Yu-Gi-Oh! Xenus

By YGOXenus

40.6K 927 272

In the far future, Duel Monsters has taken a turn. Duelists no longer use the Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monste... More

About Zeo Monsters
I. First School Duel (Part 1)
II. First School Duel (Part 2)
III. Battle With Sirens
IV. Yellow's Princess
V. Space Tactics
VI. Autocon Mayhem
VII. Detention's Due
VIII. Election Day
IX. Love Game
X. Ice Age
XI. The Rematch
XII. Showdown with Fire and Water
XIII. Hyper Zeo
XIV. Wings of Terror
XV. Burning Deployment
XVI. Dragon Master vs Machine King
XVII. Beast of the Sea
XVIII. Real Steel
XIX. New Threat (Part 1)
XX. New Threat (Part 2)
XXI. Relic Master
XXII. Tao Force (Part 1)
XXIII. Tao Force (Part 2)
XXIV. Power of One
XXVI. Heart and Soul (Part 2)
XXVII. Zeo Solution
XXVIII. Family Trials
XXIX. Back In Action
XXX. Clone of Darkness (Part 1)
XXXI. Clone of Darkness (Part 2)
XXXII. Last School Duels
XXXIII. Cosmic Terror
XXXIV. Magic vs Technology
XXXV. Dragon Tamer Showdown
XXXVI. Beginning of the End (Part 1)
XXXVII. Beginning of the End (Part 2)
XXXVIII. This Is War
XXXIX. Sea-Machine Tag Team
XL. No Angels
XLI. Seismic Power
XLII. Burn It Down
XLIII. Promise of Sorrow (Part 1)
XLIV. Promise of Sorrow (Part 2)
XLV. Flames of Pain (Part 1)
XLVI. Flames of Pain (Part 2)
XLVII. Waves of Love (Part 1)
XLVIII. Waves of Love (Part 2)
XLIX. Storm of Revenge (Part 1)
L. Storm of Revenge (Part 2)
LI. Heart of Unity (Part 1)
LII. Heart of Unity (Part 2)
LIII. Heart of Unity (Part 3)
LIV. Brothers (Part 1)
LV. Brothers (Part 2)
LVI. Itaru Crisis (Part 1)
LVII. Itaru Crisis (Part 2)
LVIII. Two Hearts Apart (Part 1)
LIX. Two Hearts Apart (Part 2)
LX. Pain's Origin (Part 1)
LXI. Pain's Origin (Part 2)
LXII. Song of Babylon (Part 1)
LXIII. Song of Babylon (Part 2)
LXIV. Creation's Betrayal
LXV. In The Name of Unity (Part 1)
LXVI. In The Name of Unity (Part 2)
LXVII. In The Name of Unity (Part 3)
LXVIII. In The Name of Unity (Part 4)
LXIX. In The Name of Unity (Part 5)
LXX. Final Bout (Part 1)
LXXI. Final Bout (Part 2)

XXV. Heart and Soul (Part 1)

421 7 0
By YGOXenus

Yuko and Benta were dueling during Duel Period. They figured that they should train for the upcoming duel exams. Yuko had Newgrounds Terradin, Rainfell Aquician, and Whirlwind Viker on the field. Benta only controlled only Autocon Champion: Optima. Tammi and Kenji watched from the side lines.


•Benta(900): Draws.

"Alright Yuko, this time I'm going to win!"-Benta

Activates Omega Supreme.

"Since I control one Zeo Monster and you control two or more, I can double Optima's power and attack all of your monsters!!"-Benta

(Optima:2300 atk/4600 atk)

"Now attack Optima!!"-Benta

Attacks Newgrounds Terradin with Optima. Activates Optima's effect. (Optima:1 ZU/0 ZU)

"Since Terradin is a level seven, I can double Optima's strength once again!"-Benta

(Optima:4600 atk/9200 atk)

"Woah Benny Boy. That's a lot of power but can it stop this!"-Yuko

Yuko activates Radiation Force.

"This card takes away half of my Life Points then tributes Viker and Aquician and adds their power to Terradin!"-Yuko

(Yuko:1200/600) (Terradin:2400 atk/6300 atk)

"I'm still higher! Optima keep attacking!"-Benta

"Oh Benta. Optima loses power equal to the power Terradin gained!"-Yuko

(Optima:9200 atk/5300 atk)


Terradin destroys Optima. (Benta:900/0) Yuko wins.


"Good Game B." Yuko said walking over to Benta. "That last trap you had was really cool!"

