The Nerd Can Fight (Slow Upda...

RomanticBunny द्वारा

80.6K 1.8K 230

Shimmer is a nerd in high school! Shimmer gets straight A's and is the teachers pet! She always works hard i... अधिक

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Auhors Note
Chapter 10
A Day Out
Does Damien Love Me?
Seeing Rosie
Past Life
First Day of School
Mission Impossible
School Trouble
Who Are You?
Hospital Coincidence
Im Back Bitches
A Week Later...
Christmas Fun
Thier Back!
My Shimmer
Joel Black
What The Fuck?
Dead Man Walking
Meeting Damien
Hey Peeps!
New Cover??!!
I'm Yours
Halloween Party
I Think I'm Falling For You


241 5 2
RomanticBunny द्वारा

Kieran's POV

I'm fed up of this. Being in the dark. Not knowing anything. Not knowing why Damien left Shimmer. Why would he do that?
I don't understand anything.  But I feel as though she is hiding something from the world. As if she is not who she seems to be.
         I blinked as I felt something touch me. I looked up and realised that Jason was holding my plate of noodles.
I took it and sat it in front of me. He sat on the opposite end of the dining table and began eating.
I on the other hand stared at the food as though it was poison. I mean if Shimmer wasn't in a coma then I would have wolfed it all down. But now I wasn't in the mood to eat.
"Are you Ok?" Jason asked me.
"No." replied plainly looking at the table as though it would heal Shimmer and bring her to me.
"Hey, I'm here for you. Your one asshole. But your my asshole." Jason spoke. I smiled a little at what he said.
          It was at that moment that I felt as though everything was going to work out somehow. Anyhow.

Joel's POV

Still not awake. She still hasn't woken up. But why do I care? I feel as though someone has just cast a spell on me and now I'm interested in Shimmer.
         Before I didn't care and I only wanted Devon to get her to join my gang due to the fact that she is an incredible fighter. But...but now I don't want her to join.   
         I want to shield her from the dangers. I want to keep her away from the gang but I want her close to me. I want to... oh gosh what is happening to me?
      Why did I begin caring for her all of a sudden? I mean I'm not falling in love with I?
       I shook my head and turned the other way on my bed. I then saw Shimmer there. I couldn't believe my eyes. I touched her face and it stayed.
         I mean I wasn't just seeing her and being a complete nincompoop. I sat quickly and looked at her.
          However at that moment all I saw was Jenna. Did I only imagine Shimmer there?
"Baby, how are you?" She asked as she sat up and massages my shoulders. Her fingers dig into my back unnecessarily hard.
"What's wrong?" I spoke.
"Why weren't you listening to a single word which I was saying? You've been lying on your bed and lost in your own world." She said.
"Look your not my wife. Please leave me. You know we only do sex with no strings and I haven't called for you. Please leave." I spoke.
"Baby?" She spoke sadly massaging my shoulders more gently.
"I said leave!" I shouted. Jenna jumped in fright and I must admit. I was a little surprised at my sudden outburst.
           Jenna left the room within seconds. I sat at the edge of the bed with my hands in my hair. Frustration. That was all I felt.
          Suddenly, the alarms went off and everything that happened after that was a blur.

