Harrison osterfield imagines

By realbadass

160K 465 253

As the name says these will be some of Harrison osterfield imagines. Mediocre and weird but ome shots. More

Joining air force part 2
Joining the air force part 3
Party but i am an introvert
Death is inevitable especially when you are a soldier
This is me
Just a party meeting
Dancing waltz in middle of club dance floor
Just a week before i say temporary good bye to my school
Editsssssssssss of hazzzzzzzooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
Love with him but he dont know
Football playerrrrr!!!!!!!!!
Christmas shoppingggg!!!!
Christmas ball
Back to life
Bike rider
Death finally meets spider girl- sequel to hurt
Dark angel
French love😉😉
Wisdom tooth removal
I am little blank
Walking with monty
sorry guys
London Marathon
dillema in real life
A Whole New Start
Thinking about you!
Zombie apocalypse
Zombie Apocalypse- II
Let me go #Jaanedemujhe
Umbrella 😉😉😉
Things didnt mean to happen but they did
Dusk Till Dawn
Perfect for me
Dad Duties
Movie Marathon
Christmas break
Everything isn't how it seems to be
Post Quarantine
Life of a doctor
loosing a loved one (Eddie Redmayne)
Covers for my book. please comment on which one i should use
Little Happiness
wicked people
Spicy trip
Quarantine Birthday
College AU

Our small world

475 9 3
By realbadass

A/N: This is a request from for alwayslovingtom I actually adore this idea soo much!!!

Third Person's PoV:~

Morning in Osterfield residence is total chaos like every other when Harrison is not there, and out for shootings.

Alessandra woke up to girls screaming on the top of their lungs in their bedroom. "Jesus christ, why do I keep alarm when they are here to wake me up." Alessandra grumbled as she sat in her bed, her hair falling on her face.

"Mama!!" Daisy screamed for her mom from their bedroom. "Coming honey!" Alessandra shouted back before peeling the covers off her body and slipped her feets into her house slippers.

She moved her hand, pulling hair strayed hair and made a bun before taking her night robe and fasten the robe tie.

She let out a yawn, before opening her bedroom door and padded towards the twins room where they were having their own screaming match.

She opened the door and peaked inside with raised brows on the tantrum the two girls were throwing.

"Mama, Lily was teasing me!" Daisy pouted, eyes getting glossy, making Alessandra sighed before entering the room and scooping 3 year old into her arms.

Daisy was more like her dad, Ocean blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, same nose structure.

"She started it mama!" Lily huffed and jumped down from her bed. Lily on the otherside took after Alessandra.

"Whoever started, I don't care. Come on, hug each other. You are best sisters, aren't ya?" Alessandra asked as she set Daisy down on the floor.

And within an instant, Daisy smiled brightly before bring her sibling into tight hug. "We are best sisters ever!" Lily exclaimed making Alessandra chuckle.

"Now, let's go and get you some breakfast. Charms or pancakes?" Alessandra asked as she kneeled beside her daughters.

"Charms!" Lily exclaimed, her eyes brightening up at the mention of charms.

"Yes!! We love dad's pancakes. And when he will return from work, we will have pancakes for breakfast." Daisy added giving her mother a small smile.

"Ah I see. So let's get you your charms." Alessandra said before she walked out of the room, the girls following their mom.

When Harrison and Alessandra had twins, they were just 20, not knowing how they will deal with parenthood, but now they are 23, and their children 3 years old, and they couldn't ask for more happy family.

"Mama? When will dada be back from America?" Daisy asked as she sat on her chair followed Lily doing the same.

"In just few days. Then we all will go for a big vacation. Happy with dad's gift?" Alessandra asked as she sat two bowls on the table and poured charms in the two bowls.

"More than happy!" Lily answered smile on her face. "Can uncle Tom join us?" Daisy asked, with wide Ocean blue eyes, just like her dad.

"Ofcourse. But you should ask him. He can never deny you." Alessandra said smiling warmly at her daughters while she poured lukewarm milk into both bowls.

"Where will take us though?" Lily asked, scrunching her eye brows, looking just like Alessandra in the moment when she was confused about something.

"How does maldives sounds?" Alessandra asked as she brewed herself yorkshire tea and kept bread into toaster.

"Yay!! Beach!!!!" Daisy exclaimed as she waved her spoon in the air making Alessandra chuckle.

"Now eat up, we are going at Nana's today." Alessandra said as she poured her tea into her cup and took the toast from the toaster and sat on the chair.

"Yes I can play with dolls with Aunt Lotte." Daisy said, now eating her charms without any further delay.

