On Our Block

Af Rainha_Ray

143K 3.8K 809

Jamal's older cousin comes to Freeridge to finish high school, if you thought Monse was a problem starter the... Mere

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two(important Changed Ending!)
'Our New Block' Is Up!!!
New Question
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three *
Chapter Forty Four *
Chapter Forty Five*
Chapter Forty Six*
Chapter Forty Seven*
Chapter Forty Eight*

Chapter Thirty One

2.1K 67 4
Af Rainha_Ray

Amara POV

Me:Why can't I go?

Ruby:You're pregnant! You are close to popping and the last thing we need is Omar in the middle of this mess.

Me:For one. Let me worry about my own kid, and two! What could possibly go wrong?

Jamal:Cuchillos killing us.

Me:I was with you! She took me as well so if you're good as dead so am I.

Cesar:Oscar won't allow that.

Me:He won't allow you guys to die either. Give him more credit.

Ruby:I'm keeping my distance from Jasmine, I don't want her hurt.

Me:Awww that's so sweet of you Ruben... But that's you.

Jamal:Rosè said that she's gonna kill us whether or not we find lil Ricky.

Me:Not if she's gone first...

Monse:What's on your mind?

I grin and scoot closer.

Me:Three thing about Oscar? He hates being dismissed, disrespected and you threatening Familia. Cuchillos did all of that, he's done playing as her guard dog for the Santos, but she doesn't know that.

Cesar:So what are you saying?

Me:Easy, we get Oscar to set up Cuchillos.

Ruby:And who's gonna kill her? Santos won't do it. Their terrified of her.

Me:What little purple bastards have been running around here causing trouble?

Monse:19th street... But how can we know they can be trusted?

Me:Because if don't do it? They'll lose everything to the Santos and the Santos will lose everything to my family.

Ruby:A out of state gang can't take over.

Me:*scoffs* And why not? All it takes is the right people to come and shake everything up. How did the prophets lose everything? Because of Cesar and Oscar, the right people came and blew it up.

Monse:How do we even know if this will work?

Me:Because me and Oscar already talked about it. He's already talking to Cuchillos as we speak.

They frown and look at each other and I grin.

Cesar:You guys planned all of this already?

Me:Duh, once Oscar say 'no más!' baby it's a wrap. He's not letting this gang shit tear his family apart anymore. He's not letting innocent people get shot anymore. He's not letting innocent kids get themselves into trouble by simply looking for neighborhood myths.

They look at each other then they all take a deep breath their minds slightly more at ease. I take a deep breath and look at my phone.

Me:But... We may not be able to live in Freeridge anymore....

Jamal:What? Why?

Me:If the Santos find out he set up Cuchillos? It can go one or two ways.

Ruby:They put a green light on you guys.

Me:Yup or two...

Cesar:He takes Cuchillos spot.

Me:Yup! Man you guys are smart!

Monse:But what if that doesn't work?

I shrug but Cesar speaks.

Cesar:We handle it...

Me:copies him* We handle it.

Time Skip 2 Days later

We sit at the table as Oscar talks about the meeting.

Oscar:I've got it-

Jamal:Handled? What do you mean handled? Handled could mean anything.

Me:Oh lord. Jamal we talked about this a few days ago!

Jamal:But it could mean handle with care, manhandled. Twitter handle.

Monse:Yeah, cause Spooky is setting Cuchillos up with a Twitter handle.

Jamal:There are handlers that handle every--


I roll my eyes and lean on Cesar, this is tiring.

Monse:Are you sure about this? Because honestly I think Amara just wants to kill Cuchillos out on her own. We're talking about taking a life here.

I mean it's not as hard as you may think Monse.

Oscar:Or yours, mine, everyone's.

Monse:And yet you work for her.

Oscar:"Worked" past tense. She's out of control.

Me:She been that, yall just a lil slow.


Me:Yeah yeah, continue Ole spooky one.

Oscar:It's never been this bad before. And all for nothing.

Me:Her best friend said the lady was crazy since high school! It's always been this bad! And it's for something, she miss little-

Oscar:-Aren't you sleepy? Go to bed!