Kieran's POV

I hid behind the tree. Your probably wondering what I'm doing at the moment. Basically, I got my shit together and I'm taking Shimmer back from Devon.
          I'm outside their mansion right now. Hiding behind a tree. Somehow I climbed up the tall walls which covered the perimeter of the mansion.
             The surprising thing was that I didn't get caught at all. Not even by CCTV because if CCTV got me then their alarms would have been blaring, bodyguards covering the mansion and me threw out.  
           But I promise I won't leave until Shimmer is with me. Wether she is conscious...or unconscious.
          I scanned the area and nobody. So I ran to the window. I would have to climb up a little to get there but it was open.
       Finally, I got in. I checked to see if there was anyone in the corridor and smiled when I saw nothing. I creeped through the halls. Most of them silent.
      Then I froze when I heard approaching footsteps. I used my glasses to scan through the hall and saw three men coming my way.
          I easily took them all down. It was a piece of cake. Anyways, I continued in the foreign mansion.
          The room doors all had their own sort of coded detail. I didn't understand much of it so I continued quietly making my way around.
           Then I picked up a scent. Shimmer's scent! It was strong so she had to be somewhere close. I turned around and was faced with a door. It had a glass on it so I looked through it and smiled when I saw her.
           I was happy to see no doctors attending her seeing as it would make it a lot easier for me to reach her.
          Suddenly, I felt something cold against my neck. I was frightened for a minute but then quickly realised that it was someone holding a knife to my throat.
          I jabbed my elbow in their hip and got out of the person's hold. Then I stabbed the fat guy. He fell to the floor not dead but in shock. He would be fine. Just some treatment required.
        I opened the door and ran to her bed. I gently hugged her. Shimmer. My Shimmer.
"Shimmer! I hope your ok." I whispered as I kissed her forehead.
"Please wake up! Please. I'm here to save you. I mean. I'm here to take you away from here. I can't have you in a coma here. Look you need to get up. Please. Damien...Damien doesn't care about but I do. I...I think I'm falling for you." I spoke. My tears which I didn't realise were falling down my cheeks were wiped away.
          I opened my eyes and looked in confusion. Shimmer! Did she wipe my tears?
"Shimmer?" I spoke in confusion.
"Kieran!" I heard my name being called. I looked and realised that it was in fact Shimmer there. I touched her face and I felt her soft skin.
"Shimmer!" I hugged her fiercely. We hugged for a while.
"I can't believe I'm awake! I...I don't know what you did. But...I'm awake. Thanks Kieran!" She spoke and hugged me again. I smiled as tears spilled out of me. I couldn't keep it in.
        All this time I thought I was falling for her but now I know. Now I know that I love her. And I love her with all my heart.
           I felt like kissing her. Our noses were touching. Our lips close but far. She looked at me.
"I know what you want." She spoke simply. I moved back a little.
"What?" I asked in confusion.
"Your eyes are like an open book! It's obvious that your thinking about kissing me. Your liking your lips in hunger and you keep eyeing my lips. And...I'll let you kiss me. It just...feels right!" She spoke.
"What?" I repeated in confusion. I was going to speak but I was unable to. Shimmer's lips were already on mine. I smiled and kissed her gently at first.
             But then my hunger got the best of me. When would I get the chance to kiss her again?
            She wrapped her legs around my hips and I felt my manhood springing in action.
           The kiss deepened. I pulled her into me and her hands went through my hair. I moaned as her tongue danced with mine.
I kissed her again and again. As if it would ensure that she was my Shimmer and that she was there. But she was.
Suddenly, I heard the door open. We stopped kissing abruptly. I turned around to see around ten bodyguards.
I stood in front of Shimmer protectively. One guy ran towards me. I simply kicked him and he was passed out.
        Two more came. I easily punched them both and kicked them away. They fell into shelves knocking them over.
           I managed to deal with most of them. Shimmer was standing up and we were about to leave the room.
          However one kore bodyguard turned up. I hugged Shimmer and held the knife in my hand which the bodyguard was trying to use to stab Shimmer.
           I felt the knife cut my hand and blood gushing out. I spun Shimmer around just as she was about to hug me. I regretted it but I had to. I threw the knife to aside and twisted the guys neck and he dropped to the floor.