Benta turned away. "That's the third loss in a row."

Tammi walked over and patted Benta's back. "You gave it everything you had and that's what matters."

Benta pushed Tammi away. "No. I'm a weak duelist. I've lost every duel I've been in this month. At this rate, I'm not going to make it in the Pro-Leagues." Benta teared up and ran away from his friends.

"Benta wait!!" Yuko began to follow Benta but Kenji stopped him.

"Give him some time." Kenji said. Yuko listened and watched Benta run farther and farther.


Diron watched Yuko's win against Benta. He could feel something growing larger and larger in Benta's body. Losing that duel, must've increased the darkness in his heart. Diron took that as a possibility.

"My lord, you called for us?" Ito said walking into Diron's throne room and was followed by the others.

They all kneeled before their master. "As you may already know. You all are powerful duelist and loyal servants. I'm grateful to have such power in my army." Diron said.

Shun frowned. He was still broken and confused from his loss against Soran. He felt as if he always disappointed Diron. "Lord Diron, I'm not following. Are you disappointed with us or pleased?"

"I am pleased, Shun." Diron turned to Alec and Asia. "You two defeated Yuko and helped Kenji unlock the secrets of the Hyper Zeo technique." Alec and Asia were happy to hear that.

Diron turned to Ito next. "Ito, you also defeated Yuko, proving yourself as a worthy warrior." Ito nodded. Hearing those words made him more determined to defeat Yuko once more.

"And Shun," Diron faced Shun. "You found out who the Heart of Unity is." Shun smirked. "Thanks to you four, I can now begin my plan to take Yuko's power and grasp it for myself."

Ito looked at Diron in confusion. He wasn't sure about this plan Diron had. What would he be planning to do with all of that power. Ito then wondered what exactly was this 'Day of Catalysm' Diron once spoke of.

"My lord, what is our purpose?" Ito asked.

Diron stared down at his pupils. His eyes met theirs. He could see each of their personalities in their eyes. Alec had crimson eyes which represented his fiery spirit. Asia's blue eyes represented her reserved and calm lifestyle. Ito's brown eyes reminded Diron of a brick wall trying to block off any weak emotions that would show. Lastly was Shun's crystal green eyes. It represented Shun's resemblence to his twin brother, Kenji.

Their eyes took Diron back to the days he recruited the teens. It was almost two or three years ago when he found them. Ito was found in a collasped temple, Alec and Asia were found in an abandoned mansion, and Shun was found in a wrecked car. Diron remembered the scared faces they all had. The horror in their eyes.

"I'm," Diron paused and looked at their eyes again. "I'm allowing you to live normal lives for awhile. No one but Yuko and his friends know of your true idenities, so you should be just fine."

The four looked at their master. This was the first time they've ever heard him say something like that. Alec stood to his feet. "I'm sorry. What?"

Asia stood too. "Are you sure?"

Ito looked at his master closely. He saw the change in Diron's face even though he was wearing a mask. "He's serious." Ito opened a portal and bowed to Diron. "Thank you my lord."

"Where are you going?" Alec asked.

Ito took one step into the portal and pause to reply. "I'm going back to where I lost my family." He said as he left the room. Shun watched the twins open a portal also.

"We should head to our home town. There's some things I would like to resolve." Asia said passing through the portal. Alec followed and waved bye.

"We'll be back!"

Diron fixed his eyes on Shun. "You should get going."

"But what if you need me to go on mission or to test Yuko a bit mor-"

"I'll test Yuko myself. Now go. There's a world full of answers out there and I'm sure that you're looking for some."

Shun nodded and opened a portal. "I'll return with more power than I ever have, my lord." He said leaving his master alone in the thrown room.

Diron sighed. He wasn't sure why he did that, but it felt like a burden was lifted off of his shoulders. He quickly regained focus and remembered Yuko's duel against Benta. Diron pulled out two Zeo Monster cards. "I wonder if Yuko would be able to pass this test."


Benta took a shortcut home. He wandered in central park and sat on a bench. He pulled out his deck and stared at it. "Why can't I win? I can give everyone a run for their money, but I can't seem to win." Benta sighed. "I'm just not good enough."

"Maybe you need a bit of an upper hand."

Benta looked around but he saw no one. Two cards fell in front of him. They were Zeo Monsters.

"Take these two cards and you'll have the power to defeat anyone." The voice said. Benta hestitated. He wasn't sure if this was a trap or not. One part of him wanted to accept the offer but another wanted to win a duel on its own.

