On Our Block

By Rainha_Ray

143K 3.8K 809

Jamal's older cousin comes to Freeridge to finish high school, if you thought Monse was a problem starter the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two(important Changed Ending!)
'Our New Block' Is Up!!!
New Question
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three *
Chapter Forty Four *
Chapter Forty Five*
Chapter Forty Six*
Chapter Forty Seven*
Chapter Forty Eight*

Chapter Two

8.6K 194 59
By Rainha_Ray

Amara POV...

How the hell did I get into this shit?! I was supposed to stay outta gang shit here. Now here I am dealing with gang shit.

And right now I'm sitting with my friends who are all talking so fast I can't concentrate at the moment.

Cesar:Yo! One at a time, I'm not following.

Me:Yeah me either.

Jamal: You would be if you answered your phone last night.

Me:Sorry I got held up with something on my walk.

Jamal:Who just walks around.

Me:I do. It's calming.

Ruby:I agree and studies prove it.

Ruby raises his hand and Cesar points to him.

Ruby:Sorry it's excitement. We've been chewing on this for the past two weeks. And it's finally time to move forward with a plan.

Cesar:Plan for what?

Monse:Getting you out of the gang.

They look so happy they thought of that. But Cesar just laughs, until he realizes they are serious.

Cesar:You're serious? Oh my gosh. No! No no no no there is no out. You guys are being naive. Once you're jumped in, you can't get out. Unless you get jumped out, and that's not, you know a option.

Jamal:Why not?

Me:You won't survive the jumping.

He points to me and nods.

Jamal:Oh I see your dilemma.


Monse:Death isn't the only option, Ruby?

Ruby:So after copious amounts of research, I've formulated a theory at all great things come in threes: The holy Trinity, primary colors, destiny's Child.

Jamal:D.C had four members.

Ruby:But they weren't big until they were three. Which is why there are three common denominators. To end any and all hostile situations I call them the three M's

Murder, money and manipulation.

Ruby:Money, Murder and Manipulation.

Man I'm good at this.

Ruby:No not that one they are watermarked.

Monse: Clearly, murders off the table. The irony would be too much.

Ruby:There's no way we can hustle up enough cash with a car wash to make it worth Oscar's while.


Monse:Jamal, don't. Please don't say it.

Jamal:Getting alot of cash isn't outside the realm of possibility.

Cesar:What are you talking about?


Jamal:It's real and 50k is still out there. The dudes that robbed Rollerworld got put away, but the money was never recovered.

Ruby:In the 80s.

Jamal:And the rumor's still rampant! What about the goonies? Some of those kids thought it was B.S. until they found the treasure. And they weren't even--

Monse:Brown. We're brown only white kids find treasure.


Me:That's only because their parents let them travel the world even after the street lights come on.

Then Ruby's Abuela comes in searching through draws.

Ruby:What are you looking for?

Abuela:Baby Jesus. He's missing. The special one blessed by the bishop. I put him in here before I started to move into my room.

Ruby:Dude your holding it.

We all look at Jamal. I roll my eyes and laugh.

Jamal:No, this is toddler Jesus. Babies don't stand. This Jesus is probably already potty trained. And this isn't a diaper these are booty shorts.

I smack his arm and he Huffs handing it over to Abuela.

Ruby:Sit down, sit.

Cesar: Alright, I'm out.

Monse:We haven't even pitched the final M.

Cesar:Don't need to.

Me:Just entertain them Ces.

He sighs and sits back down.

Monse: Manipulation.

Jamal:Through negotiation.

Ruby:With cogent,well- articulated arguments.

Cesar:So that's it? That's the plan? You're gonna get me out of the gang with cogent, well articulated arguments?


Cesar:Never gonna happen*claps* good talk.

He stands up and leaves with the guys looking shocked and confused.

Me:They aren't lawyers guys.

Monse:So that was the best both of you can do? If you'd given me the right binder the first time, then I probably would've handled the conversation a little bit better.

Time Skip school...

