Mythlands: THE HEIST

De JasonGreenfield

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Once more, the Hare is up to his old tricks ... but has he met someone even trickier who is about to talk him... Mai multe

Introduction to the Mythical Creatures.
What a Hoot!
THE HEIST: Trickster, World Tree and Vegas Baby!
Another go round the Carousel and Little Bear's Downtime
Styrr's Feast
Mr Toad Saves the Day!
An Uneven Battle of Wits
The Compact
Eyes That Watch
Pirate Radio and Broken Arrow
Babar the Elephant
Convention of Cats 1: Heart of Glass
Convention of Cats 2: Political Exile
Convention of Cats 3: Convention
Convention of Cats 4: The Aslanist State of Narnia
Convention of Cats 5: Styrr's Interrogation
Convention of Cats 6: One does not simply ask to talk to Loki
Convention of Cats 7: The Secret Revealed
Convention of Cats 8: The Weapon
Convention of Cats 9: Epilogue or Styrr's Epic journey
Reflections While Flying
Operation Scarab
Dog Day Afternoon
Lyre, Lyre
Towering Skyscraper
A Picture Paints A Thousand Words
The Wheels on the Bus
The Times, They are a Changin'
The Key
The Key (To The Story) Part Two
Melt Away
Hare's Eleven
Enter ... The Gingerbread Man
Gone Fishin'
A Certain Skillset
Born to be Wild
Sweet Home Elephantlandia
You call That a Knife!
A Chicken Stumped.
The Hare and The Bear
Interlude with cats.
The Wilderness of the Mind
The Twisted Iguana
Now we Strike a Righteous Blow
The Schedule
Time Difference
The Taking of Andrew Ketterley
Mr Toad has a Jolly Good idea.
The Doorway to the Vault of Myth
Fate's Arrow
The Destiny Trap
The Mountain
You will produce your tickets and travel permits if you please.
An Unexpected Ally
Cair Paravel
The Invention that will Shake Worlds
The Bulgy Bear turns Traitor
The Champion of Narnia
The Liberation of The Gingerbread Man
A Bear, a Narnian, a Redhead and a Victorian walk into a room
The Glass Cat is Not Amused
Loki gets a call
Spake the Raven
Big Head
The Right Path
Heist Interlude
Part Two: Adrift
Part Two: Elsewhere
Part Two: Loonytown
Part Two: Reflective
Part Two: Precarious Times
Part Two: The Wall
Part Two: A welcoming Bouquet
Part Two: The Hare's Inner Monologue
Part Two: Mad Science and Magic gone Wrong
Part Two: Outnumbered to the (Mad) Max
Part Two: Hellz Rabbitz Rulzz!
Part Two: The Rise of Evil: a Hare Raising Tale
Part Two: The Pipes of Pan
Part Two: Hare Versus Hare
Part Two: An Old Friend
Part Two: A Rare Inner Reflection of The Hare
Part Two: Straight Outta Loonytown
Part Two: The Coyote Gospel
Part Two: Let it Snow
Part Two: Cold Pursuit
Part Two: Fear The Walking Dead
Part Two: Flora and Fauna
Part Two: Deep in the Woods
Part Two: Cabin in the woods
Part Two: Groovy
Part Two: Stone Cold Killers
Part Two: Nerves of Feather
Part Two: L is for Lucky
Part Two: Toad's Army
Part Two: A Fish Out of Water
Part Two: The Mission
Part Two: They Stood at Babblingbrook
Part Two: Ten Four
Part Two: The Mundanity of Evil
Part Two: Bambi Reflects
Part Two: Convoy
Part Two: Titanic
Part Two: Assault on the Castle
Part Two: Like a Phoenix
Part Two: All Hail the Old Ones
Part Two: The Time Machine
Part Two: Missing Friends
Part Two: Dead and Buried
Part Two: Bad Juju
Part Two: Signs and Portents
Part Two: Five Days to Retirement
Part Two: The End of the World as You know it.
Character Profiles: Nepotism (1st Short)
Character Profiles: What a Hoot (2nd Short)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (1-5)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (6-10)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (11-15)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (16-20)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (21-25)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (26-30)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (31-35)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (36-40)
Character Profiles: Convention of Cats (1-5)
Character Profiles: Convention of Cats (6-10)
Character Profiles: Convention of Cats (11-15)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (41-45)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (46-50)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (51-55)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (56-60)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (61-65)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (66-70)

Part Two: We are All The Mouse

21 1 3
De JasonGreenfield

King Tut and his paramour, Shu, the last free goddess of the Egyptian pantheon sat their thrones in the large chamber in the heart of the pyramid. SC and Griffin had been invited to settle themselves at the seat of the thrones, atop the great dais. For a cat like Griffin, who believed firmly in his divine feline ancestry, this was indeed a high honour. The fact that Shu had shown the grey tabby from Earth favour by picking him up and stroking his soft fur, was just the cream on top. In fact he couldn't wait to tell his friends back home that he, Griffin J Cat was ... as Shu had told him earlier 'Beloved of the Gods of Egypt.'

