't work for men, for ladies maybe. But not for men. You should go for nature themed." Eddie said and Isabella nodded her head.

"I know what I will do. Thank you big guy for helping me. I love you." Isabella said, smiling.

"Love you too cookie. And one more thing, I am so proud of you. Do send me the pictures of your proposal. I would love to see them."  Eddie said, and Isabella could sense that he was emotional.

"I love you too big guy. Give little munchkins their God mother's love. I will be visiting soon." Isabella said before hanging up.

"So...?" Tom asked looking at her. "I know what to do." Isabella said before going to an online jewel shop that she always ordered from and had antique jewelleries.

"Ok, Harrison is fast asleep. I made sure about it." Isabella said, early in the morning. "I have cleaned up the kitchen and Sam is going to be here in the few minutes with the cake." Harry said as he kept the card box of decoration on the table.

"Good, Tuwaine and Tom, your duty is of backyard." Isabella said as she handed another box of decorations.

"Aye aye captain." Tom and Tuwaine said in unison before they grabbed the box and headed to the backyard.

"I will take living room. You look into music, you might need the upper hand." Harry said as he took the box with strings and confetti.

Isabella's phone started to ring. She took the phone and kept it between her ear and shoulder.

"Isabella Redmayne speaking." Isabella said as she opened her laptop and started to arrange the playlist.

"Miss Redmayne, the ring has been sent and will be arriving at your house in half and hour." The man from the opposite line said.

"Thank you so much for delivering the ring in such a short time period." Isabella thanked the man before the line went off.

After shuffling with the music and setting up the music system in the yard, Sam arrived with the cake.

"Here, sanitizer." Isabella said as she tossed Sam sanitizer. "Thanks." Sam said as he went to Harry's room to take a shower.

"I am going to make breakfast. Where are Tom and Tuwaine?" Isabella asked as she kept the cake in the fridge.

"Went to buy beer and wine." Harry said as he attached last of the decoration. "Good." Isabella said as she took out Flour packet and sugar from the right cabinet.

"So what are you going to make for the breakfast?" Harry asked, head tilted to watch her take out four eggs from the fridge.

"His favourite pancakes, and a cup of earl grey tea. I hope you all don't mind it." Isabella said as she started to mix the ingredients.

"I can never mind that. I just need an excuse for your famous nutella filled pancakes." Harry said with a grin before a door bell sounded.

"Shit, I will go fast before it wakes Harrison up." Harry said as he dashed towards the main door.

Few second later Harry appeared in the kitchen with a lips splitting grin. "Your ring has arrived soon to be Mrs. Osterfield." Harry said as he placed the black bag on the counter.

"Am I rushing into this Harry?" Isabella asked as she whisked the batter. "Oh no you totally are not. You both have been dating since high school. And he is turning 24. And it's never too early to get married, except if you are a minor." Harry said, trying to reassure the blonde.

Isabella nodded her head as she continued to make the breakfast.

At 8 am, Isabella took the tray of breakfast upstairs to Harrison's room. As predicted, Harrison was still fast asleep. He was sleeping on his stomach and the covers were barely on his body.

Isabella set the tray on the table in the room and went ahead to slid the curtain so that sun's light can enter the room.

"Fucking Christ, please close the curtains." Harrison grumbled in his sleep as he stuffed his head under the pillow.

"Its morning sunshine! Rise and shine!" Isabella exclaimed in sickly sweet tone. "No Izzy, I want to sleep. Its weekend." Harrison groaned loudly.

"Since when has weekend has stopped you from sleeping in these days?" Isabella asked as she towards the breakfast tray.

"Alright, fine. I am up. What's the occasion that you are waking me up this early?" Harrison asked groggily as he slowly turned in his back and sat up.

"Its your birthday you div." Isabella said, giving him a weird look. "Oh yeah. Yay my birthday." Harrison said, half sarcastically but the smile on his face told entirely different story.

"Now have the breakfast. And then take a shower, wear something casual and come down." Isabella said as she set the tray of breakfast infront of Harrison.

"Ooh pancakes. But what should I be expecting exactly?" Harrison asked as he lifted the plate of pancakes.

"Its a suprise for a reason." Isabella said before winking at him and started to walk out of the room.

"Izzy, thank you so much." Harrison called out, making Isabella turn around. "Always a pleasure Mr. Osterfield." Isabella said before walking out and closed the door behind her.

After 30 minutes, harrison walked down the stairs, wearing his watch. His hair was extremely messy and his glasses made him look more beautiful than he already is.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPTAIN AWESOME!" Everyone shouted at once and popped up from behind the couch.

Harrison's face split up in a big smile and laugh left his lips. "Captain awesome, really?" Harrison asked, laughing.

"Well tell that Isabella." Tuwaine said shrugging his shoulder before walking ahead and envelope him in a bear hug.

"Happy birthday mate." Tom was next one to do so. And after others who were present there hugged him, Isabella walked infront and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Happy birthday love." Isabella said smiling at him. "Thank you so much for everything." Harrison said before he looked around.

"Well, its mediocre decoration, but it's something." Harry said, shrugging his shoulder.

