(Discontinued) RWBY Watches...

By deadpoolmerkwiththem

1.5M 10.6K 19.7K

After defeating the Grimm and capturing Roman Torchwick, RWBY decides to settle down until they discover a my... More

Prologue No Address
Episode 1 Boba Fett VS Samus Aran
Episode 2 Akuma vs Shang Tsung
Episode 3 Rogue VS Wonder Woman
Episode 4 Goomba VS Koopa
Episode 5 Mike Haggar VS Zangief
Episode 6 TMNT Battle Royale
Episode 7 Zitz VS Leonardo
Episode 8 Yoshi VS Riptor
Episode 9 Felicia VS Taokaka
Episode 10 Kratos VS Spawn
Episode 11 Bomberman VS Dig Dug
Episode 12 Vegeta VS Shadow
Episode 13 Mario VS Sonic
Episode 14 Death Battle VS The World
Episode 15 Luke VS Harry
Episode 16 Chun Li VS Mai Shiranui
Episode 17 Starscream VS Rainbow Dash
Episode 18 Master Chief VS Doomguy
Bonus Episode: Q&A 2
Episode 19 Eggman VS Wily
Episode 20 Zelda VS Peach
Episode 21 Thor VS Raiden
Episode 22 Link VS Cloud
Episode 23 Batman VS Spider-Man
Episode 24 Pikachu VS Blanka
Episode 25 Goku VS Superman
Special Chapter: Favorites
Episode 26 He-Man vs Lion-O
Episode 27 Shao Kahn VS M Bison
Episode 28 Ryu VS Strider
Episode 29 Ivy VS Orchid
Episode 30 Fox VS Bucky
Episode 31 Terminator VS RoboCop
Episode 32 Luigi VS Tails
Episode 33 Pokemon Battle Royale
Bonus: Favorite Pokemon
Episode 34 Fulgore VS Sektor
Episode 35 Godzilla VS Gamera
Episode 36 Batman VS Captain Ameria
Episode 37 Tigerzord vs Epyon
Episode 38 Ryu vs Scorpion
Episode 39 Deadpool vs Deathstroke
Episode 40 Kirby vs Majin Buu
Episode 41 Ragna vs Sol Badguy
Episode 42 Gaara vs Toph Beifong
Bonus Episode: Q&A
Episode 43 Boba Fett vs Samus Aran (Re)
Episode 44 Chuck vs Segata
Episode 45 Guts vs Nightmare
Episode 46 Iron Man vs Lex Luthor
Episode 47 Beast VS Goliath
Episode 48 Solid Snake VS Sam Fisher
Episode 49 Darth Vader VS Doctor Doom.
Episode 50 Goku VS Superman 2
Episode 51 Donkey Kong Vs Knuckles
Episode 52 Wolverine Vs Raiden
Episode 53 Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki
Episode 54 Yang Vs Tifa Lockhart
Episode 55 Mega Man Vs Astro Boy
Episode 56 Hawkeye Vs Green Arrow
Episode 57 Pokemon Vs Digimon
Episode 58 Dante Vs Bayonetta
Episode 59 Bowser Vs Ganon
Episode 60 Ratchet & Clank VS Jak & Daxter
Episode 61 Flash VS Quicksilver
Episode 62 Joker vs Sweet Tooth
Episode 63 Shadow Vs Mewtwo
Episode 64 Meta Vs Carolina
Episode 65 Cammy White vs Sonya Blade
Episode 66 Tracer Vs Scout
new story idea
Episode 67 Ken Masters vs Terry Bogard
Episode 68 Amy Rose vs Ramona Flowers
Episode 69 Hulk VS Doomsday
Episode 70 Zoro VS Erza
Episode 71 Deadpool Vs Pinkie Pie
Episode 72 Lara Croft vs Nathan Drake
Episode 73 Scrooge McDuck VS Shovel Knight
Episode 74 Venom Vs Bane
Episode 75 Power Rangers VS Voltron
Author notes: upcoming stories
Episode 76: Natsu VS Ace
Episode 77 Sub-Zero vs Glacius
Episode 78 Android 18 VS Captain Marvel
Episode 79 Metal Sonic Vs. Zero
Episode 80: Lucario Vs Renamon
Episode 81: Balrog Vs. TJ Combo
Episode 83: Smokey The Bear Vs McGruff The Crime Dog
Episode 84: Thor Vs Wonder Women
Episode 85: Naruto Vs Ichigo
Episode 86: Bat Man Beyond Vs Spider Man 2099
Episode 87: Sephiroth vs Vergil
Episode 88: Black Panther Vs Batman
Episode 89: Raven Vs. Twilight Sparkle
Episode 90 Jotaro VS Kenshiro
Episode 91 Crash Vs Spyro
Episode 92: Sora VS Pit
Episode 93 Leon Kennedy VS Frank West
Episode 94 Doctor Strange VS Doctor Fate
Episode 95 Ryu VS Jin
Episode 96: Samurai Jack VS Afro Samurai
Episode 97: Carnage VS Lucy
Episode 98: Optimus Prime VS Gundam
Episode 99: Nightwing VS Daredevil
EXTRA: Introducing Wiz & Boomstick... Finally!
Episode 100: Mario VS Sonic (2018)
Episode 101: Ultron VS Sigma
Episode 102 Roshi VS Jiraiya
Episode 103: Thanos VS Darkseid
Episode 104 Aquaman VS Namor
Episode 105: Mega Man Battle Royale
Episode 106 Black Widow VS Widowmaker
Episode 107 Captain Marvel VS Shazam
Episode 108 Wario VS King Dedede
Episode 109 Ben 10 VS Green Lantern
Episode 110 Weiss VS Mitsuru
Episode 111 Johnny Cage VS Captain Falcon
Episode 112: Aang VS Edward Elric
Episode 113: Ghost Rider VS Lobo
Episode 114: Dragonzord VS Mechagodzilla
Episode 115: Sasuke VS Hiei
discontinuing this story