Who does he think he's yelling at?

Me:*Grins* Nope. But I'm done go ahead. I promise.

He looks at me and I sit up straight and look at him. He sighs and looks at them.

Oscar:Putting you kids in the middle of her crazy vendetta... Shit's messed up. And she doesn't give a damn. She doesn't give a shit about no one. Even those most loyal to her. Like our dad.

Is he about to cry? I slightly squint to see, lord he's an emotional Gangster.

Oscar:Made him take the fall back in the day. But her time is up. She's taking a meeting she's not walking out of.

Jamal:... Oh handled.

Me:Damnit Jamal I told you this already!

Jamal:Yeah but I didn't think it'd actually happen! I didn't think it'd be handled handled I just thought she'd leave us alone handled or Oscar do something spooky I don't know!

I hate him... I hate him so much right now...

Me:*sighs* We can not be from the same blood line.

Jamal:You're right! Because I could never do this! This is stressful! Something told me to leave you at home and let you make your own friends!

Me:You're stressful. And whatever I would have met them anyway asshole, y'all are all conjoined at the hip! Now shut up!

Oscar:*sighs* You guys need to keep  yourselves busy starting now. Go someplace you'll be seen. A place with lots of cameras, like a mall.

Jamal:*sighs* I hate malls. Dying industry. I shop for everything online.

Before I know it I'm throwing my water bottle at his head.


Oscar:Wherever you are, use your phone. Just don't use it to call me.

Ruby:How do we know when it's been handled?

Yeah I wasn't included in this part of the plan. Oscar picks up his phone.

Oscar:I'll call up Cesar.

Is that a Santos phone case? Oh yeah it's time to for you to get up outta here. He walks away and I follow him. We walk into his room and I close the door.


Oscar:You too, don't go home unless everyone is there. Turn on your location and make sure you aren't in harms way. Don't get in it either.

Me:I can't promise that if you're in-

Oscar:Yes the hell you can! It's not just you and me anymore, if it was I'd be a tad bit more open but not now, we both know how this will most likely end. And I don't want you to meet that same fate or see me meet it.

Me:You aren't gonna die.

Oscar:You seen the future?

I wrap my arms around him and kiss his lips and nod.

Me:Yup, We are watching me walk across the stage, you holding Omar with his little coils and curls with his little bushy eyebrows watching me cross that stage. You aren't gonna allow her to end you. End this. And if that means me following your directions for once ill do it.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses me, he rubs my stomach, Omar kicking where his hands roam.

Me:Yeah, lil homie agree, he even giving you a high five.

We laugh and his phone dings. He sighs and looks at me again kissing me before grabbing his phone and we walk back to the front, he continues out the door and Cesar follows I sit down and I look at my wallpaper.

About a week after we made it official he took me to the beach it was late and the sun was just setting. His arm over my shoulder as I mug at the camera and he smiles. I've always liked this picture. He has the matching one as his with him mugging and me smiling.

Jamal:Everything is gonna be great. It has been for a long time.

Me:Yeah, that's what makes me nervous.

Time Skip...

I sit on the chair as the crew walk around, Jamal slow butt on live embarrassing himself. Cesar stands next to me. Monse walks over and starts to talk.

Monse:You kind of look like you're waiting in a call that you shouldn't be waiting for.

Ignoring, not that good of an idea bro.

Monse:Cesar... *sighs* It's one thing I know about your brother, aside from being a good kisser is-

Me:Woah, chill out na, slow yo road, you still supposed to get a ass whopping for that. I ain't forget.

Monse:I only saying that to get his attention...

Me:*muttering* Gone get fucked up...

Cesar:What she said...

Monse:He's gonna be fine, stop worrying.

That is his brother miss.

Time Skip or in Vicks words, it's been hours!

I step outside to get some fresh air when I over hear Jasmine and ruby talking.

Ruby:I came to give my dad a ring pop to give to my mom, he did that when he proposed because they were so broke.

Jasmine:Oh ruby you are so sweet! Always thinking of others

Me:*whispering* Oh Ruby you are so full of shit. And always finding ways to trick others.

