In love with a Yakuza


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Blair Vanvoreen just turned 16 started her high school! her grandfather who has been looking after her for s... Еще

Chapter 1 - Run in
Chapter 2 - Decisions
Chapter 3 - Just thinking...
Chapter 4 - Meet the family
Chapter 5 - Excuses
Chapter 6 - Just not enough
Chapter 8 - A lesson learnt
Chapter 9 - Meeting with the Pop's
Chapter 10 - Finding Blair
Chapter 11 - Meeting at the Vanvoreen house
Chapter 12 - Airport disaster
Chapter 13 - Wedding Blues
Chapter 14 - Runaway bride
Chapter 15 - Face off
Chapter 16 - Party Disaster
Chapter 17 - Young Love
Chapter 18 - Stalkerish Behaviour
chapter 19 - Revelations
Chapter 20 - Twins
Chapter 21 - When you try so hard
Chapter 22 - Not by choice
Chapter 23 - Blurting out the truth
Chapter 24 - Just me and him
Chapter 25 - Haru and Blair
Chapter 26 - Confessions of a teenage sister
Chapter 27 - Dancing my way through
Chapter 28 - Sick day
Chapter 29 - Maya's conflict
Chapter 30 - Blair's Confession
Chapter 31 - You win some you lose some
Chapter 32 - Baby blues
Chapter 33 - Stressful Studying
Chapter 34 - The sound of Death
Chapter 35 - The countryside of truth
Chapter 36 - Sayonara bye bye - Final chapter

Chapter 7 - Bitter Truth

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In love with a Yakuza

Chapter 7 – Bitter truth


I panicked, I moved my grandfather around, and hoped he could hear me. As I called his name over and over again, he didn’t move, he didn’t breathe and now I sobbed louder than possible. I didn’t know what to do; I have never been in this situation before. It killed me inside, is this, what he meant about leaving me? This couldn’t be happening, my poor grandfather.

I fumbled to type on my phone, I was shaking so much. And as weird as it was I dialled Hunters number hoping he would come quickly. I knew one thing was on my mind, to get my grandfather to the hospital. To get him treated and well, I know he is in grave danger right now critical even. I heard a dial tone and I stared at the phone in astonishment. Could this be real? Was he ignoring my calls or was he actually busy? I dialled again, no answer I  moaned. I couldn’t believe this; I was so angry and so tired I was literally crying my eyes out now.

I was so scared, but I was being an idiot. I was waiting like an idiot. I called Seth and hoped he would pick up soon, and with the first ring I heard his soothing voice and I cried so hard. I thought I was making rivers in my own house. He panicked and kept asking me to stop but I couldn’t, I heard myself choke out words.

“Seth – Se- Seth grandfather!” I sobbed loudly and he didn’t need to hear anything else.

“Stay right there call an ambulance, be calm and wait for me” he said in a rush and I heard the click, I stared at the phone and grandfather. I was being stupid I needed to call now, I punched in the numbers and waited.

“Operator” said a woman

“Ambulance!” I cried

“Hold on let me put you through” she said beeeep

“Hello Ambulance team” said a man

“I need help my grandfather is not breathing” I shouted

“Ok miss tell me where you live and please be calm” said the man was he stupid how I can be calm.

“46 snowfield court, Alexander road” I replied and hope they hurried.

I waited. I waited and it felt like ages. I was still crying and I held my grandfathers head on my lap. Hoping he would survive. I couldn’t hear him breathe and then they came. Like a roaring tide they burst through the door and marched towards me. All I remember was seeing everything in slow motion. They lifted my grandfather onto a stretcher as I lay on the ground staring at them do it. It felt like time had stopped for me, all I heard was my breathing. And watching them move my old grandfather away, barking orders. Everything was mute; my breathing was more reliant now.

I saw Seth’s beautiful face stare at me and I groaned. As he held me up I heard the noise go away.I felt Seth push me towards the door. I moved automatically. I didn’t know what I was doing. It felt like a dream right now no, a nightmare. Was this even possible? I don’t know how I got to the hospital, I was waiting again.

Waiting for him to come back to me, because without him I was nothing. I felt Seth pushing my head on to his shoulders; I looked at him and heard his kind words.

“Cry Blair, I cant bare to see you in pain” he whispered

And when I thought of his body laying there once again I convulsed in my tears and felt myself shudder. The thought only brought back bitter truths that he will die. That he will never be with me even now. And I have no one left and it would take forever to heal. I was crying out of frustration and anger, frustration of the truth and anger because of Hunter. The phone call just made my life fall to pieces. And when I sat their tearing away on to Seth I felt his protective arms around me. He was being so kind and it hurt my heart. That I couldn’t be with him, my first love and my first friend. The one who I always lent my shoulders and problems too. Who helped me through things?