Episode 82: Shredder Vs Silver Samurai

10K 46 60
By deadpoolmerkwiththem

"Who Hoo! Another Death Battle!" Ruby said

"Wonder who are we gonna see now?" Blake said

"Who cares let's watch it" Yang said

Ruby then started the episode.


(*Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston*)

Wiz: Hundreds of years ago, the samurai and the ninja battled across Japan, and these two fascinating ways of combat have been at odds ever since.

"Oh kinda your weapon Blake" Yang said

"Yeah it does" Blake said

"By the way what's the difference between samurai and ninjas?" Ruby said.

"Ninjas are more stealthy and Samurai are more headstrong" Weiss said.

Boomstick: The Shredder, the sharp and shiny arch-villain of the Ninja Turtles.

"Oh  he's from the ninja turtle universe" Yang said

Wiz: And Silver Samurai, the mutant swordsman who can slice through anything.

" So like Wolverine?" Yang said

"Maybe I'm not so sure" Weiss said

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: Beneath the streets of New York City, a secret battle wages between four humanoid turtles, and a ninja covered in blades, known as The Shredder.

"Like a papper shredder?" Ruby said

"I don't think that's what shredder means in that world" Blake said

Boomstick/Yang: A kitchen utensil?

Wiz: Many legends surround The Shredder's origins. Some say he's the reincarnation of an ancient Japanese warrior, some say he's an alien disguised as a man, and some say he's a bumbling idiot who sounds like Uncle Phil.

1987 Shredder: But I don't wanna conquer this place. I wanna conquer Earth!

"Wow this version of shredder sounds like Weiss" Blake said

"Hey!" Weiss said in an offended tone

Boomstick: Either way, every legend agrees on one thing: He's an absolute badass!

"Oh yes now where getting to the good stuff" Yang said

Wiz: Before he was called The Shredder, he was Oroku Saki, a member of the Japanese ninjutsu Foot Clan, he trained alongside his rival, Hamato Yoshi.

"The Dinosaur?" Ruby said

"Nope" Yang said

Boomstick: They weren't just rivals in martial arts, but in the search for love as well. They both pined for the lovely lady, Tang Shen. But, unfortunately for our future Shredder, she only had eyes for Yoshi...Hamato Yoshi, not the dinosaur. That'd be weird.

"Yeah I'm not sure how having a relationship with a dinosaur would work" Weiss said

Wiz: Jealous, Oroku Saki attacked Yoshi, but in his rage, accidentally struck down Tang Shen.