After the breakfast, Alesandra took her daughters to bath, filling the bath with lukewarm water.

"Mum can we use that bath bomb?" Daisy asked as she pointed the pink bath bomb on the shelf.

"No, you used one yesterday. Now no more. Get into bath." Alessandra said as she rolled up her rob's sleeves.

Bath was another chaotic event for Alessandra as she emerged out of the bath with her daughter, almost soaked into water.

She dried her daughters body before dressing them up into coffee colour cute frock and helping them to wear stockings.

Suddenly there was a sound of door unlocking. Alessandra was sure that she wasn't expecting any guest.

Alessandra left the room, with the two girls on her heels. As soon as the Alessandra reached the last of the house, the two girls break into run.

"Dada!!!!" Both the twins exclaimed before rushing into their father's arm. Harrison hugged his daughters with a chuckle.

"Oooff. I take it as you missed dada so much?" Harrison asked as he pressed a kiss in their hair.

"Yes. I missed you sooo much." Daisy said as she pouted and animatedly stretched her arms.

"Oof, we have to make it up for the lost time. And where are you going in this cute dress?" Harrison asked as he looked upto his wife, who was standing with wide grin.

"I was actually going to mum's. But looks like we have to delay our arrival to mum's." Alessandra said as walked to her husband, who stood up, the girls still stuck to his side.

Alessandra placed a soft kiss on her husband's lips as Harrison placed his right around her waist.

"Eww mama, dada. That's gross." Daisy scrunched up her nose before they were interrupted by dog barks.

"Monty is here?" Harrison asked as the familiar English Springer Spaniel dashed down the stairs, just woken up from the familiar scent of Harrison.

"Ah my boy!" Harrison exclaimed as he let go of Alessandra and crouch on the ground again, and was attacked by licks of his beloved dog.

"I brought him home last week. Daisy and Lily wanted to bring him here." Alessandra said as the dog barked happily.

"Ah ha I see. Little buddy I missed you too!" Harrison said as he ruffled the fur of the dog.

"Go and get fresh, I will prepare something for you." Alessandra offered as she looked at the duo lovingly.

"Well I accept the offer, only if you join me. And don't worry about this two." Harrison said as another male entered the house with suitcase in the hand.

"Yo harrison, way to make me your butler." Tom grunted as he placed the suitcases on the floor before being tackled by two girls.

"Uncle Tom!" The girls exclaimed, making Alessandra chuckled, the dog joining the tackle event.

"Girls, I saw you yesterday! No need to tackle me." Tom said, chuckling as he sat on the ground with the two girls giggling.

"I know the look Harrison. Steal away your wife, I will look after this two munchkins." Tom said chuckling, and Harrison not wasting a moment, dragged Alessandra away, making the woman laugh.

And an hour and half later, Alessandra descended the stairs wearing a blue Tunic top with lacy sleeves.

Her hair perfectly put into French braid. Harrison following her few moments later. His hair extremely messy, his eyes dark blue. He was in his usual cream sweat shirt.

"Thank you tom for looking after this two troubles." Alessandra said as she sat on the couch.

"Its no problem. Anything for my two best mates. I still can't believe that you two are the first of our group to have babies and getting married." Tom chuckled as he watched over Daisy playing on his phone, tapping furiously.

"We were shocked too." Alessandra chuckled as she looked at her daughters. Lily muttering furiously to Daisy, who was looking determined at the phone screen.

And after another hour, Tom left for his house and Alessandra strapped her daughters into children seat of their car.

"How does icecream after visiting nana sounds?" Harrison asked as he sat on the passenger seat while Alessandra took the steering wheel.

"Best idea ever!" Lily and Daisy exclaimed together. "Good good, we will invite Aunt Lotte." Harrison said while Alessanra chuckled at her family before starting the car.

After what seems like thirty minutes drive, Alessandra pulled up in the drive way of a beautiful house.

"Ah are those my grandkids?!" The man on the drive way exclaimed as he turned off the hose.

"Pa!" Daisy exclaimed from the seat, waving madly at Brian.

After unstrapping them from the seat and setting them on the ground, they were immediately scooped up by Brian, who took them inside.

"I absolutely adore their bond." Alessandra said as they stepped inside the house. They were greeted by Phil, who hugged Harrison over enthusiastly after seeing her son four months later.

Monty bounded behind them, rushing to the back yard. "My favourite nieces are here!" Charlotte exclaimed as she scooped Lily from Brian's arm.

"Aunt Lotte! Nana!" Daisy giggled as the family paid complete attention to the three year old.

"When did you arrive Harrison?" Phil asked her son as everyone settled in the sitting room.