Tutankhamun raised his sceptre. 'Hare, my brother, you speak for the prisoners?'

Future Hare stepped forward and bowed, his white/grey ponytailed hair swishing back and forth. 'I do your majesty. For Pegasus at least and Peg vouches for Icarus.'

'What of the other?'

'Cupid is under lock and key. It was only my friend and his friend that turned on the Mythicals and request sanctuary. I think you should hear them out.'

The king nodded and raised his sceptre again. 'Behold the Eye of Horus which my beloved rescued before the fall of Heliopolis and the destruction of her kin. None may stand before it's gaze and tell untruths. With this divine rod, did I, Tutankhamun, last of my line, test my brother The Hare before I received his people. The Hare is at heart a pure soul and thus I welcomed him as my brother and in that spirit, I will hear the noble beast that stands before me. Pegasus ... approach the presence.'

Both Hare's nodded their encouragement and Pegasus began to tell his story.

He told of how 5 years earlier he had sojourned into the Olympian Realm and was there when the forces of darkness attacked. Certain remarks were later removed from the record, as they offended the king's sensibilities.

'Damn, sire ... somea them Greek goddesses was freaky deeky, know what Ah'm sayin? Hare, help a brother out?'

While one eyed Future Hare shook his head, the Hare we all know rapidly cut in. 'Pegasus, the king doesn't need to know the details of why ...'

'Hell Hare, they was all at it. Zeus was the worst so I'ma gittin me some a that goddess action an believe me, once they went black them bitches don't never go back.'

Both Hares looked embarrassedly at the pure white winged stallion, despite knowing what he was like. 'Peg, you're not black and ...'

'Black's a statea mind son.'

'Skip forward to the invasion.'

So Pegasus told them how the realms were over-run and how a rag tag band of gods, heroes and mythical creatures from Olympus, joined by other celestial refugees, ended up here in the desert. For about a year they were safe and hidden but then emissaries of Loki found them and a deal was struck.

'Well I guess ya heard all about that, but thing was, mosta us Mythicals jus went about it half hearted. We was fine about turnin in the odd scav and occasionally a hardliner like ol Cupe ... er Cupid, that is. Pardon my informality yer maj ... er king. Well anyway, Cupid was the main instigator chasin you folks down, but our leaders mostly kept it real and shut that shit down. But then things changed ...'

Pegasus cast his head down sadly before continuing. 'No matter what you thought of us, we were just tryin ta get by but back north and east, a buncha jive turkeys that weren't right in the head even be'fo this enda days shit ... well they was OG an got wit the program. So eventually Loki sends this guy ... had his own kingdom a thousand or so miles east.'

'A king you say?' interjected Tut.

'Nah yer maj, that's just what they called his land. He was more your ... well hell, this mofo was richer than McDuck, lived in the biggest damn castle ya ever did see, but it was more like ... Hares, help a brother out? Sorta like your boy The Tortoise?'

'Old?' suggested future Hare.

'Has a shell?' offered The Hare.

'Nah man, rich dude, does bidness, lives in some big ol glass tower. Cept ya boy was one o the good ones.'

Jessica spoke up. 'You're talking about him being the CEO of a huge corporation?'

'Yeah. Well, while the old green fella done looked after his peeps, this guy ... anyway, Loki sends him ta sharpen up our operation and the first thing he does is gather our leaders. Now he ain't much ta look at ... bout 4 foot tall, big black ears, but DAMN! He was one psycho sum bitch. First he tells us his name and that Loki put him in charge.'

Goldie, Jessica and the Hares all looked at each other, with a growing realisation and feeling of dread.

The Goose had recognized the description too. 'Oh no! Not that guy!'

Future Hare's fists clenched. 'I hate that guy!'

Griffin wanted to know who they were talking about and when he heard the name that most people on earth would be familiar with he was puzzled. 'But but ... excuse me Mr Pegasus, I've only heard good things about ...'