"Oh man that's gotta be tough" Yang said

"Blinded by his own rage is always someone's downfall" Blake said

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Boomstick: Leaving Yoshi and his beloved for dead, Saki took over the Foot Clan and began a worldwide crime spree under his new name.

"The Shredder" RWBY said

Shredder: Now you face... The Shredder.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Boomstick: Y'know, I wonder, did he mean to name himself after a cheese grater? Speaking of which, if his armor didn't make it obvious enough, Shredder's got a weird spike fetish. This guy's got'em all over his legs, arms, shoulders, even his head.

"Man someone's compinsating" Yang said

"Yang that's gross" Weiss said

"What I meant that his outfit has too many spikes" Yang said

"Yeah he could poke out his eye" Ruby said

Wiz: That headpiece, the Kuro Kabuto, is a relic passed down through the Foot Clan for over 1,500 years. Forged from the totems of the clan's defeated enemies, it was formed into an alloy that's stronger than steel. Plus, it just looks awesome.

"Yeah it does!" Yang said

Boomstick: Obviously, his armor is also a kickass weapon, and he can cut anyone down with the Tekko Kagi claws on his wrists.

"Uh what?" Ruby said

Wiz: Which literally translates to "Back-Of-The-Hand-Hooks".

"So awesome!" Ruby said

Boomstick: Perfect for backhanding! It doesn't cover all that much, but he needs freedom of movement, because, you know, he's a ninja. Plus, would you wanna get anywhere near a guy covered in razors? I don't think so.

"Yeah I would either" Yang said

"It is true too many spikes and he couldn't move" Blake said

Wiz: Ninjutsu is comprised of eighteen separate disciplines, and Shredder is a master of all of them, this includes stealth, espionage, pyrotechnics, horsemanship, and plenty of weaponry.

"Uh Blake can you do all of that stuff too?" Yang said

"Some of them But I never learned horsemanship" Blake  said

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Boomstick: Yeah, like swords, spears, bo-staffs, and throwing weapons. But it's not like he needs 'em anyway, he's skilled in unarmed combat, too.

"Woah That's alot of weapons" Ruby said

Wiz: Now a master of his craft, the Shredder led the Foot Clan to New York City.

"Oh crud" Yang said

Boomstick: Where he found out Hamato Yoshi wasn't quite as dead as he thought.

"What??" RWBY said

Wiz: As a matter of fact, Yoshi had transformed into a rat-person, and was raising four adolescent, genetically altered shinobi terrapins, but that's another story altogether. With his hatred reinvigorated, the Shredder swore to end his lifelong enemy once and for all.

"Woah now that's a hardcore origin story" Yang said

Boomstick: Every time Shredder fought these ninja turtles, he proved why he's the leader of the Foot Clan. I mean, he's strong enough to tear through steel shipping containers with his claws, chop down trees in one sword swing, and throw around mutants several times his size like they're nothing.

"Man this guy sounds like the ultimate huntsman" Ruby said

Wiz: One such mutant, Leatherhead, weighs well over three hundred pounds.

"Whoa that's one big gator" Yang said

Boomstick: Okay, I know that's the official weight according to some toy, but look at him! Compared to the turtles, he should weigh half a ton!

"Yeah compared to the turtles he's huge" Weiss said

Wiz: Either way, the Shredder survived Leatherhead chomping down on his midsection. The femur, the strongest bone in the human body, breaks at a pressure of about 1,700 pounds per square inch, a normal, unmutated American alligator can bite with a force of nearly 3,000 PSI, and Leatherhead's bite is surely stronger.

Boomstick: Meaning Shredder should've split in half. But nope! He was back up kicking some leather butt literally five seconds later.

"Dang that's tough" Yang said

Wiz: The Shredder is a cunning strategist and talented warrior. He's fought eight mutants in combat all at once, disarming every single one of them. What's more, while intimidating an Italian mob boss and his bodyguards, he did this.

Vizioso raises a meatball to his mouth, we hear a slashing sound, and second later, we see the meatball and two candles cut through in half, Shredder re-sheathes his wrist blade.