"Just this morning. I got tom to pick me up. It was great suprise to them." Harrison said as he accepted glass of water from his sister.

"Well good thing you came early. Daisy was moping around, noting your absence longer than other shootings." Phil said Daisy was giggling at Brian as he tickled her.

"Nana, when is great pa coming back? I miss him." Lily asked from Charlotte's lap.

"In two days honey. He misses you two too." Phil said smiling before family went into another conversation.

"Dada, play tag with us." Daisy asked her father for the twentieth, and Harrison gave in with a sigh.

"I will play with you, only if you can convince your nana, pa, and mama to play with us." Harrison said as he crouched infront of Daisy.

"Consider it done dada!" Daisy exclaimed before setting up towards Phil and Alessandra.

"Nana, mama, play tag with us! Pretty please!" Daisy asked, making puppy dog face at Alessandra, knowing that it's her greatest weakness.

"You and your dada are going to be death of me. Alright I will play with you, lily and lotte." Alessandra said chuckling.

"And I can never deny my sweetheart a game of tag." Phil said, ruffling Daisy's hair, who let out a celebratory cry making Alessandra laugh at that.

"I have convinced Pa!" Lily exclaimed as she stepped out of the house with Brian behind her.

"Well there was nothing to convince. You had me at word 'tag.' Brian said, and shrugged his shoulder.

"Dada, you are at 'it'." Lily said,before running opposite direction of Harrison, who shook his head laughing.

"Run as far as you can Princess Lily, I will catch you!" Harrison exclaimed lightly before setting off running in the vast yard. Monty inviting himself in the game as he barked delightfully and ran in random direction.

Charlotte squealed as she barely missed Harrison's arm. Harrison then made bee line for his mom, easily tagging her.

Phil squealed before setting before Daisy, who giggled and nimbly dodge her grandmother, until Phil tagged Alessandra.

"Quick Lily, mama has been compromised!" Daisy exclaimed as she dodged her mothers arm swiftly.

"Muahaha you shall not pass!" Alessandra said as she tried to tag Lily, but she quickly changed her path.

Alessandra then tagged Brian, who laughed loudly. "Pa is coming for you Daisy!" Brian exclaimed before running for the dirty blonde.

"You shall never catch me Knight pa!" Daisy exclaimed before dodging the attempts smoothly.

Brian then tagged Alessandra who then tagged Harrison, who swiftly ran behind Lily and scooped her in his arm.

"Gotcha!" Harrison said as he spinned his daughter around.

"Dada, I will get dizzy!!" Lily chuckled before Harrison came to a halt and set Lily down, who sat on the ground, laughing gleefully.

"My turn!" Daisy said as she open her arms, waiting to be lifted.

"As you say my princess." Harrison said before picking her up and spinned  around laughters mingling with each other.

"Now, does Mrs. Harrison Osterfield wished to be spinning like our daughters?" Harrison looked at Alessandra, mischievousness reflecting in his eyes.

"No, nope never. I would like to think properly Mr. Harrison Osterfield." Alessandra said before going behind phil, using her as shield.

She stuck her tongue at Harrison, challenging him. "Uh huh my dear princesses, seems like your mama have just challenged me." Harrison before darting towards Alessandra.

She gave a squeal before running around the yard before Harrison caught up to her and twirled her around, a mixture of squeal and laughter escaping her lips.

"Harrison John Osterfield! Set me down, this instant!" Alessandra laughed. "As her majesty says." Harrison said as he stopped spinning her around and set her on the ground.

"Come on, we should eat the lunch." Phil announced and the girls were ushered inside by Brian and Charlotte.

"Our family is complete." Harrison whispered in Alesandra's ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist, and he rested his head on her crook of the shoulder.

"It is. Best decision was to say yes to go to that party with you." Alessandra said, chuckling softly.

Harrison turned her around in his arms, now his hand resting on her hips. "And my best decision was to ask you out. I would have chicken out that day, but you just looked so beautiful. I had to shoot my shot." Harrison said before pulling her into a passionate kiss.

Kisses were still same for the couple, fire works in the pit of the stomach, same giddy feeling- "Pa, they are doing it again!" A voice pierced through the yard.

"Leave them be Dai, let's go inside and leave this horny couple here." Charlotte's voice followed shortly afterward.

"Haha funny lotte." Harrison said, rolling his eyes. "Harrison, Sandra! Lunch is served, continue your business later." Phil voice ringing out moment later.

"Coming mum." Harrison shouted back before chuckling and leading Alessandra back into the house.

This was all they wished for. Sweet little happy family.

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