Ruby:Cesar's reaction was a wake up call. The plan isn't fully formed. We need more time to let our idea marinate before we take action.

Monse: Marinate? No. We got to cook now. The longer we wait, the deeper Cesar's in. Right now he's got no responsibilities. We got to get him out before he puts in work.

Cesar:Who's putting in work? You still with that?

Them:No, with what?


Jamal:We're still with it.

He gets in front of us and looks at all of us.

Cesar:This isn't funny anymore. Trying to reason with my brother's dumb. You gotta promise you're gonna drop it.

Monse:You're over reacting--

Cesar: Especially you, promise.

Monse:I promise.

Cesar:You too Amara. You seem to like making my brother mad.

Please I'm never speaking about you and that gang ever again. If it deals with seeing Oscar.

Me:I got you.

Cesar:Okay good.

He looks at Monse and tells her about seeing her after class and I raise my eyebrows suggestively and he rolls his eyes and laughs walking away.

Monse:So who's gonna do it?

Me/Ruby:Not Jamal.

Monse:I'll do it.

Jamal:No no no no no. Your mouth is gonna get us killed.

Ruby:Yeah Monse's a total no go. And Amara may end up getting killed or killing Oscar. So that leaves me.

Just put your foot in your mouth babes.

Ruby:But it can't be me.

Jamal: it's you!

Monse: You said it can't be me!

Ruby:I think this is up for discussion. I mean, for starters, I'm small. There's nothing about me even remotely intimidating.

And here he goes I'm going to class.

Me:Gotta go got AP Psych talk to ya at lunch.

I walk off down the hall and into the school. I hear my phone ding and I pull it out Cesar.

Cesar:We gotta talk. ASAP.

Me:Where are you?

Cesar:Near your next class the supply room.


I keep walking until, I guess I walked past it because I feel someone yank me into the supply room. I turn and look at Cesar.

Me:What's up?

Cesar:What is going on with you and my brother?


Cesar:Why did he tell me to make sure nobody messes with you?

Me:I don't know.

Cesar: Don't lie to me Chi. I haven't to you.

Damn it to hell! I didn't do anything!

Me: Remember when we talked about that walk I had?

Cesar:... Yeah?

Me:Well it started as a normal walk when your brother pulled up and told me to get in. I denied until he told me why he wants me in his car. He said I interest him. And we drove to some cliff and we just talked until I brung you up and why he pulled you in when he knows how this ends. He got mad because I said if the Santos really protect why would Cesar be so hell bent on not being in. He got close and then we kissed--

Cesar:Oh my God! Please tell me that's it!

Me:*unconvincingly* that's it?

Cesar:No you didn't! You did not sleep with my brother! Amara!

Me:*whining*I'm sorry! Okay?! It just happened we were kissing and the next I know is I'm --

Cesar:I don't need details.

Me:*glares* I'm covering hickies and bruises with make up.

Cesar: Bruises?

Me:*rolls eyes*Not like that, he's heavy handed and strong as hell. Cesar please don't tell anyone. I'm begging you if Jamal found out he'd go into cardiac arrest. I'm telling you this because I trust you and you trust me. And besides I'm sure he has plenty of hit it and quit it's so it's no problem. Right?

Cesar:*sighs* You would think that. But he put a claim on you Amara. You aren't like the rest of his little hoes.

Me:I wasn't a hoe to begin with but alright.

Cesar: You know what I mean.

Me: Alright. What do you think I should do? Ignore him, insult him?

Cesar:There is nothing to do.

I roll my eyes and turn going to class and once I sit down my phone beeps again.

Cesar:And I may have given him your number. He said he's gonna call you at lunch.

Me: Really?! We are going to fight Cesar Diaz! And how did he get my schedule?

I turn my phone off and try to pay attention to class but my mind keeps wandering to the thing Oscar had said before he dropped me off.

Oscar: Well here you don't have to worry about being in the middle of gang rivalry. You with me.

I look over to him and nod he pulls up to my house and I smile and lean over and hug him kissing his cheek.