Team Rwby was shocked to see a slash that fast even Weiss and Blake were somewhat jelous and wish they could that.

"Am I crazy or did that happen?" Weiss said

"Yep that happened" RBY said

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: The most well trained human eyes are capable of detecting movements occurring at 1/220th of a second, meaning Shredder's slash could've been even faster than that.

"Even faster than my super speed?" Ruby said

"Maybe Ruby, Maybe" Weiss said

Boomstick: But sometimes, Shreds needs just a bit more juice to get the job done, literally. When you see him crack open a green one, he's not doing it to hang out with the boys.

"Gross" RWBY said

Wiz: In times of desperation, Shredder is known to resort to risking it all by consuming mutagen.

"man isn't that dangerous" Yang said

"With the chemical like that yes" Weiss said

Boomstick: Transforming him into Super Shredder.

Michelangelo: He must've drank all of it!

Donatello: It's a Super Shredder!

Wiz: While this form has given him different enhancements in different iterations, it usually grants him immense strength, inhuman durability, and even teleportation and the power to shoot lightning.

"Dang now that's power" Yang said

Boomstick/Ruby: You know, that's probably because mutagen's not an exact science, and it's bound to get random at times.

Wiz/Weiss: That's true, Boomstick/Ruby.

Boomstick/Ruby: I did a science!

Wiz/Weiss: Good job, buddy/Leader

"Yeah good job sis" Yang said

Boomstick: Heh heh! Well, he's toughed out a sword shattering against his skin, and even falling around a thousand feet onto a steel beam. Man, you'd think this guy would never lose anything, ever.

"With that kinda power he probably won't" Blake said

The Turtles slam their shells into him from all angles, he collapses.

Boomstick: But you'd also be super wrong.

Wiz: Shredder has his fair share of downsides, this includes a weakness to garbage trucks.

"Seriously?  That doesn't make sense how can a garbage truck be a hero Weakness" Weiss said

"Weiss it's a cartoon don't question it" Ruby said

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Shredder yells as he falls into one.

Casey Jones: Oops!

Yang was laughing while the others were snickering at his misfortune.

He pulls a lever to turn on the trash compactor.

Wiz: Newborn infants.

"Ha he got beat by a baby" Yang said

He is kissed by Tokka and Rahzar.

Shredder: They're babies! (growls)

Wiz: The power of music.

Stage Shredder: (singing) I hate music!

"Yeah I can see why" Weiss said while covering her ears

Wiz: A strange fascination with eating his enemies.

Shredder: Tonight, I dine on turtle soup.

"Gross" RWBY

Wiz: And wood.

Super Shredder pushes down the beams of a pier, which collapse on him.


Boomstick/Weiss: Geez, were the 90's always this stupid?

Wiz: Yeah. Thankfully, despite his failures, the Shredder keeps getting back up, faster, stronger, and much more terrifying.

"All too true" Blake sakd

Shredder: The true battle... starts NOW!

Silver Samurai

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: In feudal Japan, a samurai wasn't your typical bodyguard, he was trained in the art of war, and would only serve the elite upper-class. Honor was the samurai's currency.

Boomstick: But for the Silver Samurai; Kenuichio Harada, currency was just... regular money. 'Cause that shit's useful!

"Yep it's better to get paid in real money that in honor" Yang said

"Sometimes" Blake said

Wiz: Born into the Yashida clan, Harada was the son of a powerful Yakuza crime lord. Unfortunately, he could never inherit his father's empire for himself, because he was born illegitimately. A bastard.

Boomstick/RWBY: Wow, hey, no need to throw insults around, Wiz.

"Yeah not cool man" Yang said

Wiz: No, the literal definition of ba- Move on.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Boomstick: Wiz's judgment aside, without a clear future, Harada decided to... well... become a samurai, because why not? They're pretty cool, right?

"That's super cool!" Ruby said

Wiz: Unfortunately, the Way of the samurai no longer had a place in the present. Harada knew that in a world full of absurd superpowers, he would need to dedicate his life to the art in a way never seen before.

"It was years ago so maybe he got with the times" Yang said

Boomstick: He wouldn't just be a samurai. He'd be... a Silver Samurai.