"Its everything guys. You don't know how much this means to me." Harrison said as ge wrapped his arm around Isabella'a shoulder.

"And this is not it. To the backyard boys." Isabella said before everyone walked to backyard.

"We couldn't go to party at a club, so we brought the party here." Isabella said winking at Harrison before walking ahead and opened her macbook and switched it on.

Backyard was decorated with balloons, confetti and a table set in the middle. Speaker system was also set by the the  the side.

"We won't be bothering the neighbours, but we gotta enjoy a bit." Sam said as he set some wine and beer bottle on other table.

"Hello Phil!" Isabella greeted Harrison's mum through the screen. "Hello honey." She greeted back and Isabella stepped back as she was sure she called everybody who were required.

"Hello strangers." Charlotte greeted from beside her mum. "I am here. Sorry about this but hello." Eddie said as he sat in his chair and gave everyone a bright smile. Hannah sitting beside him, a sweet smile on her face.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone who were on the call greeted Harrison. Harrison was now beaming and his eyes were sparkling as he looked at his friends.

"You do not know how much this means to me." Harrison said, as he looked back to the macbook screen.

"Well enjoy your birthday." Isabella said as she went by the speaker system and played the music, at medium volume so they wouldn't bother the neighbour.

And the party commenced with Harrison taking the wine glass and sipped on it as he talked to his mum and sister and others connected with the video call.

"Oh sush, you just suck at beer pong." Harrison said as Isabella huffed as her ball went far away from her target.

"Nah it's not my day. Otherwise I am good at beer pong." Isabella said as she watched Harrison downing the glass of beer.

"Its so weird for them to watch us partying while they just sip on the beer or wine." Harry giggled as he tried to shot a ball into the glass he aimed for.

"Well we can absolutely spice thing up with us doing our own party." Eddie said as Iris came into view.

"Auntie is playing a game?" She asked Eddie who nodded his head at his daughter.

And after another series of game, it was time for gifts. Isabella nervous looked at her brother through the screen.

He nodded his head in reassurance. 'A thousand years' by Christina Perri started to play getting attention of Harrison as it went from upbeat songs to soft songs.

Isabella moved forward, keeping just a little space between them.

"Harrison, you and I, we go way back. Met in high school's freshman year, became so strong. I was so in love with you that my clueless brother knew that I was in love with you. You asked me to the ball that was conducted by our school for junior students. And then we went on our first date. Time went by so fast that I couldn't help but think. Do I see my happily ever after with you? Answer is a big yes. I can see my happily ever with you." Isabella said as she removed red leather jewel box out and went down on one.

"So will you Harrison John Osterfield, do me an honour and be my husband?" Isabella asked, and Harrison looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"Yes. A million time yes." Harrison said as she Isabella remived the beautiful ring from the box and slid it on his ring finger.

Everyone cheered for the couple as Isabella stood up and placed a passionate kiss on his lips and wrapped her hands around his neck.

"Wohoo you rock future Mrs Osterfield!" The boys shouted as they looked at each other then back at the couple.

As they both pull away, harrison couldn't help but smile widely at his fiancèe. "I love you." Harrison said as he rested his head on hers.

There were squeals heard from across the screen. Phil was hugging her daughter in happiness.

"Dada, why did auntie kissed uncle haz?" Iris asked as Eddie was smiling in excitement, but also had tears in his eyes.

"Because your auntie is getting married." He said as he wiped his eyes. "What's married mama?" Iris asked Hannah, who was smiling brightly herself.

"That means, your auntie is going to be an Osterfield now, and Uncle hazza will finally be a part of our family." Hannah explained, and kept a comforting hand on her husband's shoulder who sniffed a bit.

"Welcome to our family my dear daughter." Phil said finally as she looked at the couple happily.

Harrison and Isabella exchanged a kiss again before a small party commence with sam bring out batman themed cake.

"This is the best birthday party ever." Harrison told Isabella who smiled at him sweetly.

Liked by Tomholland2013, Philosterfield and 891,903 others

IsabellaRedmayne: So he said YES! We are getting married!!! Yesterday I asked him to marry me, and he said yes. We are getting married on 29th october 2021. We thought, why wait any longer. So next year we are getting married!

Comments: 21,034 comments on this post

Hazosterfield: I can't ask for better birthday gift, except that batman tie clip. But thank you for making my birthday. I am so happy to finally be able to call you my Fiancèe. Love you.

Tomholland2013: this is fucking adorable! I am finally going to have a sister in law! Harrison you better make me best man, or we will be having problems.

Hazosterfield: Tom, you sure as hell know that you will he my best man if I ever got married. There is a reason we made that pact. @tomholland2013

Hazosterfield_: The convo above is what I love for. They made a pact!! That they will be each other's best man! I am not crying, you are!

Eddieredmayneofficial: this is extremely cute, and I am so happy for you cookie. I know you are going to be an Osterfield soon, but you will always be a Redmayne for me. Congratulations on your engagement.

IsabellaRedmayne: thanks brother, and yes I will always be Redmayne. I didn't ask for emotional hour!! What is this!!! @hazosterfield @eddieredmayneofficial.

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