Me:Bye Spooky.

Oscar:See you Amara.

Time Skip... At Lunch...

As soon as I sat down my phone rings everyone looked at me confused, I shrug and pull it out it shows as scam likely but I still answer it.

Me:Can I help you? Seeing as I'm in school and all.

I see Cesar almost have a heart attack and I grin and I hear Oscar chuckle.

Oscar:You know your mouth doesn't bother me as much as it did before, maybe because I know all of it's uses.

Me:Yeah, just like I know yours. And why-- hang on.

I get up seeing everyone in my mouth I walk down the hall and continue my conversation but facing them to make sure none of them try to ease drop.

Me:Why did you tell Cesar to make sure nobody messes with me? I'm a big girl Oscar I can put up with some stupid ass kids I don't need my friend to act like a temp bodyguard. And what is this about a claim? I told you I didn't want to be in any gang shit.

Oscar:You told me your mom didn't want you in any gang shit. And your not in any shit me putting a claim on you would keep it away from you. Nobody wants to mess with Spooky's girl. And he's not your bodyguard he's just extra reinforcement just in case.

Me:Yeah well besides the Prophet$ but hey what do I know. Is this what you wanted to talk to me about? Because right now all of my friends and cousin is looking at me like I'm doing something illegal.

Oscar:*chuckles* Yes that's all and make you dress appropriately from now on.

Me:I've never not dressed appropriately. And FYI I'm not ya girl if you didn't ask me. Goodbye lunch is almost over.

I hang up and turn my phone on do not disturb. I walk back to the group and they look at me.

Me:What? Someone I knew called.

Jamal:Why did you walk away?

Me:Some things are better left unheard guys. So what's the move after school?

Cesar:I have to go take care of business with Oscar.

Me:I don't have anything to do.

Monse:Good that means you can come with us to Ruby's house.

Cesar:Are you sure you don't have anything to do?

I roll my eyes and look at him and smirk.

Me:Yes, I'm very positive.

Time Skip...After school...

Monse:He is not the man for the job. We have to figure out the work around. Like his diction.

I roll my eyes and look towards Jamal to see him doing the same thing.

Monse: Sometimes I don't understand half of what Ruby says. You know what I mean? What?

Jamal:You're giving me a migraine.

Me:I'm just listening to you always find a issue with something.

Monse:Whatever Chi, But seriously think about how I feel. I have no time to teach Ruby not to talk with his hands. He can't do that stuff with Oscar. Dudes gesticulate alot in prison we do not want to remind him...



Cesar:Where you headed?

Monse: Nowhere.

Cesar:Where you headed Jamal?

Monse bumps him.

Jamal: Decorating Ruby's room!

Cesar:So there's no scheming?

Jamal: We're scheming.

Monse:With color! Every good room rehab needs a color scheme.

Y'all are terrible liars.

Cesar:I know alot about the color theory. I'll come along to help... You can drop me here homie.

He gets out and wraps his arms around Monse and Jamal.

Monse:Don't you have to go tag something?

Cesar: Nope.

We walk up to Ruby's house and he pops his head halfway out.

Monse: We're here to Feng shui your room! That's why we're here.

Ruby:I don't have my own room, but,...

He comes out and pushes us away from the door and windows.

Ruby:I have a boner. My cousin just moved in.

Me:Ew Ruby.

Ruby:Not like my cousin cousin, Like you and Jamal, like "what's up, cuz?" You know, like family, but not fam.

Cesar:Like if you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family.

What the hell is that?!

Ruby: Exactly! No. No not exactly. There's no blood relation. There is no inbreeding

Me:He means a close family friend.

Ruby:Yes! Thank you Amara.

Me:No problem.

Ruby:Oh and call me Ruben. I'm going by Ruben now.

Just then his mom comes yelling his nickname.



Ms.Martienz:Are you forgetting something? ... Guys this is Olivia. She's staying with us for a little while. Okay?

And now everyone here with a dick is in a trance.

Olivia:Is it me or did things just get weird?