"Woah now that's a cool name" Ruby said

Wiz/WB: ...Yep.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Boomstick: While blinged out like Xzibit's rims, he picked up on a few fighting styles. Not too many. Just Bajutsu, the art of horseback, Bujitsu, military strategy, Iaijutsu, the sword-based quick draw, Tantojutsu, knife fighting, Ninjutsu, bein' sneaky, Kyujutsu, which is archery, and,  well Jujutsu and Karate Do, which are both forms of unarmed combat. God! How many more jutsus do you think he can fit in his brain? I didn't even know there were that many.

"woah you'd have to be like really talented to do all those" Weiss said

Wiz: At least one more. Kenjutsu. The art of japanese swordfighting. After all, what's a samurai without a katana at his side?

"A guy with lots of armor" Yang said

Boomstick: Dead, that's what. In order to keep living, he had to get really good with swingin' that sword.

"Like really good" Weiss saod

Wiz: Luckily for Harada, he soon learned he had one of those absurd superpowers for himself.

Boomstick: Yep, he's a mutant.

"Wait what?" RWBY said

"Wait so he was a Mutant the whole time" Ruby said

"Apperently so" Blake said

Wiz: Now who's being insensitive? Harada has the ability to generate a tachyon field, with it, he can enhance his sword, allowing it to slice through almost anything.

"Woah so it's like power enhancing semblance" Yang said

Boomstick: Even GHOSTS!

Wiz: In real life, tachyonic fields are hypothetical particles with mass, which travel faster than light. A definition which may explain how Harada's cutting ability works.

"Yep" Blake said

Boomstick: So he uses his power on sharp objects. Well, that's too bad for everybody in Silver Samurai's way, because he carries a lot of 'em. He's got throwing knives and shuriken ninja stars on hand for long range attacks, and of course, he always carries that katana.

"So Awesome!" Ruby said

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: He's wielded many different swords, including the legendary Muramasa blade. However, he's not too picky about what kind of sword he carries.

"It's not about the sword it's how you use it" Blake said

Boomstick: With his power, any blade Harada carries instantly becomes one of the most dangerous swords on the planet.

"Woah he's definitely a skilled swordsman" Blake said

Wiz: Harada has one more trick up his sleeve, a teleportation ring, with it, he can warp around the battlefield for unexpected strikes, and it makes for a good getaway.

"Hmm why does that sound familiar" Yang wondered

Boomstick: Though he almost lost it once, to John Belushi. You know, the guy from Saturday Night Live? Jocelyn told me about it once, it was weird.

John Belushi screams as he chops fruit on a wooden board.

" I don't think that's the same guy" Ruby said

Wiz: After years of hard work, Harada was truly a masterful warrior, however, he still struggled to defeat one opponent, the Wolverine.

"Cause he got that indestructible skeleton" Yang said

Boomstick: Who killed his dad, and got engaged to his sister, ah, the shame combo. Oh, and she was next in line to rule the Yashida clan! Man, a triple.

"Wow sucks to be him" Yang said

Wiz: Needless to say, a little miffed, Harada challenged his own sister for the right to run the clan, and he won, after she was poisoned by an unrelated third party.

"Man life is not going his way" Blake said

Boomstick: Sometimes, life just works out, Wiz.

(*Cues: Tread of Doom - Igor Dvorkin/ Ellie Kidd*)

Wiz: I guess a win's a win, and that wouldn't be his last one. He's incredibly deadly in battle. He's so fast, he deflects bullets with his sword, and once even sliced a speeding bullet completely in half. In this instance, the gunman was standing fifteen feet away when he fired the bullet, at approximately 1,400 feet per second, this means that Silver Samurai was able to reach for his sword, and accurately cleave the bullet in two, in just over one hundredth of a second.

"Woah" RWBY said

Boomstick: Even if he didn't chop it in half, his armor is totally bulletproof. Shoot, it even let him survive a freaking building falling on top of him. But without his armor, he's survived taking a sword straight through the lung, and being run over by a car from... the f***ing Jetsons?!

"What?" RWBY said

Wiz: He's no slouch on the battlefield either, he's knocked Spider-Man unconscious, shaken off hits from Cannonball, and even defeated Spider-Woman in combat. At one point, he was dog piled by Daredevil, She-Devil, along with a cheetah and a panther, together likely weighing over 600 pounds in total, and he threw them all off in one big push.