I walk around the other way and walk inside, as soon as I do Cesar is on me.

Cesar:Where were you?

Me:Calm down I just needed to get some fresh air the incenses were starting to get to me. Have you heard from him?

Cesar:No, it's been 3 hours...

Me:Calm down, Cuchillos maybe bragging or something. You know she loves to talk. Let's go, we can stay at my house.

Next Day...

I walk back and forth as we wait for ruby and Jamal to get back.

Monse:Will you both relax? Pacing and staring at your phone won't speed things up.

Me:It actually will, when you are occupied with something you waste time which in turn speed things up.

Monse:Take a deep breath you're starting to sound like Ruby, stressing isn't good for Omar.

Me:I can't! Oscar was supposed to call by now! And Manny and the others went back to Chicago for a family reunion. Damn.

Monse:Deep breaths, you're parents are coming back in two three days right?

Me:Yeah... But what if something happens in those three days. Hell it's already been three days!

Monse:Everything will return to normal.

Cesar:This is bad, he would have called me or taken my calls.

Ruby and Jamal walk and we look at them.


Ruby:Spooky's car hasn't moved from the drive way.

Cesar:Did you look in the house?

Ruby:Yeah through the front window. Nothing.

Jamal:Yeah and the side. Nothing.

Cesar:What about the back?

Jamal:You didn't tell us to look in the back.

Cesar:frustrated* I didn't think I had to, "check the house" means check the house, not part of the house!

Me:Calm down, if not anyone through two thirds of the windows means no one was there something would have been moved to show an indication of someone being inside recently.

Monse:Yeah,, Cesar everyone is doing the best they can.

That surely didn't help...

Cesar:You know what? Just forget it. I'm gonna go see if there's any sign of him myself.

He goes to grab his bag but Monse snatches it.

Monse:Uh no. We agreed you can't go home.

Jamal:Maybe this is what spooky meant by he was handling it.

I rub my face and stand up.

Me:That wasn't apart of the plan, Mal... He was supposed to call. He hasn't, something went wrong.

Cesar:You're being stupid.

Woah, Woah... I step between them and push Cesar back.

Me:Watch your mouth talking to him Cesar. We all are on edge.

Jamal:I'm just trying to help.

Cesar:You can't. If this was some dumbass conspiracy, then maybe, just maybe you could help but this is real life!

Monse tries to grab him but he pulls away. I roll my eyes and take a deep breath.

Cesar:Something awful is happening.

I start to walk away once Monse gets Cesar away from Jamal. But I hear Ruby whisper to Jamal.

Ruby:Dude, what if Cuchillos got to spooky and he started talking? Are we sitting ducks?

What? I turn around and he meets my eyes, I start towards them. Now I'm getting annoyed.

Me:Oscar ain't gonna snitch on some little kids, what good would that do him? Hmm? She knows where she can find you and you're family on a rainy day. Oscar ain't gotta snitch, nor will he!

Cesar:No, what the hell did you just say?

Ruby:No, it's nothing.

Cesar:No, say it... Say it!

God damn lil spooky. I close my eyes pat my pockets where are my keys?

Ruby:Look, we're all worried

Cesar:Yeah. About yourselves. My brother wasn't thinking about himself when he stepped in to save all of us.

Jamal:That's not what we meant.

Me:Then what did you guys mean Jamal?

They all look at me Cesar still looking at them. I look at them in the eye until they look away.

Me:God forbid you guys would have to grow up and handle things yourselves. Let's go Cesar.

Ruby:Amara that's not fair.

I turn around and look at him.

Me:Life ain't fair Ruben, You only get lucky breaks that come out even.

Cesar:Yeah... You wanna know what else isn't fair? Is that you all complain about my brother and the gang, but as soon as you need them, you come begging. Well I'm not sitting on my ass while Oscar's out there saving all of yours. Especially when he has my nephew to help raise.

I walk out behind him after I shake my head and we get into my car.

Cesar:Head to Ridge Park. The Santos are there.

I nod and pull off.


Once we make it to the park we get out and all you see are Santos. We get out and I fix my gun in the waist band of my jeans. Cesar stops for a second but I put my hand on his back and continue our pace until we get infront of all of them.