Monse:It's just you. I'm Monse and that's Amara but everyone calls her Chi. This is Jamal and Cesar.

I can't introduce myself?

Monse : Ignore the stares. They haven't been neutered.

Me:*fake coughs* one has.

Cesar elbows me and I laugh.

Me:I'm sorry. Nice to meet you I'm just more on the silent side.

Olivia:That's fine it's nice to meet you.

Monse:Jamal, why don't you tell Olivia what you didn't do to your neck. Ruby, can we discuss our chem assignment? Chi you too.

We go to the driveway.

Monse:Act natural, look off to the side so we don't seem scheme-y.

He looks off to the side and I just look at her.

Monse:Once you memorize the script, we'll need three rehearsals. Minimum.

Ruby:Do Cesar's abs auto contract or is he flexing on purpose?

Monse:Amara is coming with you.

Me:Huh?! For what?

Monse: Because Oscar is amused by you so he'll be less likely to go off quickly if he knows your going to argue with him.

Me:I'm pretty sure its the other way around.

Monse:And you should check out the diction tutorials on YouTube. I can't understand half of what you're saying when you're nervous. So don't be nervous.

Ruby:I claimed her. This is bullshit.

What's up with the guys around here and claiming? This some werewolf type shit.

Monse:And remember we've go to keep it quiet from Cesar. This is a life saving mission and keeping it on the down low is the utmost importance. Got it?

We nod and we walk back to the group. And as soon as Olivia says someone is funny ruby jealous ass states.

Ruby:I'm saving Cesar!

Time skip...

I sit in my room listening to music until it's interrupted with a text message. I grab my phone and see it's Oscar.

Him😒🤤:Come out side.

Me:I am in bed with my headscarf on.

Him😒🤤:And? Did I ask you what you had on?

Me:I don't care what you did or didn't ask I'm telling you what I have on and why I'm not coming out.

Him😒🤤:I don't remember asking you to come out. I remember telling you.

Me:And I remember telling you no. I like sleep.

Him😒🤤:I'll knock on the door.

Me:No you wouldn't.

Next thing I hear is a car door slam shut and I jump up looking out of the window seeing this man walking around his car I grab my phone.

Me:Alright, Alright hang on ugly ass.

I grab a hoodie and take my headscarf off and fix my ponytail and grab my phone and the charger walking out. I creep to the door and open it seeing Oscar leaning on his car. I walk to him and smack his folded arms and he grins pulling me into a hug against him. I put my chin on his chest to look up at him.

Me:You're a jerk, you know that?

Oscar:You'll get used to it. Let's go.

Me:*whining* Where are we going? I want to sleep.

Oscar:Get in Amara

Me:You gone stop using my name like you someone daddy. I don't even know why I told you.

Oscar:I am...

I roll my eyes and get into the car as he closes the door. I curl into the seat and look at him as he pulls off.

Oscar:What does your friend need to talk to me about?

Me:Don't worry about it. You'll find out in a few hours and don't scare him. He scares easily.

Oscar:He a puppy or something *chuckles*


Oscar:Fine... How was school?

Me:Boring. Nothing interesting happened.

Oscar:It's school what do you expect?

Me:Atleast one fight, a food fight something.

Oscar:You're there to learn not be entertained.

Me:Learning can be both. They just make it boring. Like how do you make taking a pig apart boring!

Oscar:Ain't like the first week? Why are you doing that so early?

Me:We were going over it like the rules and things like that. But how has your day been sir?

Oscar:The same shit... You plan on going to college?

Me:Yeah, might as well.

He nods and we keep driving until we get back to the hill thingy that over looks part of Cali. He pulls out a blunt and lights it. I just look at the side of his head he looks at me.

Me:What made me catch your eye? Because I know it ain't my smart ass mouth.

He inhales and passes the blunt to me. I take a hit he exhales and starts to talk.

Oscar:First it was how you looked. Then it was your mouth, how you was willing to take the chance of getting beat up with your friend, holding your own, and then some other things. Cesar told me a few things about you while talking about his friends.