"Man hes gotta be strong if he can do that" Ruby said

Boomstick: And he's always fighting with his number one rival, Wolverine.

Wiz: Speaking of which, while some may boast that Harada is the greatest swordsman in the world, Wolverine's frequently proven to be his better.

"Cause of his claws and skeleton" Blake said

Boomstick: Yeah, he may be good with his blade, but his battle strategy isn't quite as sharp. Also, his bulletproof armor doesn't cover everything, as seen here.

"Well that's some poor planning" Weiss said

A panel is shown where Wolverine cuts off Harada's hand.

Wiz: Well, even that was merciful, compared to what happened when he went up against the four Black Samurai, although Harada defeated them all against impossible odds, he ultimately succumbed to his wounds.

Boomstick: And when he arrived in hell, Harada met the devil, who promptly killed him again by cutting off his head and smashing his corpse into mush with a soul-destroying sword the size of a school bus. Damn! Never let it be said the Silver Samurai isn't hardcore.


Wolverine: Last chance, Harada. Yield!

Silver Samurai: The Silver Samurai yields to no man!

His eyes and sword glow and he cuts through Wolverine's blade.

"Dang what is that sword made of?" Yang said impressed that a sword like that broke through adamantium.

Death Battle

(*Cue: Shredding Silver - Brandon Yates*)

Under the night sky, the Silver Samurai is seen honing his skills by slicing down trees in an unknown forest. All of a sudden he feels the ground shake as a number of drill-shaped escape pods emerge from the earth. The Foot ninjas emerge from the pods and attack Harada, but the Samurai slices the robots down with a few simple swings. The last pod opens up with a villainous laughter heard from the containment.

Shredder: You are no match for The Shredder!

Shredder leaps from the pod in front of the mutant samurai. The two warriors face each other wielding their katanas.


Shredder dashes in for the first hit, pushes his opponent back with his sword and then swings with the samurai dodging it. He manages to land a few punches and kicks that send Harada flying back. Silver Samurai charges his katana with tachyon particles, causing it to glow yellow. Saki runs toward Harada with his blade in hand as the Samurai launches a projectile from his sword that Shredder narrowly avoids, with the attack slicing a tree in half behind him.

"Woah look at them go!" Ruby said

Harada charges the Shredder and swings his sword multiple times at high speeds. The Shredder is able to avoid every attack and he leaps into the air as the Silver Samurai stabs the ground. Saki then starts leaping on top of the trees to gain more coverage as he notices the forest behind him getting turned to dust. Harada is seen cutting down multiple trees at intense speeds to bring his opponent down.

"Best strategy to bring out your opponent" Blake said

Shredder hides behind a tall rock, but as he hears a powerful charge, he ducks to avoid Silver Samurai slicing through the rock and leaps backward. Saki notices his cape has been torn from the attack, so he tears it off and tosses it backwards. Harada belts out a large yell as he tosses five shurikens in Saki's direction. Shredder dodges it and throws a smoke bomb down to avoid the Samurai's next attack. He laughs as Harada observes his surroundings.

"Oh this is gonna get good" Yang said

Silver Samurai uses his sword to block two of Shredder's shurikens and manages to avoid Shredder's sword and terro-kagi. Using his teleporting device, Harada keeps up with Shredder's quick, ninja strikes as the two constantly miss each other. Harada then stops to observe Saki's reflection in his blade, allowing him to stab Shredder by surprise in the chest. Saki drops his sword and falls to the ground bleeding while Harada steps to the side and holds his blade up in victory.

"It looks like the samurai is gonna win" Weiss said

"Uh check again ice queen" Yang said as she pointed to the screen.

However, the fight proves to be far from over. Shredder punches the ground in anger and stands up with a capsule of mutagen. He covers himself in the substance, allowing him to heal from the attack and grow larger to become Super Shredder. Silver Samurai is shocked by the transformation and tries wedging his sword in again, but Super Shredder avoids the attack and delivers powerful blows to the Samurai to send him backward. Super Shredder summons lightning from the sky to strike the Silver Samurai, but Harada charges his sword with the tachyon particles to deflect the lightning into the trees, setting the forest on fire.