Why was fate so cruel to me? Why couldn’t I be with him? Why was it making it so difficult for me? I didn’t understand. I stopped crying, It felt heavy and I coughed and spluttered. I felt cold liquid rammed down my throat and it felt like it was burning me. I looked towards Seth to see his pained expression. I really loved him, but I couldn’t be with him.


It didn’t stress me at first, that I found three miss calls from Blair. I wasn’t sure if she was joking or she was serious. I knew her distaste for me was real enough, but deep inside hating me wasn’t in her bones. I knew so, I could feel it. I saw the way she stared at me, though I could be wrong. But I liked to believe it was true. But whatever had made her call me I knew was serious.

I was at a meeting, I wasn’t paying attention. But the third time I had my secretary find out why she had called. When I heard about Michael collapsed. I didn’t care about the meeting no more, I ran out of the office and grabbed the first taxi to get here. I felt my heart race in panic, was she ok? Was she crying? Who was she with? Was she alone? Question peaked through my brain like shuffling cards. But it didn’t stop, I looked for the worst. I panicked, I bit my thumb and hope to lord she was ok and so was Michael.

I was breathless by the time I got there; I don’t know how long it was. But I knew when I saw her it would be ok. But I was wrong, she was doing fine already. I peeked through to see that boy again, holding on to Blair, his words hitting me like rocks.

“Cry Blair, I can't bare to see you in pain”

And she broke down. I haven’t seen a girl cry in so long. It made me feel nauseous, what do I do? Do I just watch them? Anger boiled within me, I wasn’t usually like this I was calm and composed what had the girl done to me? My heart ached and as I watched her cry, her face scrunched up as her drops of tears flew passed her small chin, her snot coming through her nose. Everything about her crying seemed beautiful to me. But why was I standing here staring? Wasn’t it my job to help her? But I watched the boy stroke her, caress her, wipe her face and tears and I felt my cool dissipate. And at that moment I just wanted to do nothing but mar his pretty boy face.

Which happened so fast, I didn’t know whether it was instinct or simple anger? I felt my hands lift and push the boy off her, and drag her towards me. I felt her shock saw how big her eyes became. And the boy himself looked surprised.

“Hunter” she breathed as I stared at her


“What the hell” Seth replied and I blinked in confusion indeed, what had happened?

“Let go” I sniffed and moved away from his grasp as I made myself towards Seth.

“What happened?” Hunter asked his eyes on me and only me

“I don’t want to see your face get lost!” I replied more angrily as I sniffed, when he didn’t pick up his phone I knew right away he was too busy for me.

“I can’t, I won’t” he said sternly and I felt my heart go heavy was he being serious?

“I said get lost Hunter and apologize to Seth before you go!” I replied bitterly “He was kind enough to help me” I stared at his face which was alienated of expressions, and I wondered if he actually felt anything.

“I won’t apologize, but I will stay here until I hear what is wrong with your grandfather!” he said stubbornly I groaned and pulled Seth away from him and sat down waiting.

I saw irritation on his body. And I wondered was it because of me? Would it be true if he felt something for me? But could I be just wondering out of curiosity? But I knew he looked at me over and over and wondered if I did anything with Seth. I felt his eyes burning holes in my back I just didn’t know how to react to this. After hours did I finally know what had happened?

“Miss Vanvoreen” the doctor in blue called me

"Thats me" I shot up and looked at the lady

"You are free to see your grandfather but only two immediate families please” she said looking at us three.

“I’m his granddaughter can I see him?” I asked quickly

“Of course and you two men are?” she asked I saw Seth hesitate and spoke up before Hunter beat me to it.

“I’m her cousin” he said slyly and he looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

“He's lying” I muttered “Don’t let him in” I countered

“That’s no way to treat your cousin Blair, now go in and check I’ll wait here” he replied

“Non – relatives don’t go in!” I growled and walked in without looking at anyone; I shut the door behind me and left me and my grandfather alone for privacy.

I saw the tubes go in and out of his body, and I nearly cried again. No I had to be strong for him, I couldn’t let him see my sadness. I sat down and held his hand, if only it was me not you. I wished with all my heart it was me who wanted to take his pain away.