Me:What did he say?

Oscar: Don't worry about it.

Me:Yeah whatever Oscar.

Oscar:Aye, don't whatever me.

Me:Don't aye me.

Oscar:You got a real flippy mouth.

Me:And? So do you, your point?

Oscar:Come here.

Me:No I'm comfortable.

He leans over and grabs me and sits me on his lap I wrap my arms around his neck and lightly lean against the steering wheel. He puts the blunt out and looks me in my eyes. I tilt my head to the side he leans up and kisses me.

Here we go again.

Time Skip...

I walk up the street to meet Ruby at Oscar and Cesar's house but I beat him there and see Monse and Cesar talking. I wave to Olivia and walk to them.

Monse:Ruby can't be the one to talk to Oscar. He's the wrong messenger.

Cesar:No one should talk to Oscar, but maybe Chi and that's a big maybe, but besides her he's the best of the worst options.

Monse:I could--

Cesar:No. Oscar doesn't do badgering.

Monse:I do-- How am I badgering? I don't. Give me an example of how and when I've done that before? You can't, can you?

Me:Yes you do, you just did and again why does Oscar need two people?

Cesar:You know why.

Me:I don't but okay your the boss.

Cesar:Thank you hermana. Olivia wait up!

I'm gonna kill him. I see Ruby walk up and I walk to him and smile at him until I see how scared his looks.

Me:Ruben relax he's not that scary.

Ruby:Says the girl who's gotten into his face twice with no repercussions.

Me:I don't know bout all'at now. But come before we are late to school.

He turns to the backyard but keeps looking past the door and back again until I push him through. We walk Ruby acts like the place is a terror muesum while I just walk. He stops and stares at a acid Barrell and I see the fears turning in his head he turns around but I grab him.

Me:Calm down. It ain't that deep. You doing this for your friend, your best friend.

Ruby:My best friend will understand let's go.

He grabs my arm and starts to pull me towards the front until Oscar comes from somewhere.

Oscar:Sup' Fools.

Who do this higga think he talking to? I turn around and glare at him he smirks and when Ruby turns around his face goes blank with his eyebrow raised. Those things got a mind of their own. He puts three buckets down and he sits on one I sit on the other and Ruby sits down slowly. And that's when I notice all the damn glitter on his face.

Me:The hell happened to your face Ruby?

I'm guessing Oscar noticed too because he gets in his face Ruby almost passing out leaning back. After a few seconds he sits back down.

Oscar:What's with the glitter?

Ruby:Late night at the club. You know how hynas be.

I roll my eyes and yawn both looking at me. Ruby like I just slapped the pope and Oscar with a knowing look. He chuckles.

Oscar:I feel you, homie. Sometimes my ruca wears that same shit. She be rubbing all up on me. I can't get the crap out for days.

Maybe if you stopped always being all on me it wouldn't be on you.


Me:If yall don't shut up and hurry up! Great you made a ice breaker get to talking.

He looks at me and I look back he chuckles and offers Ruby a cigarette.


Ruby :trying to quit.


Oscar:Whatcha want to chop it up about?

Ruby:Um Mr. Oscar.

I roll my eyes and get on my phone. This will be over soon.

Ruby:I mean, spooky. I know you're a busy man, so I'll cut right to it. Is that acid?


Ruby:You know what? Don't answer. None of my business. So Cesar. I mean can we just talk how smart he is? You know I'm smart, and Amara's smart but he's like... A certified genius. And he has off the charts emotional intelligence, which is rare. I mean combine that with his innate ability to empathize and problem solve, and you get the real deal.

Is he trying to help him or make him a better candidate for gang promotion?

Ruby:A natural leader. Which is a testament to you and how well you raised him.

I feel like getting up and walking away because this can't end well.

Oscar:I feel you homie.

Ruby:So, what I'm saying is he has so much potential that hasn't been realized. He's just a baby bird waiting to take flight. Who knows how high that bird can fly given the right wind and lack of avian predators.