"Whoa there goes the forest" Ruby said

"This is actually reminding me of initation" Weiss said

"I said I was sorry okay? And besides now we're in sync" Ruby said

"Yeah I guess your right...team leader" Weiss said getting use to a 15 year old being leader of a team

Super Shredder walks menacingly in front of the flames as Harada attempts to attack him again. Shredder grabs the Silver Samurai's arm and karate chops it off, sending the samurai back in a bloody mess. The samurai's sword comes down, but before it hits the ground, Shredder punches it forward at high speed.

Shredder: DIE!

The sword knocks Harada's kabuto off as it's been lodged into Harada's face, causing his eye to dangle out. Silver Samurai drops to his knees on the ground in intense pain. Super Shredder chops Harada's head off with his hand and catches the Samurai's sword in his right hand and Harada's head in his left.

"Oh that's gotta leave a mark" Yang said as she winced at the sight.


Super Shredder's eyes glow as he crushes the Silver Samurai's head in the palm of his hand.


Super Shredder walks away as he leaves behind Harada's bloodied sword and kabuto. Like the comic, Silver Samurai is sent to hell and is destroyed by the devil's soul-destroying sword.


(*Cues: Igor Dvorkin / Ellie Kidd - Tread of Doom again*)

Boomstick/Yang: You know, I bet Shredder would go far if he took up darts.

Wiz; Both Shredder and Silver Samurai were incredibly tough, capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of pain. Harada's armor may have been tougher, but it had plenty of exposed weak points, which a fighter as precise as Shredder could exploit.

"So true" Blake said

Boomstick: Silver Samurai could throw around six hundred pounds of people and cats, which is technically stronger than anything Shredder's done, but Shred-Head's handled equally mighty mutants plenty of times, like Leatherhead.

"Considering Leatherhead is Bigger than Shredder yeah he handled him pretty well" Weiss said

Wiz: While the Silver Samurai's teleportation ring did make him harder to track, he's always preferred to use it as a means of escaping a battle, not really engaging in one. Even when he did use it during combat, his moves were often predicted by a more experienced opponents.

"Yep" RWBY said

Wolverine: This guy likes to come at me from behind. (Harada teleports, Wolverine backflips and grabs Hamada with his claws as he teleports back in, Harada cries out) Just tryin' out one of your tricks, tin man.

Wiz: Given Shredder's talents and history, it's reasonable to believe he could do the same.

"Probably" Ruby said

Boomstick: Still, with Harada's tachyon blade and Shredder's ninja precision, they only needed to land one fatal hit to finish the fight, so the real question was: Who could land the killing blow first?

"Probably Shredder" Yang

"Or the Samurai" Weiss said

Wiz: Silver Samurai's best speed feat, slicing an incoming bullet, clocked in at one-hundredth of a second, Shredder's faster-than-eyesight feat measured at four-thousandths, making him over two times faster than Harada. To be blunt, Shredder's fastest known attack was quicker than Harada's fastest known defense, proving that Shredder could deal a killing blow first.

"Called it" Yang said while Weiss pouted in defeat.

Boomstick: Or, you know, he could just turn into Super Shredder and beat the shit out of him. I mean, Super Shredder can lift and throw a giant oil tanker like it's a beach ball at a rave.

Wiz: That's probably heavier than six hundred pounds of people and cats.

"Hey!" Blake said in an offended tone

"Well you have been eating alot of tuna" Yang said

"Well I can't help that I like it" Blake said

Boomstick: Looks like Shredder was too much for Silver to tachyon.

Yang laughed while the others groaned.

Wiz: The winner is the Shredder.

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The last season to Son of Lucifer. Darkness has plague the world of remnant, and with the original god of darkness Y/n returning to his rain of terro...
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The 5th installment in this series. RNJR, Qrow, and Zack have successfully reached Mistral in order to see if the relic is intact. Little do they kno...
1K 54 12
"After all this time... you still have the nerve to think I'd bend to your will!? Such arrogance... such foolishness!" "I'd be spitting on my ancesto...
50.2K 712 15
Final Part of "Hello Old Friend" The journey may have ended at Haven, the march to victory must go on. And going to war with your girlfriend, sure...