Hare shook his head sadly. 'You know about dopplers? Well this guy was one of hundreds. He killed every last one of them in his quest to become the ultimate version. Believe me, he looks cute and lovely but his heart and soul are black and rotten.'

Pegasus was then asked by the king to continue his story. He did so, but in his mind he was drifting back .. . back to the recent night, after which he and Icarus had made a pact to escape by any means necessary.


Pegasus stood by more creatures and humanoids in the circle ringed around the big central fires. The enforcers - he recognized emblems from the Kingdom, some were obviously from conquered territories like Oz, Wonderland, Never NeverLand and there was even a few Narnians and some Elephant's from Babar's land. As the short leather jacketed figure walked around with a big grin on his face, those enforcers had taken the knee whenever he had looked at them.

Pegasus looked over at the 8 who had been made to kneel and wait. As well as his friend Icarus and Cupid, there were some of the Mythicals leaders - Odysseus and Ulysses, the three easterners known as Monkey, Pigsy and Sandy and finally Nimrod.

The Mouse hefted his wire covered base ball bat. 'Ho ho hah hah! Things have been lax around here ... a hah ha ... example has to be made. Ho ho ... and Minnie is thirsty!'

Pegasus watched as The Mouse explained the rules and then told them that although one of them HAD to die, that choice had not been determined and they could help him make his decision about who Minnie was going to kiss, by declaring fealty.

The Mouse turned to his men. 'Show em how it's done fellas! Ho ho!'

One by one their voices rose as all exclaimed. 'I AM THE MOUSE! I AM THE MOUSE! WE ARE ALL THE MOUSE!'

The Mouse turned back to the group. 'Well?'

'I am the Mouse,' Cupid began slowly and nervously.

The Mouse walked over and patted him on the cheeks. 'Oh boy oh boy, looks like we got us a man fulla sense, wouldn't ya say so ... Odysseus?'

Odysseus knelt straight, tall and proud. He said nothing.

The Mouse hefted his bat and walked down the line, tapping the edge on everybodies chin. When he reached Monkey, the Chinaman suddenly leaped forward. The Mouse's men restrained him in an instant, causing the mouse to laugh.

'I hearda ya, born from a stone egg on a mountain top right? Ho ho ... pissed off your gods.' The Mouse leaned in. 'Well here and now and forever, I AM YOUR GOD!!! HO HO!!'

With one fluid movement The Mouse pivoted and his bat Minnie slammed into the back of Odysseus' head. The big man lurched forward but struggled to rise as blood bubbled from his mouth.

The Mouse was highly amused. 'Ha hah! A tough one eh?' He swung again ... and again ... and again.

Pegasus watched in horror as the gleefully laughing Mouse pummeled the hero of the Greeks until his head was nothing but a pile of bloody mush.

Then The Mouse turned back to the line. 'SAY IT!!' he roared in maniac tones.

One by one the kneeling mythicals uttered the words. 'I am The Mouse.'

Only Monkey remained silent, glaring at their tormentor with a look of pure hatred.

The Mouse crouched by him and licked blood off the end of Minnie. Then he grinned and leaned into Monkey's face. 'Ho ho, I like you Monkey, I really do but the rules is ... ha hah ... the rules. Now Minnie here, she's had her death. There doesn't hah ha ... have to be another. SAY ... THE ... WORDS.'

Monkey spat at the black furry head. 'You ... go to hell!!'

The Mouse straightened up and slowly walked behind Monkey. He placed his hands on the easterner's shoulders. 'Now see, ya gone and made me do this ... ho ho, but lessons needs to be taught.'

The Mouse hefted his bat and took a practice swing that swished by Monkey's head. The master of monkey magic closed his eyes - without his magical staff he could do nothing. He closed his eyes and mentally said goodbyes to Pigsy and Sandy and sent a prayer towards Buddha, wishing that his friend the Monk Tripitaka was still alive somewhere.'

Then The Mouse swung the death blow.

Pegasus' eyes were wet with tears as he finished his story. 'That was that. The Mouse caved in Sandy's skull and let Monkey live - told the poor guy that the water monster's death was his fault. Then he went behind Pigsy and told Monkey he had one last opportunity to be sensible, so of course Monkey had to say the words. After that The Mouse left some of his guys and put Cupid and Nimrod in charge under his guy and me n Ikky here, we planned to get the hell outta dodge!'

The story was at it's end and Tut rose.

'The horse speaks true. You are welcome here noble steed, as are you Icarus.'

Overcome with emotion, Pegasus could only nod. He allowed himself to be gently led away by The Hares on the promise of some oats and a bucket of whiskey.

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