Cesar:You guys seen spooky?

They all look at him then turn back to what they were doing. But sad eyes doesn't.

Cesar:It's been three days. Have you seen him?

Cesar imma need you to put some base in your voice talking to these punks.


The music stops and everyone looks at me. I look around and speak again.

Me:Any of y'all seen Spooky? It's been three days and I know that yall ass would have heard from him by now.

Some dude:He probably dipped on your ass *laughs*

I laugh and start to pull my gun but Cesar grabs my hand and walks to the fools infront of us and stops their game.

Cesar:You all are his day ones. Where the hell is he?

More like last ones.  Joker looks at him and laughs.

Joker:Look at little spooky tryna grow up. You gonna shot me?

Me:No but I will

I aim my gun to his head and everyone freezes. I chuckle and remove the gun.

Me:You got one more time to answer our question...

Joker:He's probably kicking it with some hyna.

Some random:Remember when he dipped to Vegas with fine- ass Leti? Maybe he's there.

He'd be a dead son of a bitch, I'll tell you that. I turn to Sad eyes and he looks at me. I cock my head to the side.

Me:Yo homie missing shorty, why yo ass still sitting here like you ain't got a homie M. I. A? You don't care?

Cesar:Did you turn on him?

Joker suddenly gets in his face but sad eyes grabs him and throws him off.

Sad Eyes:Relax! Relax!

Cesar:Just get out there and find him!

Let me find out you a punk Cesar... Because you didn't have none of this base in your tone before he jumped in.

Sad eyes: Hey. We got you little spooky, princess.

I hate that damn name... How do you even remember that shit? Imma name myself guns or something, princess cringe as hell.

Sad eyes: You heard him. Let's go!

They clear out and I glare at the short bastard who walks past us.

Me:I'm gone shoot him.

Cesar:Are you crazy!


Cesar:They could have killed you!

Me:They wouldn't...

Cesar:Oh yeah, how would you know?

Me:This tall mofo right here gave them all a look, and... We still have that treaty, my people would air this whole place out, and I highly doubt they'd want to deal with a dead pregnant girlfriend of their boss. Common sense really. They dumbasses but not idiots. Let's go Sad eyes.

I drop Cesar off and me and sad eyes get into his car. I sigh and he looks at me.

Sad eyes:You are crazy you know that?

I look at him then nod.

Me:Yeah, I know, but you knew that too.

Sad eyes:*scoffs* Hell yeah once I Seen you get in Oscar's face that day... How far along are you now?

Me:Six almost seven now... You were at the baby shower!

Sad eyes: I know but I don't fully understand how the trimesters go with that.

Me:Well it's a start that you know they are called trimesters and not phases.

He laughs and we continue to look around.

Sad eyes:When was the last time you heard from him?

Me:Three days ago...

Sad eyes:When we went to take care of Cuchillos?

I look at him but he remains looking at the road, and he shrugs.

Sad eyes: We were best friends before this shit, we'll remain them afterwards, he told me how he wanted get out of the game. I told him if he left then so would I. He told me the plan he and you thought up and next thing I know is you guys coming up and you pulling a gun out on people.

Me:Well that might have been helpful to know before now.

Sad eyes:How?

Me:We could have just asked you to check around for him instead of doing all of that!

He laughs and I grin a little, then I frown.

Me:What's your government name?

He looks at me then smirks.

Sad eyes: Carlos... You?

Me:Now you know damn well...

We laugh and soon my phone rings.

Me:What's up, Mal?

Jamal:Cuchillos texted ruby.

Me:What did she say?

Jamal:How are my little sleuths? Tick tock. Amara, if she's not dead.

Me:So is Oscar. I'll be there in a minute alright?

I hang up and sigh, I see Carlos look at me but I don't look.

Carlos:He's alive...

Me:Yeah but-

Carlos:No buts, Cuchillos is a snake... For all we know she just has Oscar chilling somewhere against his will. But still chilling.

Me:She gonna have to go.

Carlos:What do you have in mind?

I grin...

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