Oscar:I never looked at him that way.

Ruby:Cause he's not one to toot his own horn. Yet another one of his many attributes.

Oscar:You're right... Don't you agree Amara?

I look up from my phone and raise my eyebrow.

Me:Cesar is not about to kill me. I'm just here so he doesn't get killed or have a heart attack.

Oscar:He just needs to be given that right opportunity, with good wind and no vultures and shit.

Ruby:Well, vultures are more like scavengers. I was thinking hawks.

Oscar:Hawks can suck a dick!

Okay calm the hell down. It ain't that serious.

Ruby:Exactly. I mean, you feelin me spook. Spooky.

Oscar:Yeah, Mos Def. You're opening my eyes, homes.

Ruby *scoffs* That's what I do.

Me:*scoffs* Okay are we done? I have a quiz in second.

Ruby:You know... I will take that smoke.

He about to embarrass himself.

Oscar:Time to give Cesar his wings.

I just put my head down, Ruby smiles like he just did something. Once ruby inhales he automatically starts coughing and I can't help but laugh.

Oscar:You all right there?

He nods and glares at me then dry heaves I get up and snatch the cigarette out of his hand and put it out and hand it back to Oscar.

Me:Come on goofy. Bye Oscar.

Time skip at school...

We meet up near the lunch tables and Ruby comes saying he did it.

Ruby:I mean, it's done. I rocked that talk hard. And for a guy named spooky he's surprisingly jovial.

Jamal:Wait, are you serious, Ruby?

Ruby:Ruben. And yes. Cesar's out the gang. Boom killed it.

Me and Cesar make eye contact and I nod.

Cesar:You did kill it. You killed it so hard that I got promoted.

Ruby:No, Spooky and I had an understanding.

Me:Yeah about glitter and birds.

Cesar:I just got a text, gonna start running for the Santos.

Ruby:No. No, no, no. That can't be true. He must be joking.

Cesar:Compa, I love you for trying, all of you but like I said, this deal is done. And I don't blame you. I blame Monse.


Cesar:Yeah, you're the instagtor and the frickin' honey badger. You don't quit. But now you have to. No more we're done.

Ruby:And so is Ruben I'm not man enough to bear that name.

Me:Oh Ruben.

Me and Jamal follow after him.

Jamal:Hey, you're a man.

Me:Ruby, Oscar had plans to promote Cesar this whole time. He was entertaining you and he's a jerk for that. I'm sorry I should have been more help.

Ruby:No it's fine he was just being nice.

Me:That wasn't nice Ruby. I'll curse him out for you.

Ruby:Could you?

Me:Anything for my favorite dude.



Jamal:I thought I was your favorite dude.

Me:My favorite dude cousin.

Jamal:Oh, okay.

I laugh and wrap my arms around the two's shoulders.

Time skip...

I sit on Oscar's bed as he does something on the phone. I push him down and get on him and take the phone from him and toss it on the bottom of the bed.

Me:Why'd you do that to Ruby? When he heard you promoted Cesar he was hurt. You literally smashed his ego.

Oscar:And I told you that there is no getting out. But yet there you were.

Me:Yeah but not just because, they thought I'd be like a distraction if you tried to kill Ruby because I always yell at you. Notice how I didn't say anything? But that was cold.

Oscar:You knew what was going to happen so why didn't he? You caught on to what I was saying.

Me:Ruby has a mutitrack mind that doesn't pick up on stuff like that. He'll notice that you didn't slow down in a sentence to show you are starting a new sentence but won't notice a innuendo.

Oscar:I'm not apologizing.

Me:Hmm when did that come from my mouth in any way? I don't care if you apologize or not, your a grown man who I can't make do anything he doesn't want to. But I did tell him I'd get on you about it.

Oscar:Well your on me. And your talking to me about it.

I roll my eyes and bend down to start kissing on him. We hear the door close and he sits up but I just push him down.

Me:It was probably Cesar.

He looks at me and I smirk and kiss his lips. He flips us over and I wrap my legs around him.

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