"T-thanks!" Shimmer smiled. I smiled but it was short lived seeing as the alarms started blaring.
          Shit! Someone has seen us through CCTV. We heard running from all around the building.
"Come on!" I said and grabbed Shimmer's hand as we ran out the the hospital looking room she was on.
           We halted to a stop as the corridor in front of us filled with at least twenty men. Bodyguards. We turned the other way to run but there were men there two.
          I punched the first few that ran towards us. But I soon realised that I wouldn't be able to fight all of the men off at the same time. Suddenly I heard a load groan.
          I turned around and stared at Shimmer dumbfounded. She was standing there expertly punching all the guys on her side. Left jab. Uppercut. She didn't spare them.
           I fell to the ground as I felt someone kick me in my face. I sprung back up and got back to fighting rather than admiring Shimmer's hot moves.
            I slit a fat mans hand and he yelled and me. I pushed him to aside and dealt with the rest of them.
          Soon they were all on the floor. Only Shimmer and I were standing. Actually, there was another guy. He saw Shimmer and smiled happily.
"Shimmer!" He smiled.
"What the fuck?" I shouted.
"Let's go!" Shimmer grabbed me and we ran over the bodies on the floor the other guy chased us but failed when he fell and got cut.
           He fainted but I knew that he would survive it. I focused on running and soon we were faced with more men to fight.
          Shimmer took on half of the guys and I took on the other half. Kick after kick. Punch after punch. Guy after guy. We went through them quickly.
          Finally, we reached the window from which I entered. I jumped out and  then Shimmer jumped out. I caught her in my arms and she thanked me. We then ran out of the gates all the whilst bullets were being fired.
             The adrenaline pumped through me as I ran towards the cars. I elbowed a car and smashed the window.
         Grabbing the wires and frantically tried to Hotwire  the  car.
"Fucking work!" I shouted as the failed to start. Shimmer gently pushed me out of the way and bent over to reach the wires.
         All I could concentrate on was her ass. Oh. Her ass. It made me think of unimaginable things that I wanted to do to her.
           I blinked as she pulled me in. I then saw the car stared and perfectly working. Where the fuck did she learn that?


We were at my place now. Safe. I was in  my bedroom trying to find a first aid kit. Whilst we were escaping I got cut in my hand from saving Shimmer from being stabbed and I also got shot from when we were running out of Devon's residence.
           I didn't realise then due to the adrenaline pulsing through me. But now that I was calmed down a little I could feel the burn of the bullet in me. It was in my hip.
         I was waiting for the doctor which we keep here but I then remembered that he had to fly to New York to help one of the other boys.
            So here I was in my bedroom with a cut and a bullet in me. My body was aching like hell and I couldn't think properly.
"Kieran! Your bleeding." Shimmer spoke as she walked into my room. She rushed out and came back with a first aid kit. I don't know where the hell she found it from but she had it.
                 She opened it and took whatever she needed. She cleaned my cut and wrapped it perfectly. Then she stood up.
"Erm... can you take your shirt off?" She asked me.
"Someone's eager!" I smirked and I watched her as she blushed.
"Kieran please." She spoke quietly. I closed my eyes and imagined her saying that to me when she was hungry for me. I smirked but it was short lived as I felt sharp pain surge through me.
           I bit my lip so as to not let out  a groan. Then Shimmer unbuttoned my shirt and slowly took my arms out of it.
              I basically saw her drooling over my body whilst she was trying to fix me up.
        I hissed in pain as she removed the bullet. She froze and looked at me.
"Are you ok?" She asked.
"Yeah." I smiled weakly. I watched her as she set to work. She look so god damn cute. Sexy!
          Soon, I was bandaged and fine. Shimmer didn't take very long to fix me up.
"Now lie down. Please. You need rest!" She spoke . She helped me lie down without hurting my wounds. Just as she was due to leave I grabbed her hand.
"Don't leave me!" I spoke.
"Well what do you expect me to do?" She asked me putting her hands on her hips.
"Stay with me!" I spoke. I patted the space beside me. "You need rest too! You literally came out of a coma two hours ago and you haven't rested yet. You need rest as well."
"I'll shut the door and rest with you but only because I don't have anything better to do and I'm really shattered from fighting they guys." She spoke and locked the door before she lied beside me on the bed. I pulled her towards me and smiled.
"Sleep well." I heard Shimmer say. I then pulled Shimmer closer to my body and nearly gasped when I felt myself rubbing against her.
I knew that if this continued I would just spring up and she would feel me even more. I tried to ignore the sensation. I mean I liked feeling her with my manhood. But I didn't know if she was comfortable.
Soon she fell asleep. I smiled and tucked her hair behind her ears. Then I felt sleep consume me and before very long I was knocked out as well.


Hey babes! I'm sorry I haven't been publishing very many chapters. Ive been very busy this summer and this was literally the only chance I got to write.
To make up for such a late publish. I made this chapter worth two chapters. Hope you liked it. Remember...

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