TJL#11#The Arrogant Heiress√

By HiddenInTheEpic

529K 27.4K 2.4K

She is stubborn, hot-headed and hard to control. She is very arrogant and savage like her mom. But she is eve... More

Who Cares?!
It's Life
Meeting Her.
First Deal
Blue Orbs
Caught Up!!!!
Mysterious Fairy
Messing Around
Not Heaven
Kick His Ass
Visible Changes
A Coffee With Each Other
If Things Are Sort Out
Viral Virus
Whatever Happens, Happens For A Reason
By Hook Or By Crook
I Am Not
You Have To Cope Up
Around Milan (Part-1)
Around Milan (Part-2)
Around Milan (Part-3)
Dinner Date
To Melbourne
Missing him
Sudden Decision
Don't Care
Even If I Die
Don't Trust You Anymore
Finish The Game
Sydney Incident
Not True!!!
Even Me
Truth Is Beautiful
Cruel Life!!!
Cause I Am A Blaster
His Discomfort Zone
How Far Will I Go!!!
Nothing More Than That
Billions Of Beats
Victoria Payton???
Hell Woman
Untold Story
Past Is A Curse
Engraved Truth (Part-1)
Egraved Truth (Part-2)
The Call
His Reactions
Someone Special
Invitation Card
Not Surprising
Not Sure
Without Any Doubt
What A Day!!!!
Eugene Cassian
Depth Of Love
A New Home
Bitter And Better
Very Close
A Bit Love, A Bit Magic
His Reasons
Love Never Ends
Beautiful Moments
Let's Wish For Good Thing
Love Is Evergreen
Struggling With Happiness
No More Trouble For Him
A Mother And Her Feelings
Healing Touch
A Fresh Start
Cast Analysis
Cast Analysis
Recommend Covers

I Won't Let Him Down

5K 301 32
By HiddenInTheEpic

Naomi's POV

" Theo, this house is so beautiful. It's really really astonished me. It was made long back but still it's unique." I said. He smiled.

" Glad that you liked this house." He said.

" I loved this house. It's really very very beautiful." I said. He looked at me.

" What???" I asked.

" You are more beautiful than anything else in this world." He said.

" Really?" I asked.

" Yes." He said.

" Ahemm." I cleared my throat. "Well, I trust you." I said.

" Yes, you should." He said and took out his phone and gave it to me. I raised one of my eyebrows.

" Call your dad. He must be worried. I am not seeing your phone with you from a while." He said.

" I left it in car I guess. But I told Dad before I come here." I said.

" Good. But still call him for once I will tell them to arrange lunch then if you want we can stay here for a while. Or else we can go back. I will leave you home." He said.

" Let's have a tour of this house then." I said.

" As you wish." He said and smiled then left.

I dialed my dad's number. I waited for him to pick up.

" Hello." I heard my dad. He might thought it's Theo.

" Dad, it's me." I said.

" Princess, what happened?" Dad asked.

" Nothing happened, Dad. Don't worry. I am fine. And yes Theo told me everything." I said.

" I knew he will tell you sooner or later." Dad said.

" He trusts me." I said.

" Yes, he does and never break the trust." Dad said.

" I won't no worries." I said.

" Where are you?" Dad asked.

" Dad!!! Don't act like you don't know. You never let your radar down from me." I said and heard him chuckling.

" Well, I know where you are. Just come back before dinner. You know it's impossible for me to have dinner without you." He said and I smiled.

" Of course, Daddy. I will be home before that." I said.

" Bye then. Take care." Dad said.

" You too and take your medicines." I said.

" Of course, Princess." He said.

" Bye, Daddy." I said.

" Bye, Princess." Dad said and hung up.

I saw Theo coming back. He stood in front of me. I gave his phone back to him. He took it. He hold my hand and lead me to downstairs. Then he took me to the kitchen.

" They want to know what do you want to take in lunch?" He pointed at the chefs.

" She is Mary, she is Susan, she is Jenny and he is Jimmy." Theo said.

" Hello." I said and waved.

" She is Naomi. Naomi Edwards. I want you guys to make lunch on her demand." He said and his phone started to ring. " Excuse me." He said and walked out of the kitchen.

" Listen, do you guys know about his favorite dish?" I asked to make sure they know or not.

" Ma'am, sir use to have the same menu whenever he is here." Susan told me. I sighed.

" You guys can have a half day leave for today. I will handle these. You guys can go. Don't worry I will tell Theo." I said but were hesitating to go. I sighed and ordered them to go. They left this time. I started to prepare the lunch.

" Hey, what are you doing here?" I saw Theo entering the kitchen.

" Preparing lunch for us." I said.

" It's not your work. Where are the chefs?" He asked looking around the empty kitchen.

" I gave them a leave for today." I said.

" What?? Why?" He asked looking at me.

" Cause I wanted to show you that it's not only you who can cook." I said.

" I really didn't know this side of yours. I thought your hands only hit something and don't stop until it's broken." He said.

" Like this???" I took a glass and left it on the floor. He sighed.

" Sorry, sorry. I was just joking. I know you can cook. Cooking is an art. Every Italian girl should at least know one recipe. So, I count you on them." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him. He laughed.

" Theodore Roberts!!!!" I warned him.

" I'm not one of them. I can cook better than you." I said.

" Really?" He asked.

" Don't be so confident about yourself, Theo." I said.

" I am already." He said and I glared at him.

" Ok, ok, need any help to prepare the lunch?" He asked.

" No, get out of my kitchen." I said and pushed him out of the kitchen. He laughed and went towards the hall. I started to make the lunch. He came back after a while.

" Need any help, babe?" He asked.

" No, thanks. Go away." I said gesturing him to go back. I heard him chuckling. I didn't looked at him. I was busy preparing the lunch. He went away but a while back he came back again.

" Are you sure you don't need any help?" He asked.

" Should I write it on a banner and hung it on your neck?" I asked. He laughed.

" Yes, great idea." He said.

" Urrrghh, Theo. Don't irritate me." I said.

" Ok, don't hurt." He said. I took an onion and threw it to him. He caught it once. I walked towards him and stood a step away from him.

" Theo, go away and don't come back. If you came back you will see the hell of me. Now turn and go sit in the hall I will call you after lunch is served." I said him pointed the knife at him. " Am I clear!!" I said and he nodded then walked away. I sighed.

I made the lunch in one hour then I went to the hall to call Theo. But when I reached the hall I found no one. I was shocked where is he!!! I was about to call him but suddenly I saw someone laying on the couch. I sighed finding out it's Theo. I smiled. I waked him up and told him that the lunch was ready to serve. He went to get freshen up. We had our lunch together. Then he gave me a tour of the whole house. I was so overwhelmed seeing the Beautiful house. Then it was time to go back. Cause I needed to reach home before dinner. We're had had a good time together. He left me at my home. I smiled and waited until his car was visible to me. Then I smiled widely. I smiled and walked inside my house.

I want want to make him happy. I will never let him down. I smiled.

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