Benta began to reach for the cards but he paused. "No." He pulled his hands away. "I can't. I'm going to win my duels on my own." Benta turned away and walked away.

"Very well then. You leave me with no other choice." The voice called.

Benta froze in his tracks. He couldn't move his body at all. "Wha-What's going on here?!?" He struggled but he couldn't move a muscle.

A figure in a black coat appeared in front of Benta. He wore a violet and gold mask. Benta recognized the attire. "Legion!"

The figure flashed a blank card. It glowed and Benta's eyes changed. They were lifeless just like the other people the Legion brainwashed.

"Now that you've....agreed, I'm sure that you know your target."

Benta nodded as the figure handed him the two Zeo Monster cards. "Yes my lord. My mission is to defeat Yuko."


Yuko and Tammi were on their way to school. They still haven't seen Benta since he ran off the day before.

"I'm worried about him still." Tammi expressed. "He hasn't been answering any of my calls."

Yuko nodded. He was more worried than Tammi was. "He's got to be around somewhere."

"Yuko!!! Tammi!!!" Mimi came running towards the two. She was bruised up a bit.

"Mimi what's wrong?!" Tammi asked as she noticed her friend's bruises.

"It was Benta! He's at the school-"

Yuko ran off before Mimi could finish. He knew that something was wrong. Tammi stayed with Mimi.

"Something's wrong with Benta. He's not acting like himself." Mimi finished.

It didn't take Tammi long to realize what was going on. She wanted to ran after Yuko, but she wanted to make sure Mimi was alright first.


Kenji stood in front of Benta. The two were about to begin a duel.


"If it's Yuko you want, then you'll have to defeat me first."

"No!! Don't hurt him Kenji!" Yuko screamed. He stood inbetween the two. Kenji shook his head.

"Yuko, that isn't Benta." He activated his duel gear. "That's just some mind-controlled freak. Look at the damage he's done!" Kenji pointed to all of the students Benta injured.

Yuko couldn't believe it. He turned to Benta. His best friend's eyes were lifeless. "Legion!"

Benta activated his duel gear. "Yuko. Duel me."

Yuko hesitated. He didn't want to hurt his friend, but he needed to in order to save him. "Alright then B! I'll save you from the Legion!" Yuko turned to Kenji. "Take these guys to safety."

"He's all yours." Kenji ran to the other students and carried them away.

Yuko focused all of his attention on Benta and activated his gear. "Let's go."



{I'm gonna save ya B, just hold on a bit for me}-Yuko

•Yuko(4000): Draws.

{Knowing Benta, he'd play offensively, so I'll play on defense}-Yuko

Sets Gagaga Gardna(Earth/Lv.4/2000 def). Sets 1 card.

"Your turn."-Yuko

•Benta(4000): Draws. Summons Autocon Scout:Beeble(Earth/Lv.4/1600 atk).

"When this card is summoned, I can add an Autocon from my deck to my hand."-Benta

Adds Autocon Rookie:Helio from his deck to his hand.

{Okay, so he's still playing his Autocon deck}-Yuko

"Now I attack."-Benta

Attacks Set-Gagaga Gardna with Beeble. (Benta:4000/3600)

{Wow he actually fell for it}-Yuko

Sets 1 card.

"I end my turn."-Benta

•Yuko(4000): Draws. Summons Max Warrior(Wind/Lv.4/1800 atk). Switches Gagaga Gardna to atk(1500 atk).

"Here I come Benta!!"-Yuko

Attacks and destroys Beeble with Max Warrior(1800 atk/2200 atk). (Benta:3600/3000)

"Now for the direct attack!"-Yuko

Attacks directly with Gagaga Gardna. (Benta:3000/1500)

"{That should do it}Benta!! Can you hear me!?! Snap out of it!"-Yuko


Benta slowly stood up after being knocked to the ground. His eyes were still lifeless, but something them were different. "Yu..." He started.

"That's right B!! Come back!! Snap out of it!"

Benta twitched a bit and his eyes slowly began to turn lively again. "Yu-Yuko, I can..." Yuko hoped for the best and got what he wanted. Benta's eyes turned to normal. "I can hear..." His head dropped.

Yuko's smile disappeared. He was worried again and this time he had a different ominous feeling. It felt more dangerous. Benta lifted his head and his eyes were glowing in a golden light. Yuko gasped. "Benta?"

"I'm taking over this this duel." Benta said, but it wasn't his voice.


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