“Blair” he breathed and slowly opened his eyes

“Grandfather don’t move please” I begged

“Oh Blair, I’m sorry” he whispered

“No, no its ok” I replied as I stroked face and chocked back my tears, he looked so weak like a withered flower.

“I didn’t know, I’m sorry to scare you child” he said as he replied to me frowning.

“It’s ok, it was of course inevitable, please don’t apologize I’m just glad you are ok” I cried squeezing his hands.

“Mam, we need to keep him here for a few days his heart may trouble him again” the nurse replied

“I don’t have the time to be here” grandfather argued and I got angry

“Stop!” I yelled he looked scared for a moment at my outburst. “Stop and listen to her, in a few days that is all! Please just listen to her!” I cried

“Ok fine” he said depressed “But if you have trouble I will be back home” he looked at me with narrowed eyes and I smiled as I stroked his head.

“Just get better please” I breathed as I placed my forehead against his “Don’t scare me like that again” I whispered.

“The cost is enormous I wish you did not let me stay here” he growled

“Grandfather PLEASE!” I cried staring at him angrily

“No Blair it is too much!” he growled louder

“PLEASE just listen this once grandfather, just this once, I will do everything in my power to get the money and pay for this bill, just please stay here” I held on to his hand tightly not looking at him because I knew I would cry.

“I – I" he stuttered

“Please!” I pleaded “Just let me do it” I argued he knew I was adamant on this so he sighed.

“Fine” he groaned and I let go off his hand, turned myself away got up towards the door.

“Please just don’t strain yourself and relax I will be fine” I replied and walked out before I burst into tears.

I saw Seth peek his head through the door, and walked in to tell Grandfather something. I heard the 'take care' word and I knew he will relax now. Knowing Seth he meant what he said. He wouldn’t leave me alone. Never will and I know for a fact he will help me if needed. I looked at Seth and grabbed his hand and we walked away outside, I didn’t dare to look at Hunter I wasn’t in the mood for his excuses.

“I need to talk to her” he demanded and I didn’t stop until he pulled me back I stared at him.

“Let go” I replied

“I need to talk with you!” he replied angrily

“Seth please get in the car I’ll be back” I looked at him, he shifted and glared at the man in front of me “Honestly trust me” I replied

And when he left, I stared at the man in front of me. What did he want now? What news did he have for me? His profile looked tense, he seemed and looked it. I wonder what was going through his mind. Was he worried too? No it couldn’t be this man who was nothing but trouble couldn’t care for me.

“What do you want?” I asked bitterly

“I wanted to apo-“ he started before I cut him off

“Don’t you dare?” I shouted he shut his mouth “Don’t ever use that word with me” I replied angrily

“Why, I wanted to say I –" he declared

“NO!” I screamed “I don’t want to hear your lies” I replied verge of tears again.

“I’m not lying” he replied holding my arms

“Yes, yes you are!” I said hysterically I know he was, he wasn’t sorry no, he was just making it convenient for him to be acting this nice.

“No I’m being serious” he said as he pulled me forward “Look at me” he replied

“I don’t care, whatever you say it won’t change anything for me” I cried as I stared at him hard he flinched.

“You care Blair” he whispered towards me his eyes growing dark and hooded “If you didn’t you wouldn’t have rung me” he breathed I saw his eyes shadowed and I didn’t know whether to believe him. “I know it was my fault I wasn’t looking and I-“ he started

“Don’t, I told you I don’t care” I said painfully as I stared at his shocked expression and moved away from him “And the only reason I don’t is because, now-now I know that whenever I am in trouble you will never be there for me” I said as I stared at him a lump stuck in my throat, I was going to cry again but not in front of him that would be humiliating.

“Blair” he whispered, his voice sounded so soft and hurt like a wounded animal.

“Please leave me alone” I cried and ran towards Seth without looking back at him, I couldn’t face him now, the tears streamed down my face.

It hurt me to know, my life would be relying only on myself. That I know I will not get any help from him what so ever. But right now it felt like he ripped my heart in two with his excuse.


“Please leave me alone” she said softly I knew she was about to cry again and it hurt.

I couldn’t say anything else, I watched her leave. I saw her painful expressions. I saw her drive off with that boy and I stared at her go away. She was right, that I was momentarily shocked.

I would never be there for her. I know something will always stop me. But watching her go through this alone only made me hurt inside more. She was as fascinating as a new born baby bird, I didn’t want her to take flight, and I wanted to keep her with me forever.

Whether she hated me passionately or not

And I never want to let her go.


Im so terrible, I said I will be working but I had to write this chapte before the moment passed! >.<! hopefully its all good and you guys liked it! :D


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